I am confused read this and see if you can help me

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I am going to Join the catholic church this Easter. I am extremely excited, I think that God may intend for me to eventually become a Priest or religious. I am not sure which, but I am almost positive I am meant to do one or the other, but I am in college, I have taken out loans, I am pursuing a degree in social work, and I am wondering what I should do to discern completely which vocation I am to enter, and If I should finish this Degree first. Please respond.
My suggestion is
  1. Talk to you priest
  2. Talk to your diocese vocations director or religious order vocations director you feel that you are called to.
I am going to Join the catholic church this Easter. I am extremely excited, I think that God may intend for me to eventually become a Priest or religious. I am not sure which, but I am almost positive I am meant to do one or the other, but I am in college, I have taken out loans, I am pursuing a degree in social work, and I am wondering what I should do to discern completely which vocation I am to enter, and If I should finish this Degree first. Please respond.
I would suggest finishing college. You’re going to have to do 4 years of undergrad anyway, and since you have th loans, you may as well finish.

I would suggest getting a spiritual director and start looking at the various orders, etc. to see if anything stands out to you.
Do everything you can to eliminate or minimize your debt. I agree that since you are already in for the bucks you should finish your degree. If this vocational pull persists and is genuine, do whatever it takes. But whether or not this vocation proves to be workable: get rid of that debt as soon as you can. You can’t discern ANYTHING while that is on your back.
I say finish your degree but also speak to a priest and your diocese vocations director.
I I am in college, I have taken out loans, I am pursuing a degree in social work, and I am wondering what I should do to discern completely which vocation I am to enter, and If I should finish this Degree first. Please respond.
evaluate the original reasons you decided to go to school and pursue this degree. to they still hold? the key question most of us fail to ask before we make school or job decisions and commitments, is “what is God’s will for me in my life?” You now have an entirely new perspective from which to ask these questions and make these decisions.

If the reasons that drew you to social work as a careers till pertain, finish your degree, get a job start working on paying off your loans, and the work experience will be very valuable for you whatever ministry or apostolate you eventually pursue. If that decisions was just a stop-gap, or not well researched, or a fall-back because you had no real career goals, switch majors before you get to far along, and pursue whatever degree you think will help you the most.

If you are serious about seminary, make an appointment with the vocations director of your diocese and start discerning. You will probably not be allowed to make any firm commitment until at least a couple of years after you enter the church, but meanwhile you can be taking college courses you will need later.
I would say work on your degree and keep in mind that the new requirements, which will most likely be in place by the time you would be ready to enter the Major Seminary, will be 30 credit hours of philosophy and 12 credit hours of theology.

You might wish to speak to your diocese’s vocation director but know that you will most likely have to wait 4 to 5 years after your reception into the Church before you can formally apply to enter the seminary or a religious order.
I am going to Join the catholic church this Easter. I am extremely excited, I think that God may intend for me to eventually become a Priest or religious. I am not sure which, but I am almost positive I am meant to do one or the other, but I am in college, I have taken out loans, I am pursuing a degree in social work, and I am wondering what I should do to discern completely which vocation I am to enter, and If I should finish this Degree first. Please respond.
This is all good but don’t worry God’s time is God’s time. Carry on with your work God will call you in HIS time NOT yours. God doesn’t need or want our degree (I have two) and many other diplomas etc. However I put them all aside if I can have Jesus.
What Jesus wants is not our ability but our availability. And it is in being available that He will use what ever He desires to use for HIS glory. He will also tell us in time what we are to do or He will send a person to tell you what He wishes you to do if He needs to do that. The least you can do is to worry.
Pray give all glory to God praise Him thank Him for all He has given you is giving you and will given you.

God bless
I second that! 👍
thank you for that quote from St. Augustine. I needed that. I suffer so much sometimes i feel i am already in Hell or at least Purgatory (long story how, etc.).

i too would suggest a spiritual director, preferably a priest.

I am a cradle Catholic and have found it difficult to always be a good one in this mostly Protestant state i live in but i am so thankful i’m Catholic. Congratulations. It would be helpful to know your age…

Also, doesn’t the Church provide for the education of her priests? I think they at least help out, financially?? Or am i wrong?

Anyway, i will pray for you… Please also pray for me… My family members r driving me wacko… Not all of them r Christians or very good ones… (not 2 sound judmental, just my perspective…). Thank you… God bless
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