I am traumatized by the mortal sin of watching porn

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Hello everyone, I’m a teenager girl and I need advice. My biggest mistake in life was to watch porn. This is one of the things I regret the most. It was a month ago when I watched it. Yesterday I was believing that God has forgiven me for disobeying him. And just today I woke early in the morning from a nightmare. The nightmare was about someone who you can’t see but they were saying that I have Violated the rules of the Bible and since I committed a mortal sin then I can never be forgiven. I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep and I was crying thinking about what I did and my hands were shaking just like after I had watched porn. When I think about what I did my hands still shake and I can’t remain calm. Whenever I see someone mention something about porn related, I start being frightened. I would of probably been calm if I would of stopped myself in the middle and say it was wrong. Yes I knew it was wrong but I decided to ignore that and I instead was enjoying it and giving pleasure. I really regret now and I don’t understand how people can watch it without feeling guilty. I am never watching it again and I will always pray to stay away from that as much as possible. I have only watched porn 1 time and for almost 2 hours. The only reason I stopped was because I had to go sleep but I stood frozen afterwards because of what I had done. I can no longer enjoy life because of this. I haven’t confessed it because in my church they do confessions until later in which would be like in 5 months or more. Please if someone could help me out and is willing to listen to me and not make me feel worse, I would really appreciate it. Thank you
Please, go to confession and speak to your priest. This is the third thread you have started on this topic.
Go to confession and don’t watch anymore porn. That is all you need to do.
God has brought good from it, as you now know its evil and have resolved never to do it again. Go to confession and TRUST in His mercy and forgiveness.
Go to confession. Talk this over with your priest.
This is what the sacrament is for.
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