I am non -catholic but want to be catholic!!!

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See right now I go to a reformed church!!! The reason I want to go to a catholic church is the first christian church!!! The one thing is that my family is against me going the catholic church!!! I wanted to a catholic for years but have to have enough money to move out because if I go to a catholic church I will be kicked out!!! 😦 I have been talking to a decon from a catholic church and trying to see if can find me a cheap place to stay!!! See I need to move out before september because the church I want to go has it’s rcis classes the end of september. I would like to know if anyone here would be my friends after I be a catholic because my family and church will not like me any more!!!

I can use all the help can!!!
You can email me at: raptor1979@yahoo.com
Plus you can pm me
Hey Stone!

Everyone on this forum will be glad to help you along! We will be praying for you and will answer any questions and help you with any struggles. The Catholic faith is worth the struggle! God bless.

PS, feel free to PM me

I’m certain you’ll find that many here will be supportive of your efforts before and after your conversion to the Catholic Church. Since you are planning to move out from your parents home and a deacon is assisting you, that you are at least 18 and perhaps older. Please know that you should remain respectful of your parents regardless of your decision to convert to Catholicism and their distaste for such a choice. Honor Your Mother and Father remains a commandment that must be followed, even when difficult.

But yes, we will be your friends,

Feel free to PM me or e-mailme too.I was in a similar situation,before I became Catholic:)
See right now I go to a reformed church!!! The reason I want to go to a catholic church is the first christian church!!! The one thing is that my family is against me going the catholic church!!! I wanted to a catholic for years but have to have enough money to move out because if I go to a catholic church I will be kicked out!!! 😦 I have been talking to a decon from a catholic church and trying to see if can find me a cheap place to stay!!! See I need to move out before september because the church I want to go has it’s rcis classes the end of september. I would like to know if anyone here would be my friends after I be a catholic because my family and church will not like me any more!!!

I can use all the help can!!!
You can email me at: raptor1979@yahoo.com
Plus you can pm me
I know what it is like to go against the grain of your family and their beleifs. My best advice is to embrace your desire to learn more about our Catholic faith, but be mindful of your parents wishes while you live under their roof. CARose is right about honoring your Mother and Father. Be diligent in your studies so you can arm yourself with truths of our faith and teach your family by example of what a great gift it is to be a part of Christs True Church. You will understand all of this when you receive your first Holy Communion. Read my signature because I think St. Patrick summed it up for all of us who leave the faith we grow up in to find the true church.

God bless,

See right now I go to a reformed church!!! The reason I want to go to a catholic church is the first christian church!!! The one thing is that my family is against me going the catholic church!!! I wanted to a catholic for years but have to have enough money to move out because if I go to a catholic church I will be kicked out!!! 😦 I have been talking to a decon from a catholic church and trying to see if can find me a cheap place to stay!!! See I need to move out before september because the church I want to go has it’s rcis classes the end of september. I would like to know if anyone here would be my friends after I be a catholic because my family and church will not like me any more!!!

I can use all the help can!!!
You can email me at: raptor1979@yahoo.com
Plus you can pm me
As someone who has walked your path and understands the trials you face, let me be one of the first to offer my support, prayers, and ear to bend when you need it.
Hi stonewall26,

I am not sure what country you are in but you may want to look at this web site www.life4seekers.co.uk it is a web site expecially for those who want to explore the Catholic faith. 👍
Stonewall- Yes, we love you.

You’re family loves you too, they are looking out for your soul. Or so they think. You must never disrespect them, but you are an adult and can make choices on your own. If they can not realize this then you need to pray for them.
I myself am a recent convert, so if you need anything just let us know.
it’s a nice choice to be made my friend,don’t be afraid of what ever happen to you(ex.you will be kicked out from your family).you are not a loser.but christ is worth for such an action will rewarded.remember our st.elizabeth ann seton he was born protestant and coverted to catholics and become a saint.by that example you will be enlighten in your mind that god is waiting for you.as what pope john paul II said don’t be afraid.god will provide.i welcome you in our faith.

always remeber" when there is peter,there is chuch and that church is roman catholic chuch here christ put his church"

god bless
See right now I go to a reformed church!!! The reason I want to go to a catholic church is the first christian church!!! The one thing is that my family is against me going the catholic church!!! I wanted to a catholic for years but have to have enough money to move out because if I go to a catholic church I will be kicked out!!! 😦 I have been talking to a decon from a catholic church and trying to see if can find me a cheap place to stay!!! See I need to move out before september because the church I want to go has it’s rcis classes the end of september. I would like to know if anyone here would be my friends after I be a catholic because my family and church will not like me any more!!!

