I can’t stop crying I need god please help i don’t know what to do

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I was laying in bed and I started thinking about death and what if God isn’t real and everything goes blank after death I will cease to exist then I started crying thinking I need to change my life begging to give me a sign that he’s real that he can hear me I’m still crying now as I’m writing this I’m so afraid to die but I wouldn’t even care if I know 100% that there is going to be life after to death please help i just want God to show me a sign
I’m not sure how much Religious Instruction you’ve received; however, you should be discussing your crisis of Faith with a Catholic Priest.
If God is not real then who gave me the sign I needed to get over my addictions?

Look. I know it comes to all of us sometimes? The pain of the uncertain? The agony of the unknown? But this is all because we think too much about the concrete. We’re looking too far into our regular surroundings and want to see things we recognize and understand.

But know God is with you by the way the cosmos works. Know He’s in your nearby by understanding how hard it would be for life to exist at all without a spark of reality deeper than our own. Understand that God exists because the care in my heart for you is real. Without a God who has taught us love how could this feeling be?

Please be at peace Rosie. Please understand you will be ok. Just relax and pray a deep prayer of gratitude for what you have. Think of all the things you have in your favor right now. And thank God for every one.

Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Him, even if he or she dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in Him will never die. Do you believe THIS?
John 11:23-26 ❤️
As Catholics we have the opportunity to receive the Eucharist and to be united with the Godhead.

I seem to recall that Jesus said, Be not afraid. For the glory that was before Him, he rejected the shame of the cross.

Please have trust in the Lord. The sign God gave us was His Son, Jesus Christ. Who could make up the things Jesus said and do the things He did?

Do not despair.
Rosie, listen, I know I’m a Jew and you’re a Catholic, but that shouldn’t matter right now. I want you to try and think of it like this: how are atheists so sure there isn’t life after death? I mean, do they know? Has anyone come back and told them so? Of course not. So when they attempt the old gag that there’s no proof for an after life, they’re using as much faith as we are.

Another point. What’s consciousness? I mean, let’s be honest here, the myth that’s its just a bunch of neurons buzzing around in your head… well, that’s just a myth. It isn’t true, and there’s absolutely no evidence for it, and their hypotheses aren’t testable either. So that’s not science. That’s just faith. Let me now convey to you what IS scientific.

What’s in our brains? Four things, I’ll list 'em for you:
  1. Fat
  2. Protein
  3. Electricity
  4. Water
That’s it. That doesn’t sound too mystical to me. And how that all somehow produces you, me, and all humanity, let alone feelings? A mystery, no doubt. And nobody knows the answer, and if they think they do, they’re just fooling themselves. It has to be supernatural. It has to be… dare I say… spiritual. Perhaps a soul? Call it what you want, but consciousness isn’t something you can put in a box, it can’t be quantified, it’s an experience, like love. You can’t program it in a machine. It is beyond the natural.

So I wouldn’t be too worried about life after death if I were you, or the notion of meeting loved ones when you get there. Just let G-d take care of it all, we leave it all in his hands. Have faith - faith in Hebrew doesn’t mean blind faith - it means trust. Trust in G-d. The Bible never commands us to have faith in him, as in blind faith, it commands us to trust Him and to KNOW Him. Know that G-d exists. Now go in peace.
Oh dear OP, please take a deep breath, I know it’s hard and I know you’re hurting, .
Please take a deep breath.

Does this happen a lot, that you get scared and panicky like this? Or just a once in a while thing?
Have you recently had a loss that’s shaken your world?
Do you have real world people you can be with when you get like this?
I mean, we can help with your theological questions and stuff, and share our stories with you, but you also need to have RL people to turn to.

Yes, I’m a Catholic and yes, I’m confident in the existence of God and Heaven, but right now you need to get yourself into a good head-space and less fear and anxiety.

:pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: For you
A sign of growth in a particular virtue is a feeling in therelackof.
Hold fast to your Faith, because it is merely being tested, not crumbling.
This is a moment for incredibly fruitful prayer.
Consider meditating on Psalm 130, in these desolate moments of your night.

A song of ascents.

