I am a bad christian for having this opinions about God?

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I’ve been accused by my local priest of being an ‘’apostate’’ and he even called me ‘’heretic’’ when he asked my opinion about the nature of god, angels and other celestial beings after reading the old testament for the first time, my argumentation was this, I never thought of it as bad or anti-christian:

‘’god is a being of such omnipotence and that lives in such a different plain of existance that we cannot simply comprehend it, his existance is so superior that we cannot even try to figure out what he is, keep in mind the same with his angels, that in the biblie aren’t described as winged men, but as eldrich abominations (by human standards), ever wondered why nearly everytime an angel is seen by a human the first thing the angel says is ‘’do not fear’’?

Ezekiel sees a seraphim like this:

4 I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north–an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, 5 and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was that of a man, 6 but each of them had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. 8 Under their wings on their four sides they had the hands of a man. All four of them had faces and wings, 9 and their wings touched one another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved. 10 Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. 11 Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out upward; each had two wings, one touching the wing of another creature on either side, and two wings covering its body. 12 Each one went straight ahead.

As you can appreciate, that ‘’thing’’ he describes is an abomination of such degree ezekiel has problems even describing briefly what he was seeing, the criatures we know as angels live in such plane of existance our human minds can barely comprehend them.

Now god is an entity so above angels this ones cannot probably comprehend god too, god is abstract, he is powerful to a degree that even the most basics laws of the universe don’t work around him, for example time doesn’t work for him, he is, was, and will be, all at the same time, remember this:

“ego sum Alpha et Omega, principium et finis , dicit Dominus Deus, qui est et qui erat et qui venturus, est Omnipotens”

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, I am Almighty.”

He is such an elevated being he is also everywhere and can see you at everytime, he knows what you did, what you do, and what will you do, our brains cannot probably even imagine his might. I’m sure his true form won’t be a big bearded man, but something so incredible, so above our understanding we will never figure out’’

I’ve been an atheist for the last 4 years and now I got my faith back, am I a bad christian for trying to have a philosophical opinion on the nature of our lord and his celestial companions?
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What is lacking here is that Jesus is God, the Son of God, and He came to reveal the face of God to us. Through His teaching and life, we actually know a lot about God and how to approach God and come to God. True, God remains a mystery, but He has been revealed to us, as much as we can know while on Earth, through Jesus.
Where is Jesus in this thinking of yours?
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I think many people have issues with you describing God’s angels as Abominations.
Jesus is just god taking a human form to make it easier for us to understand himself, but we are never revealed anything about his true nature 🙂
You’ll have to do better than that. We learn all sorts of things about God’s true nature from Jesus, who revealed God to us. What exactly do you mean by “true nature”?
Are you an atheist? You refuse to capitalize God, so I am assuming you are. If so, is it any wonder your priest called you a “bad” Christian?
I was, and I am a christisn now, but I’m trying to get as accurate as possible to what god is, what his true form is, and why does he does everything he does.
Here is Limoncello’s followup question:

Are you a Catholic or a protestant?
I was, and I am a christisn now
Thanks be to God for that!

You explanation of God lacks consideration of the New Testament. You treat Jesus as an after thought even going so far as to claim that Jesus did not reveal God to us. This is contrary to the faith. To claim that God is so distant we can’t know anything about him is contrary to the faith. To claim that the angels are abominations that don’t behold the beatific vision is contrary to faith. To insist on your own personal theology such that you place it above the authoritative teachings of the Church is contrary to the Catholic Faith.

