I am a bit lost

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I’m not sure where to go right now, my temp. job is being replaced by a permanent position, one that I interviewed for but did not get. This is a small town, few opportunities beyond minimum wage exist, and I’m afraid that I will not be able to provide for my family, my beautiful daughter who is far too young to wonder why her parents aren’t smiling as much as they used to, although they always have one for her…

And with all of this, I’ve wondered whether I could talk to God…not to beg to solve this, I know that isn’t right to ask, but to help deal with it all. But the problem is, after growing up Catholic, I’ve been away from all of this for so long…and you know all of the news stories you all read about crazy liberals, the ones that want to change the Pledge, ban prayer in schools, all of that…well, I’ve been one of those for a long time now, but it is of little comfort now.

So I’ve come to this…after all I’ve said and done against God and the church and all that believe in it and him, and to the fact that I wouldn’t even be doing this if this personal crisis hadn’t hit…

With all of that, would God still listen to me if I wanted to talk?

The entire message of the Gospel is one of repentance and forgiveness. Christ died not so we fallible humans could hold grudges and maintain our false sense of control…but that all souls would join Him in eternal Glory in Heaven!!

Read in the book of Acts (9:1-19, 22:3-16 and 26:2-18) how Saul was one of the biggest sinners against the early Church, actually persecuting Christians. And yet God called him to be among the greatest of the leaders in the early church as well as a primary witness to the Gospel.

It sounds like you already are repentant to a certain degree. That is wonderful! That is what we are called to do daily. Next I would suggest that you go to confession. Yes, you may not remember how, you may not want to, etc. But if you can’t confess your sins out loud then how sorry are you really for what you’ve done? I promise, when you walk out you will feel like you can conquer the world knowing that you’re right with God.

Finally…continue to pray. Pray for guidance and NEVER feel bad about praying for an end to a trial (like losing a job). The Lord wants more than anything for us to truly rely on him, even more than we do on ourselves. He will provide. He always does. Just have faith.

May God bless you and your family!!
With all of that, would God still listen to me if I wanted to talk?
Absolpositively !!
Of course God will welcome you back with open arms. There is nothing and I mean nothing you could do that he will not forgive if you only ask. If you are not yet ready to talk to your priest, find a church that has Euchristic Adoration and sit with Jesus for an hour. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to, He knows your problems and He is there for you. He will get you through this. Remember that sometimes a minimum pay job can be the opening to a better job. Trust God but do what ever you have to to get a job and support your family.
I’m not sure where to go right now, my temp. job is being replaced by a permanent position, one that I interviewed for but did not get. This is a small town, few opportunities beyond minimum wage exist, and I’m afraid that I will not be able to provide for my family, my beautiful daughter who is far too young to wonder why her parents aren’t smiling as much as they used to, although they always have one for her…

And with all of this, I’ve wondered whether I could talk to God…not to beg to solve this, I know that isn’t right to ask, but to help deal with it all. But the problem is, after growing up Catholic, I’ve been away from all of this for so long…and you know all of the news stories you all read about crazy liberals, the ones that want to change the Pledge, ban prayer in schools, all of that…well, I’ve been one of those for a long time now, but it is of little comfort now.

So I’ve come to this…after all I’ve said and done against God and the church and all that believe in it and him, and to the fact that I wouldn’t even be doing this if this personal crisis hadn’t hit…

With all of that, would God still listen to me if I wanted to talk?
God loves you now, has always loved you, and will love you forever…despite the politics you support, or the sins that you’ve committed. He is reaching out to you right now… bringing strangers to you on a message board, gently pulling you towards Him.

It’s a beautiful thing. I went through some difficult times myself, and found that my faith deepened considerably as a result. At the end of it, I was actually thankful for the suffering. It brought me closer to God and truth.

My favorite quote from the bible is in my signature-- “If God is for us, who can be against us?” There is no adversity on earth or anywhere that matters, when you have God on your side. Don’t even hesitate to ask Him for help.


Have you given some thought to doing an examination of your conscience and then going to reconcilliation? That is the best way that I know of to feel God’s mercy and love and to experience that closeness that you desire.