I can use all the help can!!!
You can email me at: raptor1979@yahoo.com
Plus you can pm me
You already have e-mail from me, but I also recommend that you go here amm.org/chss/chss.htm
and sign up for one of the freeCatholic courses that CHSS offers. They are all good and you’ll learn boatloads from 'em and the books are great too. You can even do your tests online. It’s not hard, but it is good. I know…I took 'em all.
Welcome to the Catholic Church.
Pax vobiscum,
See right now I go to a reformed church!!! The reason I want to go to a catholic church is the first christian church!!! The one thing is that my family is against me going the catholic church!!! I wanted to a catholic for years but have to have enough money to move out because if I go to a catholic church I will be kicked out!!! 😦 I have been talking to a decon from a catholic church and trying to see if can find me a cheap place to stay!!! See I need to move out before september because the church I want to go has it’s rcis classes the end of september. I would like to know if anyone here would be my friends after I be a catholic because my family and church will not like me any more!!!

I can use all the help can!!!
You can email me at: raptor1979@yahoo.com
Plus you can pm me
Hi stonewall,

I don’t know where you live or what age you are, but you can go to this website:


It’s from the Coming Home Network and they help non-Catholics that are on the journey to the Catholic Church. They can help you with the problems you are facing.

Contact them, if you want.

The president of this organisation is Marcus Grodi from “the Journey Home” programme on EWTN.
Marcus was on the journey, so he can guide you or put you in to contact with people from your area that had similar struggles like yours.

All the best and my prayers are with you.

Stone you and I are in similar situations…although I don’t think the cat will care very much as long as his food and water dishes are full… 😉 Mom is another story entirely…

**I was born and raised Fundamentalist Baptist and both my parents were very anti-Cath (dad is gone) and she is not going to happy to hear I converted (still need to get to RIA class and go through the official process) but it’s something I need to do for me based on my research and the need to find the Truth…I think we made a good choice nonetheless… 😃 **
I think I have made the right choice if I can move out before semtember
Stonewall, welcome to the catholic church, it´s beautiful you want to convert, the Catholic Church, the church founded by Christ, is an inmense and hidden treasure and when you see other religions, you see the spiritual richness of the Church
Hi stonewall. I too have a branch of my family who have punished me severely for being Catholic; or more accurately for not being Anglican. I’m still standing. I wouldn’t trade being Catholic for anything else. And, yes, I’ll be your friend. Not to worry; it’s only change. Hugs, Ani.
Wow, Stone, my heart really goes out to you–all the more so because I know what it’s like to be in your situation. I started reading up on the Catholic Church at age 12 when my mother converted to the faith. However, my then anti-Catholic father forbade me to become a member of the Church.

I strongly urge you to do whatever you can to encourage your prayer conversation with Jesus and to join the Church. Don’t be discouraged if others shun you or treat you poorly on account of your faith.

Try to keep many Catholic friends and aquaintances. Even if it’s only possible to do so online, that support network is better than nothing. I did what at the time I thought was the right thing to do… I waited until I was 18 to join the Church. However, in those six years my faith suffered greatly due to my “aloneness” in a secular world, and by the time I was 18 such horrible doubts had taken hold of me, I decided not to join the Church. It took me another three years to come back to my senses!
Welcome. Hugs to you. The Coming Home Network, a group that stands beside those who are exploring the Catholic faith have a youth network. Website is: www.chnquovadis.org. Or you may e-mail the young man in charge at jonmarc@chnetwork.org. They have a chat room there, too. God bless you and may Our Blessed Mother Mary assist you. Callie
Good Luck!Parents can be very obsessed about protecting their children. My mom spent the entire time I lived at home trying to protect me from the Catholic faith that she grew up in. I had to wait to go, but I still remember how special my first Mass was. My situation was slightly different as my mom was more than willing to let me research, but told me that she did not want me to go because I would jump in too fast.
I plan on starting the process of getting a convalidation and conversion this year and I am so happy about it.

Just remember that it is hard to find a comfortable balance between following adulthood and honoring your parents, and your conversion may hurt them but God does come first.
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