There is a set discernment process that all men who are considering the priesthood must follow which involves spiritual direction and prayer.
That said before you begin that route, have you considered a more human approach: meaning, why don’t you contact a few priests and ask them some questions about their life, their vocation, their duties etc. I would have the questions prepared ahead of time and make sure they are concise and aren’t answers you can easily find online as well.
You could also ask if you could shadow one for a few days to see if that is something that you might be interested in doing.
Furthermore, you could contact the seminary that all priests in your area attend and see if you could visit the seminary, attend a class or become a student for the day or two to as a way to explore if this is an potential calling for your life. Throughout it all, pray to God for guidance and wisdom.
Between interviewing a few priests, visiting the seminary and becoming a student for a day, you should have an idea of if this idea has any validity or not. Sometimes you need to do these things to see if they speak to your spirit or not.
If they don’t, then let it go for now and try other things. Maybe it will come up later on in life and maybe not. By following this route, it is a great way to discern a journey in life.
The priesthood isn’t for everyone and sometimes a person might have a calling for it, but they only enter years later because for whatever reason, they weren’t ready for it then. Sometimes, they aren’t called to it but it just means God needs them somewhere else.
God needs prayerful men in all areas of the world therefore take your time and take it step by step.
Good luck on this new journey.