I’m in a relationship with a wonderful woman whom I love dearly. She’s amazing, intelligent, and honestly makes me feel very close to God. There is one MAJOR problem, however, and that’s our different views on sex.
When I was younger I had a LOT of sex. I also wasn’t Catholic, and I wasn’t promiscuous. Every person I had sex with I was with for at least two years, even in my VERY young days (I won’t say how young, but lets just say that when I started having sex I wasn’t old enough to be on this forum). Now I’m with this woman who I love, and in all previous relationships I would be having sex with her, but now I have a much deeper understanding of the act, and I’m a faithful Catholic. Problem is that she isn’t a Catholic, and to her sex would be the ideal expression of our love for eachother at this point. Official marriage is out of the question at the moment due to other reasons, but the biggest problem is that she doesn’t want to have kids right now and neither do I, so in her view we could have sex but simply use contraception.
Today I told her that we can’t continue down the road of sexual intercourse (we’ve unfortunately already haltingly started in that direction, being human has its drawbacks ) and she’s very upset. I explained to her that my reasons involving wanting to have total freedom and love in sex, and that we would have to be commited to eachother (which we are) and commited to accepting the potential of children (which we aren’t), but she’s still very hurt because to her it’s a rejection of her rather than an affirmation of my love for her. I WANT to be with her, but I don’t want there to be barriers between our love, and I don’t want a potential child to be a worry rather than a source of joy. She is not Catholic, and often has difficulty understanding my perspective, but she’s been very open to the faith and my belief in it in general. I think this issue just strikes her personally.
I guess I’m just venting, but I would love advice, espescially from people who have been in a similar situation. As I said, for legal reasons we can’t get married regardless of the Sacramental nature of our relationship, and she’s set on artificial contraception. How can I explain to her that I want to hold back because of how much I love her and how special I want our potential union to be?
When I was younger I had a LOT of sex. I also wasn’t Catholic, and I wasn’t promiscuous. Every person I had sex with I was with for at least two years, even in my VERY young days (I won’t say how young, but lets just say that when I started having sex I wasn’t old enough to be on this forum). Now I’m with this woman who I love, and in all previous relationships I would be having sex with her, but now I have a much deeper understanding of the act, and I’m a faithful Catholic. Problem is that she isn’t a Catholic, and to her sex would be the ideal expression of our love for eachother at this point. Official marriage is out of the question at the moment due to other reasons, but the biggest problem is that she doesn’t want to have kids right now and neither do I, so in her view we could have sex but simply use contraception.
Today I told her that we can’t continue down the road of sexual intercourse (we’ve unfortunately already haltingly started in that direction, being human has its drawbacks ) and she’s very upset. I explained to her that my reasons involving wanting to have total freedom and love in sex, and that we would have to be commited to eachother (which we are) and commited to accepting the potential of children (which we aren’t), but she’s still very hurt because to her it’s a rejection of her rather than an affirmation of my love for her. I WANT to be with her, but I don’t want there to be barriers between our love, and I don’t want a potential child to be a worry rather than a source of joy. She is not Catholic, and often has difficulty understanding my perspective, but she’s been very open to the faith and my belief in it in general. I think this issue just strikes her personally.
I guess I’m just venting, but I would love advice, espescially from people who have been in a similar situation. As I said, for legal reasons we can’t get married regardless of the Sacramental nature of our relationship, and she’s set on artificial contraception. How can I explain to her that I want to hold back because of how much I love her and how special I want our potential union to be?