Out of the depths I call to you, LORD;
Lord, hear my cry!
May your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.
If you, LORD, keep account of sins,
Lord, who can stand?
But with you is forgiveness
and so you are revered.
I wait for the LORD,
my soul waits
and I hope for his word.
My soul looks for the Lord
more than sentinels for daybreak.
More than sentinels for daybreak,
let Israel hope in the LORD,
For with the LORD is mercy,
with him is plenteous redemption,
And he will redeem Israel
from all its sins.
I agree with rabbi. Every time science proves order in the universe that’s proof that an intelligent being set all of this into existence.

The Catholic Church so far has the only coherent explanation of the revelation of that intelligent being to us.

What was from the beginning. What we have heard. What we have seen, what we looked upon & touched with pur own hands concern the word of life. For that life was made visible, we have seen it & testify, & proclaim to you that the eternal life that was with the Father & made visible to us.
This was around 1 am nobody was awake and I went for a walk begging God to take the fear away from me then I saw my dogs little cute face looking up at me I started hugging him told him how much I loved him then I felt better and went to sleep I need to go to medjugorji again I need to go desperatly I just feel at peace there definitely planning a trip there for Easter
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Good. I’m glad you got past this crisis. 🙂

If you want a book to help strengthen your faith, my own go-to is Handbook Of Christian Aplogetics by Peter Kreeft
I have lots of those type of books I have a book on Eusebius, handed down, behold your mother, why be catholic, also have a dvd by Scott Hahn called reasons to believe, I believe in god but there’s always “what if” in the back of my mind I’m just a worrier even when I was younger I’d never brake any rules because I was “worried” I’d get caught my sister even calls mrs worry 😂
You have recently lost your mother. I am very sorry for your loss.
Allow yourself to grieve and cry.
Blessed are they who mourn for they will be comforted.
Stop worrying, Rosie. It’s a sin and causes worry lines.

We will all die one death (physical). In fact, our bodies start dying the moment we are born. But the bright spot is that when we depart from this life, we have another life to look forward to, that of eternal life with Jesus in Heaven. And that will be the most glorious day of all. When we hear those glorious words, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter now into your Master’s joy.”
Our pets can be such a comfort. Seems like your puppy helped you out, when no one/nothing else, seemed to do so.

Didn’t I see a cat, in one of your earlier profile pics? Pets can be such a comfort!

If you can go on a pilgrimage, by all means, do! You’ve been through a lot, and it’s to be expected, that you sometimes question God. We all do…sometimes.

So, play with your pets, do some spiritual reading, and, of course, pray! Make sure you spend some time in reading the Bible.

Hope your pilgrimage goes well, and you feel your doubts less and less. Hope you are comforted. Be it the writings of a saint, or walking your dog, you know it can help. Take care, and God Bless!!!
I know that some of you know that I’m not always too convinced…well, on the reality and authenticity of the M apparitions. While this is so, I believe that Rosie does believe, and that, at the present moment, believing in them will do her no harm. If, later, God needs for her to take a more discerning view, I believe He will lead her in the right direction. Does this mean that it is always wise to believe in things, because they may give us comfort…no. But, I do,in this case, trust him to lead Rosie in the right direction. She did show concern that the local bishops did not always believe, and has shown openness toward differing ways of looking at the ‘apparitions’. So, I trust God to lead her, correctly. I can’t say that everyone will be led correctly, but, for the time being, I trust Our Lord to lead Rosie in the correct way…whether this will always be true, I can’t say. But, for the time being, I see no harm in trusting Rosie’s soul to the gentle, wise, all-loving Lord, who created it. God Bless all who are reading this!
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I think God gave me a sign to rescue a dog because as I was crying that night I was saying to God that i wanted to be his servant and I’d do whatever he wanted I was at a friends she had a dog in a small cage covered in poop she didn’t have time to walk it or care for it properly I look down at this dogs sad eyes looking up at me I felt something in my heart I believe it was god telling me to save it so I bought the dog I’m taking her home tomorrow I want to give her a good life where she can be free and be happy with me
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That’s wonderful! Here’s hoping you and the dog have a happy, long life together!
I was going to say that NDEs are a sign of the afterlife.

As with this woman’s testimony:

And this one as well of Dr. Mary Neal:

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