I am Spirit right noW

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For nothing?

I am asking any0ne right now:
Is Buddha not also a Christ? If Buddhism realizes Jesus Buddha using skilfully derived conclusions based on ancient knowledge of compassion, love, self-realization, and selflesness, then is there a similar open heart elsewhere? Or does this 2,600 year old religion feel this way for reasons of nothingness?
Thank you for reading this message and any insights that may follow. 🙂
I’m a little confused as to what you’re trying to say.

Buddha was a man. He stated he was a man, and nothing more then a man.

Jesus was a man. He was also God. He was not a slave to a cosmic energy force which all things must obey. He was the one that created all things.

Both may have promoted denial of desires to better love and serve others with compassion and gentleness. But George Bush and John Kerry both claim to desire what’s best for the country, and they’re different people. If they were the same person, there’d be no purpose in having an election.

Can’t say much more until you clarify what your point is.

Buddha was an enlightened philosopher with some very good ideas about what humanity is capable of, but he was only a man with good thoughts. The reason many people resonate with Buddha’s teachings (and with the teachings of many other philosophies and religions) is that they reflect the most basic need we human creatures have: to strive for goodness, and to find our heavenly home – for we know we are not for this world.

Jesus is the only Christ, the only son of the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was the Word that was with God in the very beginning, and so took part in creation. Only in Jesus, the true Messiah promised by the one, true God of Abraham, of Isaac, and Jacob, can we realize the fullness of truth or hope for fulfillment in eternity with the Father.
Buddha knew he was just a man because he had found the truth in his own heart. Buddha would have never defended his viws based upon any external truths, because he felt them right from his own heart.

How is that any different from jesus who spoke also from his own heart, relying on no external truths but direct intuition to explain his experience of unbiased spirit?

If you can not understand what I am saying then you do not need to concern yourself for I am simply speaking from my own heart and experience.

Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days abandoning his own people in order to be temped by something that is very similar to the idea of ‘samrara’ or suffering/hell=Satan?
Gotauma Budhha spent three weeks in meditation, and in the end was tempted by illusion and not-moved. Then Earth Spirit gave a direct and to his heart and understanding confirmation of Truth or realization.
I see no difference and feel none either. One man spoke directly from God and another man related an experience of being free to speak directly from his heart.
I see no difference.
Both Jesus and Gotauma and any other Buddha knows there is a heart truth that is universal. That is how I feel. It is hopeful and means nothing to say such things for many people but there is nothing that can break my feeling for this truth. The truth is deathless and timeless and is reached through a transcendent force often related as God or Spirit.
God is transcendent and absolute and Spirit is direct and of the Earth. At the Heart I feel both these experiences are united as one Truth. This would suggest, if felt to be true or not, that Jesus Buddha and Gotauma Buddha were expressing the same thing in different words acordding to different Spiritual conditions of a timeless God.
There are many differences between Jesus and Buddha and their respective teachings. Studying everything that Jesus said and did will be helpful for you in seeing the differences. Most importantly, look at what Jesus did. He performed great signs and miracles that testify to whom He claimed to be. Buddha worked no signs or miracles. Jesus said He is God, but Buddha never claimed to be divine. Jesus also claimed to provide us with eternal salvation, and Buddha did not.

Now analyze the claims and notice that everything that Jesus said about Himself is true. While Buddha may have provided some truth and some insights into human life, he in no way provides that which is provided by Jesus Christ, nor does he claim to.
I have analyzed the gospels. This includes gospils that might have been edited out by the Catholic church such as the gospil of Magadalene and the gospil of Thomas. I watch very often the cathlic TV shows where they speak on their hearts about Jesus What strikes me as ignorance is that people speak about the teachings of Jesus as something external and different from them instead of something stemming from their own heart. I have also read numerous books on alternative theories about Jesus including ideas and feelings about what was going on durring his missing years. I have also felt just how self-serving it can be to claim the Christ Jesus is the Son of God because of said prophecy fulfillment and miracles that many people feel they can disprove, and I have also read about the numerous other prophets who came before Jesus and fulfilled the same prophecies including crucifiction and post rising from the dead. I have also read numerous books about enlightened beings and saints and shamans of other religions who have repotedly(by large numbers of people and through so many cultural differences) performed miracles and experienced impossible acts as plain as day that have undeniable synchronicities. I have personally experienced supranatural events I cannot explain on numerous occasions.

