I don't feel bad sinning

  • Thread starter Thread starter amaxiner
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Sometimes when I commit sins even when I know it is mortal or venial I don’t always feel guilty afterward. It’s like I know I have done something wrong and I need to go to confession for it, but this feels very systematic and I feel like something is wrong with me that I don’t even feel a ~little~ guilt over sinning sometimes. Does this happen to any of you? I sometimes am completely scrupulous, and other times it is just dry. Any prayer/saint recommendations to look into would be completely great! 🙂

If you know it’s wrong, try stopping the behavior. Virtue is a habit, not a quality. See how long you can go without committing the sin. If you can’t stop you are probably addicted or indifferent and you need to try to change that.
What that sounds like to me is that you don’t really think the sin is wrong so maybe try forming your conscience.
Does this happen to any of you?
Use too because sometimes I didn’t feel like what I was doing was a sin… but an examination of conscience helped me realize how wrong I was.

Also being honest with myself that this isn’t the person God wants me to become… didn’t mean it was easy to stop sinning but I did start feeling real guilty when I did, which helped me to become the new person God wanted me to be.

Its dangerous not to feel guilty over committing a sin… if you feel no guilt then you’ll believe you don’t need to stop, become new, or need to ask God for forgiveness.

You really should speak your priest… or at least someone you trust.
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