I dont know if im saved or not

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Hey everyone…
i do not know if im saved…or not…can someone
help me… i thought i was saved about 5 years ago, but i feel like now…im not.
can someone help me?

Seek the sacraments and let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Do EVERYTHING He tells you - no matter how hard it seems to do.

If you have not been to confession, go. You will feel like the world has lightened and it will help you build your relationship with Jesus - so that you will know you are saved.

What helped me this year tremendously was spending time at Adoration. Whenever I am sad, I go there. I can sit in the corner and cry and complain, and offer it all to God and ask the Holy Spirit to take it all away. He does.

I’ll keep praying for relief for you.
no one is supposed to “know” they are saved at any given moment. We are all being saved, but we won’t know until we are dead whether or not we perservered til the end in faith, hope, and love, (accepted the salvation Christ has given us). Salvation is a journey, a lifelong process, not a one-time event.

In the meantime, as the other poster said, listen to the Holy Spirit and stay close to the Sacraments. You would probably find Confession very comforting - talk to a priest about your worry. Take things day by day - love God above all else, pray always, keep the commandments, love your neighbors. Ask for God’s grace and help to be faithful til the end. But be careful of becoming scrupulous too, if you are constantly obsessing about going to Hell, that’s not healthy and you need to seek out help.
Regular confession will keep your foot planted on the ground. You are experiencing doubt, which comes from the evil one. At times like this, turn to the Holy Mother for her assistance; Satan will flee from her each and every time.
Fruitloops, the idea of salvation you’re expressing is a Protestant concept. It isn’t like being baptized or receiving confirmation, which happen only once. Being “saved” started as an easy way of saying that the followers of Christ won’t go to hell when they die. The important term to define here is “follower of Christ.”

In some Protestant circles, the belief is that Christ’s sacrifice not only redeemed us, but made it so that once anyone accepted Him, every sin they committed in their life, either before or after accepting Him, was made up for. They reason that Christ’s sacrifice was great enough to account for every sin ever committed by anyone, anywhere. In that, they are correct.
Grace is a gift freely given, which we must choose with our free will. If someone gives you a gift, you can reject it. Here Catholics and Protestants still agree.

Where we disagree is whether a gift, once accepted, can be rejected. The idea of some Protestants is that you can never reject God’s grace once you accept it. That’s simply not true, and there’s plenty of Scripture (not even getting into Church Tradition) that speaks against that concept.

You’re on the right website to find that information, but here’s just one for you: “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3).

So according to Scripture, to accept Christ, to love Christ, is to do his commandments, not just accept Him once and then do what you want.

Jrabs, Minerva, and tru are right on here, to seek the sacraments, confession, adoration, and our Blessed Mother. What all that really means is to commit yourself to the guidance of the wisdom of the Church, and use the things God has given us, through the Church, for our benefit in attaining salvation.

Above all, remember that God loves you so much and wants you to be with Him: God loves the worst, dirtiest, foulest, murderous sinner more than the best human mother could love her own child, because His capacity to love is so much greater; He IS love, after all! Really, sincerely seek Him, every day. Every hour, make a point to ask for God’s grace, wisdom, and help, cuz you know it’ll be given every time you ask. Find a good priest (a good one, pro-life and faithful to the Pope), and go from there.

I’ll pray for you, so return the favor!
Hey everyone…
i do not know if im saved…or not…can someone
help me… i thought i was saved about 5 years ago, but i feel like now…im not.
can someone help me?

What made you think you were saved 5 years ago and now you are not? :confused:
“Are you saved?” asks the Fundamentalist. The Catholic should reply: “As the Bible says, I am already saved (Rom. 8:24, Eph. 2:5–8), but I’m also being saved (1 Cor. 1:8, 2 Cor. 2:15, Phil. 2:12), and I have the hope that I will be saved (Rom. 5:9–10, 1 Cor. 3:12–15). Like the apostle Paul I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom. 5:2, 2 Tim. 2:11–13).”

I wouldn’t know what it feels like to “be saved”, but I try to be the good and faithful servant who does what Her master asks, however poorly I succeed. This after all, is what Jesus Himself tells us. I don’t find it the most comforting at times, but then, He never said it would be a cake walk!

The way you asked your question makes me think that you are not Caatholic. I do not think you are Catholic. If you were a Catholic you would not ask that question.