One other thought, why not ask one of the saints to join you in your prayers to God? Why not ask St. Therese to pray for you? St Therese can teach you to approach God as a child, aware of your own smallness and imperfections, but completely trusting of His goodness and mercy.

It sounds like you are being given an invitation to faith. How do you want to respond?
Jesus says in Matthew’s gospel “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” (Matt. 9:12)

He’s calling you back! He’s ready to heal you, just seek the sacrament of reconciliation, then He’ll be waiting for you in Holy Communion!

You are like the prodigal son. When he returns, the father doesn’t just wait for the son to come up the road, the Father runs to him to embrace him. That’s our Heavenly Father! He’s been waiting for you…

In the prodigal son the father anxiously waits for the child to come home.

You are not just welcome, you’ve been waited upon.

I hope you find the courage and humility to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.

As for the financial issues, I always ask St. Joseph for these things. He always found a way to take care of the holy family. Entrust yours to him.

in XT
As one who needs the forgiveness that Jesus offers, I can attest to His boundless mercy.

I don’t wish to overwhelm you – but it is one of my talents 😛 – the sacrament of penance is one of the greatest gifts Jesus gave us. It is so good to be told that your sins are absolved - forgiven and forgotten. There is so much grace available through seeking forgiveness, too. The grace to handle your troubles and trials and then some.

It is one of the best things I do to keep my heart near Jesus.

I don’t know if you have ever heard of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, but is a wonderful chance to meditate on the great and boundless mercy that Jesus has for each and everyone of us.

As the previous poster said, The father of the prodigal son waited anxiously for his return and saw him coming from a distance. Our Lord rejoiced before you even wrote this letter to this board – He saw you coming from afar!
Dear friends

Every post on this thread is beautiful. Beautiful. It is the boundless, infinite love of the Father, drawing all to Himself through His Son Christ Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Beautiful, 🙂 . Go to Him, to Love, Love Incarnate, go to Him, it is He who has sought you first, so that you may seek Him, so that you may live in Love that is whom you are created for and for the happiness of your created life.

God Bless you all abundantly in faith, love, hope and charity and much peace to you

All remain in my prayers.

Dear friend

It is as important for you to know you are loved as it is as important that you love others and God. God is not outdone in kindness or love.

You are loved so greatly by God that His love is even foolish for you. Friend, you have nothing to fear at all. Go to Him.

My love and God’s blessings to you

So I’ve come to this…after all I’ve said and done against God and the church and all that believe in it and him, and to the fact that I wouldn’t even be doing this if this personal crisis hadn’t hit…

With all of that, would God still listen to me if I wanted to talk?
I can relate.

Here’s some things that I learned on my journey back in that struck a chord in me:

“God can always hear you.” You know what? That’s true!

Sometimes when the world lands on you and you find yourself on your knees in the dirt…well, that’s EXACTLY where he wants you!

Also, read the Gospels: specifically:

When Jesus was crucified, and Dismas, one of the thieves was next to him, he came to the defense of Jesus. The other man on the other cross was rediculing Jesus and telling him to save them all, prove he was who he claimed.

Dismas rebuked the other man, and in saying to him, "You and I are being rightfully condemned for what we have done. But this man has done nothing to deserve this punishment. " He looked at Jesus and said, “Remember me when you come into your Kingdom”.

Jesus looked at Dismas and said, “You will be with me this very day in Paradise”.

That passage still brings me to tears and I’m crying right now. Here was this man, this criminal, suffering wiht Jesus, but less so as he bore only his own sin, not the sin of the world. In humility, and within moments of death, he both defended the Lord and accepted his just punishment. Then he asked not for mercy directly. Out of his humility and repentence, he asked only to be remembered…he asked for a small grace and Jesus promised him heaven.

You are Dismas, my dear. You are hanging on the cross alongside Jesus, and you are asking him to remember you.

So just ask Jesus to remember you…and let him guide you.

If your return to the Church was as difficult as mine (slow, plodding, etc), just keep at it. I struggled with Confession, but now that I am free of all that stuff, all those old sins…wow. The graces just keep coming.

Let go, and be led.