We are not people of the Old Testament who lived in separation from God due to their disobedience. We are people of the New Testament. We are people who have seen the fulfillment of God’s revelation to the Old Testament prophets. God was walked among us and given us the keys to salvation. The Holy Spirit dwells within us to speak to us and guide us. So, I’d say you should keep studying (especially the New Testament as fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy) and pray for understanding.
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I’ve been accused by my local priest of being an ‘’apostate’’ and he even called me ‘’heretic’’ when he asked my opinion about the nature of god, angels and other celestial beings after reading the old testament for the first time, my argumentation was this, I never thought of it as bad or anti-christian:
A Catholicn priest?
Did he try to correct you? Or no?
Dear Santiago Matamoros,
I think the Old Testament is very tricky to read on your own, without guidance. It’s easy to look at it out of context, and not understand the culture that produced it.
I used to hear s wonderful program on Catholic radio about the Old Testament, that was given by a Jewish convert to the faith. He would say that the Old Testament is a collection of “family stories of the Jewish people”. I wish I could find that program again – it was very helpful and interesting!
I think it’s all right to be curious and ask questions, but if you take some time to learn and read first, that may help you as well!
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Being called an apostate or a heretic is only offensive on the surface. In its real nature if a priest tells you this you need to ask for guidance as to why you would enter one category or another. In order to do so you have to ask him why he said this and that. The explanation lies in books written by the Church Fathers and the Synods of the Church. Some ideas have been called “heretic” by Holy Synods who invoked the gift of the Holy Spirit. Heretic means misleading. An idea being heretic means it is misleading.
If you read the explanations of the Church as to why this or that is a heresy, and still feel like you are right and the Synods were wrong, you need to ask help from God to understand what the Church teaches. You have to find a way to put your spiritual pastors, seen (priests, bishops) and unseen (the Saints), as above your own ideas and you will find a lot of joy in it. It is possible.
One of the hardest thing is giving up your own view on things (which may not come from God, this is not offense, it just so happens the demons are very powerful creatures) and accept the Church teaching.
If your priest was too harsh, forgive him and get on his good side by asking him more questions to explain why this or that idea leads to apostasy and heresy.
God is a being above all beings, but you seem to view him as too distant IMO. He seeks to be understood, to have us know about him. This is why he gave us the Bible, Jesus, and every other gift. It’s through the Bible that God can make himself more known to us.

But hey, what do I know?
‘Eldritch abomination’ is a tvtropes term for things outside of the bounds of our normal universe, yes, but it’s not a very useful term here because the word ‘abomination’ has meanings you are not intending. You can’t expect everyone to follow along with internet definitions.

Also, while I think pondering the mysterious nature of God is good, you cannot forget that He is trying to make Himself as understandable to us as possible. There are mysteries we will never understand about him, but that is not the same thing as saying we never have anything revealed to us.
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Christ Nature is Hypostatic: 2 natures truly God and truly man.
Y’know, last time I heard the term “eldritch abomination”, I was discussing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends who also play it. And no, that is not an appropriate identifier of God or the angels.
The angels are all beings of pure spirit; when they take a physical form in the Old Testament, they must say “Do not fear” because of their gloriousness- they shine with the grace and power of God.
Now, you could make a case for fallen angels being like DnD’s eldritch horrors- insane but powerful beings that embody all that is wrong and horrific. But some might still disagree.
English is not my first languaje, i though eldritch abomination meant something different, wow
Jesus is just god taking a human form to make it easier for us to understand himself, but we are never revealed anything about his true nature 🙂
In Jesus, God took human form, and it was to teach and reveal, but also much more. Through Jesus, God and man are joined, heaven and earth are joined, and we have God’s promise of eternal life with him.

Without Jesus, God would be infinitely far away, and always apart from us and inaccessible, just as you wrote in your first post. This is an early understanding of God, which is common to many ancient religions. It was thought that God, or the gods, lived in their world, and humans lived and died in our world. When there was belief in the afterlife, it was thought of as another earthly life, either bodily or ghostly, but always here on earth.

The whole point of Christianity, or I should say the whole point of Jesus Christ, is God’s gift of love and life. God desires to be with us. Through Jesus, God is near us and among us. God the Father has adopted us as his children. Jesus prayed to the Father that we would be one with him, that he would be in us, and we would be in him. Jesus told the apostles that there are many rooms in his Father’s house, and that he was going to prepare a place for us.

To answer your question, I say no, you are not a bad Christian. You are a Christian who is still new and learning about God. There is much more for you to discover. Please keep reading, thinking, praying, and learning about Jesus. Find out what he accomplished by his earthly life, death, and resurrection.

Build up your relationship with God. In the world and in your life, look for signs of God’s presence and action. Continue to grow in faith, hope, and love.

Also come back here with your questions, opinions, and discoveries. You are always welcome here at Catholic Answers Forums.
No created being can ever hope to fully comprehend God, so we must try to use the best terms we have to describe the “greatest conceivable being” as God is sometimes called, to the best extent that we can. And while your description isn’t exhaustive, it’s certainly a worthy effort, and not something an atheist would construct. Not sure about the “abomination” thing though, or how that concept applies.
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You won’t get to that with mind only. You will have to pray, stay away from sin, purify your heart and in time you will start understanding bit by bit
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