How could Gotauma Buddha have claimed to provide that which Christ provides when he lived and taught 600 years prior to the life of Christ Jesus? It is the style of self-realization(God-Union) that Jesus spoke the form of that makes him Jesus Buddha. It came from the heart and judged no one just like the Buddha accepted all people into his monastic order. This offer extended to even criminals: one of the many miraculous acts of the clear minded and perfected Gotauma Buddha was an insight so profound and undeniable that a lifelong criminal became a saint instantly upon hearing his words, and never committed a single sin from thenceforth, and spent the rest of his life helping other beings in selfless service. You do not feel this to be a miracle? That he could produce a change in the human heart so profound is nothing short of a miracle, I feel. Also this tradition in Buddhism has carried full force into the present moment and is very active as I am writing right now, along with the Christ consciousness.
I am happy and in love to know both teaching exist in uncorrupted forms. Forms that do not judge and accept all beings as parts of the god-consciousness. Such a feeling crosses thought-borders and unites hearts.
Magdalene and Thomas were never in the Bible and subject to being edited out, but I don’t think they were buddhist.

Nor were there “numerous other prophets who came before Jesus and fulfilled the same prophecies including crucifiction and post rising from the dead.”

I am at a loss reading these posts. I do not know if the problem is a translation difficuty, typos or too many herbals. In any case, I think herbalfool made a wrong turn at yahoo and nirvana and went left instead of right.
Buddha was a man, who because he opened himself to self-knowledge and reflection, came to know in his heart that knowledge which God grants to all humans at all times and places, the knowledge that He Is.
Jesus Christ is God made Man, he is the Son of the Father, he is the second person of the blessed trinity, he is the Word of God made flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He came to draw all humans into the love relationship of the Trinity, to make us fully human by dissolving the bonds of sin and death that separate us from heaven. He came by his knowledge because he is God. When he looked into his heart he looked into the all-knowing all-loving heart of God, which is why the image of him with his sacred heart is so loved by Catholics.

Buddha came to believe in nothingness.
Jesus Christ leads us to the exact opposite goal, the everything-ness which is God -all Truth, all Love.
Here is a good read on the comparisons and contrasts between Buddhism and Christianity: Buddhism

And here is something on the Holy Trinity:

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

At the end of the day, it all comes down to whether or not you believe that Jesus is divine and is the only Son of God the Father, that he lived as fully God and fully man, suffered death and was entombed, then arose from the dead by his own volition and ascended into Heaven, where he still is.

When you say the teachings of Jesus are “external and different from them instead of something stemming from their own heart.” you are exactly correct, because Jesus brings us something that cannot be of the human heart, but only of God, His Father in Heaven. To me, it is ignorant to believe that divinity can be contrived in a human heart by nothing but the will of the human. What is divine comes only from God, and cannot be invented by man.
I think I will repeat the oft-used argument. Jesus was either three things: Lord, Liar or Lunatic, but under no circumstance, could he be a wise teacher as you propose.

Taking the Gospels (The Canonical ones written before AD 100 (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and written by either the first or second generation of apostles) and what they relate as the Words of Jesus Christ we have three possibilities. Remember, not only did Jesus claim to be God, but He also claimed that the only way to Salvation was through Him.

Liar: He lied, plain and simple. And considering how costly His lies would have cost His followers in terms of their salvation, He is a liar of the worst type.

Lunatic: He claimed to be God, but He was nuts and in which case everything must fall too.

LORD: He spoke the Truth and was the Son of God.

He could not merely be a Wise Teacher as your propose, because of who He claimed to be.
Christ went to the Cross our Salvation

Budda went to the grave over food poisoning

Jesus conquered death thru resurrection and Glorifying his body

Buddas’ remains STAY in the grave and decay
Buddas Soul KNELT before CHRIST JESUS and recieved his JUDGEMENT and went to either, Purgatory, Heaven or Hell
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