There are many wise and wonderful peopel on these forums. I’m so glad you dropped in with your question. May God bless and keep you and lead you home. Just look at the family here to greet you!

I came back on yesterday not long after the initial post, but was just too overcome with emotion to respond at the time. I can’t remember the last time I came remotely close to shedding tears…probably the last time I was around the church, which may tell you something.

I’m extremely grateful for all of the warm responses, dealing with all of this has been such a lonely experience up until now. Thank you all, and I will stick around and try to be a part of all of this as well.
been laid off, downsized, fired, relocated, out-of-businessed, moving the plant to Puerto Rico for cheap labored, lost more jobs than I can remember, usually for reasons beyond my control. In every case, without exception, what first looked like disaster turned into golden opportunity for something better if not in pay, in something that could be a career not a job, in better location, better people to work for, more humane institution to be a part of, more rewarding work etc. After the first couple of times the light bulb went off and I realized how God uses all circumstances to work for good in my life, and I learned to stop kicking and screaming and start cooperating with and trusting in God. It has made all the difference in the world in my life.
I’m not sure where to go right now, my temp. job is being replaced by a permanent position, one that I interviewed for but did not get. This is a small town, few opportunities beyond minimum wage exist, and I’m afraid that I will not be able to provide for my family, my beautiful daughter who is far too young to wonder why her parents aren’t smiling as much as they used to, although they always have one for her…

And with all of this, I’ve wondered whether I could talk to God…not to beg to solve this, I know that isn’t right to ask, but to help deal with it all. But the problem is, after growing up Catholic, I’ve been away from all of this for so long…and you know all of the news stories you all read about crazy liberals, the ones that want to change the Pledge, ban prayer in schools, all of that…well, I’ve been one of those for a long time now, but it is of little comfort now.

So I’ve come to this…after all I’ve said and done against God and the church and all that believe in it and him, and to the fact that I wouldn’t even be doing this if this personal crisis hadn’t hit…

With all of that, would God still listen to me if I wanted to talk?
As a prodigal son, I know what it feels like to think I’m not worthy of a moment of God’s time. But God tells me in His word and by His grace something different. He loved me so much that He died for me. Please don’t fret about why you’re turning to Him now, the fact that you are is what He wants. Remember Saul who persecuted the followers of Christ? If God would strike him off his horse and make him blind to get his attention…and guide him into becoming the great apostle Paul…just think what might be in store for you! I spent years lost in sin and confusion, and in my darkest moments I realize how totally unworthy I am of God’s love…but to know that Jesus looks to me with arms open wide has brought me much peace. I’ll be praying for you, and as one who went far away and is now in love with the Church, I and many of those here will be hear for you on your journey.

May Jesus richly bless you with His love!
So I’ve come to this…after all I’ve said and done against God and the church and all that believe in it and him, and to the fact that I wouldn’t even be doing this if this personal crisis hadn’t hit…

With all of that, would God still listen to me if I wanted to talk?
Welcome home!

I too have been on your journey - be strong. God loves you and rejoices in your change of heart.

First, read the story of the Prodigal son. This tells you that God is rejoicing in the fact that you want to talk to him.

Second-talk to him, he has been longing to comfort you.

Third, go to confession so that you can partake in the banquet he is setting out for you.

God Bless,
Maybe God’s letting this happen to you so He can bring you home to Him. It sounds to me like you’ve already opened the door a crack and that’s all He needs because He’ll just kick it wide open–stand back. If you let it happen, you’re in for the most awesome experience of your life. Maybe you can make it to a Mass (Sunday or if you’d really like some peace and quiet, daily Mass) and pray about what He wants you to do next.

So I’ve come to this…after all I’ve said and done against God and the church and all that believe in it and him, and to the fact that I wouldn’t even be doing this if this personal crisis hadn’t hit…

With all of that, would God still listen to me if I wanted to talk?
guess what - you have been talking all along and He has been listening. You just didn’t know you were talking to Him. My experience has been that, when I finally surrendered every part of me to My Heavenly Father who loves me and wants only the best for me I found out He was only waiting for me to come home.

So…welcome home.

Now, go to confession and give your wife and daughter a big ol’ hug.
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