I am struggling to get over the trauma of an abusive and involved romantic relationship with a priest. How can I find my faith again?

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As said above, I am struggling with a specific trauma. It makes it incredibly difficult to worship, especially since I am unable to move and the abuse, at least some of it, took place at the local church. Mass is painful, everything reminds me of what had happened, and it is so hard to feel a connection to God. Worse yet, when I tried to report what had happened, the police and the dioceses dismissed my claims. I am angry and hurting and afraid. I do not want to lose God or hurt him in anyway, but I can’t find him, feel him, or trust him anymore.
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This makes me want to cry. This is so so horrible I am so sorry I am going to pray for you. I can not believe that the diocese/police did not do anything to help you. This is NOT right!!!

You understandably have trauma. I recommend finding a catholic therapist.

God will never leave you. And he would never ever treat you like this priest did. That is so horrible and no one should suffer from what you did.

I really think therapy would be the biggest help to you. Keep praying to God. I know it’s hard to get close to your faith right now. God understands. But he wants to help you heal.

God loves you. So much. It is not always easy to feel it but it is TRUE. I’d suggest to start saying the rosary and praying for the intentions of your healing and growing in faith.

Remember, none of this was your fault (I hope you don’t feel that way at all). God loves you. He will never leave you and he never wants you to be hurting.
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I am sorry that you are going through that. Could you possibly go to mass at a different parish?
Please remember that God did not move away from you, and God did not hurt you, men did that. I cannot imagine what you are going through. Try and give your pain to God, for he understands all.
I can’t imagine what you must be going through. This abuse was not your fault and it is normal to struggle during the healing process. It will likely take a long time to work through, but the last thing you should do is blame yourself for what happened or for how you are feeling.

I experienced narcissistic abuse and spiritual abuse (ie threaten that God would punish me for not doing what the parent said, and worse etc) from a parent. My church that I had trusted also overlooked some situations that disappointed me as well.

This is in NO WAY as egregious as your situation, but I did find it difficult to trust in God and even the church afterwards. What helped me was to focus more on my personal relationship with God through reading the Bible and prayer and focus less on the church itself. Being in church only reminded me of the bad situations at first. I know many here will not agree but this was the only way I could salvage my own relationship with God.

After a lot of healing, I have been able to believe that those individuals who hurt me in the past were not good representatives of the church, only people who were led astray and who damaged my trust. I also decided I wouldn’t let the actions of a few people ruin my faith.

It’s not an easy journey and I will be praying for you!! If you haven’t already please seek out someone who you can talk with (counselor or psychologist)!!
Hello. I am so sorry to hear what you are going through.

On a practical level, it’s impossible to comment on the police response without knowing all the details. I’m not even suggesting that you should give us all the details, as the chances are that there may not be anyone here qualified to help. Depending on the laws where you live and, crucially, your age when this took place, it may well be the case that the police do not think that a crime has taken place. If you were physically assaulted by this man, for example, that is a crime virtually everywhere. Likewise if you were a minor at any point during these events. However, many jurisdictions still do not have laws that adequately address situations of emotional abuse or abuse of a position of trust between adults. I would recommend that you contact a local advice or advocacy service that will be able to advise you about the specific laws where you live as they pertain to your particular circumstances. If you are in the US, you could contact RAINN, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, or Love is Respect. If you are in Ireland, you could contact Rape Crisis Help, Women’s Aid, Safe Ireland, etc. If you are somewhere else, I am sure you can find similar resources near you.

I am more surprised that the diocese did not take any action. For one thing, a priest simply should not be in a romantic relationship with anyone, let alone an abusive relationship that causes the other person trauma. If your diocesan bishop isn’t interested, you could contact the metropolitan archbishop (assuming your diocesan bishop isn’t a metropolitan archbishop himself) or the national bishops’ conference. Ultimately, you could seek intervention from the Congregation for the Clergy or Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which has jurisdiction in cases of clergy sexual abuse.
Thank you. I was not aware my name or anything like that was public. I appreciate your help.
I would recommend that you contact a local advice or advocacy service that will be able to advise you about the specific laws where you live as they pertain to your particular circumstances. If you are in the US, you could contact RAINN, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, or Love is Respect. If you are in Ireland, you could contact Rape Crisis Help, Women’s Aid, Safe Ireland, etc. If you are somewhere else, I am sure you can find similar resources near you.
That’s exactly what I was going to recommend, depending on your age, maybe you could go to a woman crisis center… they offer a variety of help depending on your situation.

Is there no one personally you can go to, who can help you, a friend, a parent, if you’re still in school maybe a counselor?

Though you may not feel Him, God is still with you… He is giving you the strength to do what you have to do to get through this, I promise… please keep praying, don’t stop. God hasn’t left you, He’s crying for you right now, holding you tight, filling you with His Spirit… you will feel Him again soon. Even if you want to yell at Him, do it, just keep talking to Him.

Please don’t stop telling people what happened… you might not be as alone as you think you are 😦

I too am surprised your local Diocese dismissed your claim… especially now a days… maybe one of the priest who visit this sight can help you on what to do next.

I’m so sorry this happened to you.
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There are really too many unknowns for any of us here to give sound advice. The OP really needs to seek professional help offline.
{{confused}} I didn’t… I said she should go to a woman’s crisis center, a counselor, friend or parent… the only advice I gave her was to not stop praying - talking to God.

I was just surprised her local Diocese dismissed her claim… I wasn’t the only one surprised by that.
I hope you find some inner peace.

History proves our beloved churches unfortunately deal with such things poorly and have done since time began.

Please take heart not all within the Clergy are wicked.
You migth have associated the abuse with the atmosphere of a parish, so you get defencive when you see stuff related to the abuse, but know that God loves you regardless and whoever made the abuse will pay for it, pray for the police and for that priest in particular and even though everyone thinks you are crazy God knows what happened, get a good confession and if you can, add to your prayer list something along the lines of :
“God i love you and You Love me, i feel unconfortable in Churches and you know why, but regardless of what happens i love you and i want you to help me to love you back, justice will be made to me and the priest and we will both awnser to you for our actions one day”

you may feel dizzy or may not “feel like praying at all” but know that even though it hurts to pray sometimes, those are the best prayers, the best prayer you can possible make is when you could be doing something else but insted you are giving up 10 minutes of your time to God, not becuse you are being forced to do or becuse you feel good but becuse you know that’s the rigth thing to do.
This is horrible! I’ll pray for you and I encourage you to keep speaking up until you are heard. I can’t offer much, except to say that I promise you that I will never stop seeking justice and change on behalf of the victims. No matter how much people wish this wasn’t a current problem still, I’ll be a voice for you in my own parish, in my own diocese and in the church. The abuse is not fixed, it isn’t something that historically happened and we have learned from it. It exists, it is buried and it is excused. I’m so sorry.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Every Diocese on earth has an office dedicated to offering counseling and help to those who have been victimized.

I will pray that our OP can get counseling and find peace of soul.
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