There was a time it seems so long ago that I was so sure I was going to be a priest. That the very thought of it filled me with a happiness that I couldn’t describe. As a kid I knew I wanted to do something that helps people because I loved to do that there was many occasions that I would give the shirt off my back so to speak and I even helped people away from suicide. It seemed a natural evolution to the priesthood and so I began studying on my own the faith to prepare for that day I would enter the priesthood. That day never came be it that my high school grades, or my mother trying to dissuade me, or countless vocation directors telling me I’m not ready, it never happened. Still I felt the call of The Lord and I said to myself “self your only 19 and you never kissed a girl or did anything kids your age do, go out and learn”
Now I’m 24 years old I’m so depressed, I can’t find a good job anymore because when my last job let me go I made some bad decisions to try and stay afloat and ruined my credit. And I learned that I am gay, and no I haven’t kissed any guys or had any gay sex or any sex for that matter. I know it’s wrong and I have kept that part buried deep inside me. There is countless things more that are wrong with my life considering I tried killing myself tonight. I had my dad’s gun in my hand but I couldn’t do it. I don’t know what to do anymore I can’t be a priest because not only is my credit bad I know I am gay and gay men can’t be priests considering that i am unholy and unworthy of Gods love for feeling this way. I just to feel like I used to when I could feel god and his love when the smile from someone I helped was the best feeling in the world. When I knew god loved me
Now I’m 24 years old I’m so depressed, I can’t find a good job anymore because when my last job let me go I made some bad decisions to try and stay afloat and ruined my credit. And I learned that I am gay, and no I haven’t kissed any guys or had any gay sex or any sex for that matter. I know it’s wrong and I have kept that part buried deep inside me. There is countless things more that are wrong with my life considering I tried killing myself tonight. I had my dad’s gun in my hand but I couldn’t do it. I don’t know what to do anymore I can’t be a priest because not only is my credit bad I know I am gay and gay men can’t be priests considering that i am unholy and unworthy of Gods love for feeling this way. I just to feel like I used to when I could feel god and his love when the smile from someone I helped was the best feeling in the world. When I knew god loved me