Catholics do not walk around wondering if they “are saved”. Many Protestans say they are “saved” no matter what they do in the future. They think by uttering some words, expressing that Jesus is “their personal savior” , that they are forever saved. Tell me, what is a “personal savior”? Didn’t Jesus come for ALL of us?

Since you most likely are not *Catholic, a good start is adopt a nightly period of time for prayer, including prayers to the Holy Spirit. Just talk, don’t be fancy! Then be quiet…listen. Then after supper each night spend 10 minutes reading the New Testament. Start with Matthew. Then at work each day do a small favor for someone you don’t like very much. Every one will bend their knees, it is written. I pray on my knees, it will not hurt. :bounce:
Assuming that by “saved” you are seeking knowledge of whether or not you will go to Heaven, none of us really know with absolute surety but we do have the moral assurance of God’s promises. If you die in the state of grace (which essentially means that you die in a state of loving God to the extent that, if you knew what He wants of you, you would strive to live according to His will) then you will reach that goal.

I was once given a long example of what a Protestant friend of mine believed about salvation and how he knew he was saved - he was sure that he would get into heaven. He then asked me what I would say to Christ if, when I died, He confronted me with the question of why He should let me into Heaven. I responded that I would drop to my knees and say, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, a miserable sinner. I do not deserve to enter into your heavenly glory but, in spite of my failings, I do love you.” (something to that effect anyway). This answer took him by surprise. He agreed with it but, in his view of an absolute assurance of salvation, it never occurred to him that he might need to say the same thing if Jesus were to confront him with the question he posed to me. :hmmm:
Hey spoken word,

I thought I was saved,
but then again i just dont
know like i said…so my prayer is
to pray for me


I’m a convert to Cahtolicism and faced many challenges in by Christian faith and then even more so when I embraced the Catholic faith. I know where you are coming from. I think (How’s that for a contradiciton!) The best I can tell is that you have a good heart and a pull, an urge to be closer to God. You thought you were and that you were doing the right thing. Now, you are unsure and along with that comes feelings of guilt and anxiety and a lack of trust in religion. I may be completely off base on some or all of this. I am just coming form my own personal experience here.

St. Augustine, who is pretty popular across all denomonations once said, We are restless O Lord until our Hearts rest in You! AMEN Brother! I love that guy. We have a lot in commen. But he captures the essence of life in those words. We are called by Him, we are drawn to Him. Until we rest our hearts in Him, we will be restless.

Now, How do you do that you ask? There is no method to it. It consist of working both the mind and the heart. The bible calls use to put on the mind of Christ as much as it tells us to take on the heart of Christ!

So your approach would need to be two fold. Both mind and heart. If we go with our heart, we can often feel secure only to find out later by our mind that we weren’t(Is this what happened with you?) But if we go with just our mind, we don’t turn our hearts over to God and we are stuck in some interlectual heel just looking up to heaven and imagining what it would be like - we are restless!

I would be more than willing to share more, but I’m afraid to go further without knowing if I’m completely off base.

Take care and God Bless.

Just a note for other users - You can read the public profile to get a better understnading of who you are tlaking to rather than making assumptions which can lead to bad advice in my opinion. i.e. to tell someone who isn’t Cahtolic to follow the sacraments might lead to the question “What are you tlaking about” and be overwhelming.
Exporter said:

The way you asked your question makes me think that you are not Caatholic. I do not think you are Catholic. If you were a Catholic you would not ask that question.

Catholics do not walk around wondering if they “are saved”. Many Protestans say they are “saved” no matter what they do in the future. They think by uttering some words, expressing that Jesus is “their personal savior” , that they are forever saved. Tell me, what is a “personal savior”? Didn’t Jesus come for ALL of us?

Since you most likely are not *Catholic, a good start is adopt a nightly period of time for prayer, including prayers to the Holy Spirit. Just talk, don’t be fancy! Then be quiet…listen. Then after supper each night spend 10 minutes reading the New Testament. Start with Matthew. Then at work each day do a small favor for someone you don’t like very much. Every one will bend their knees, it is written. I pray on my knees, it will not hurt. :bounce:

Yes ,Jesus did come for all,but not all recieve Him. :eek:
Hey everyone…
i do not know if im saved…or not…can someone
help me… i thought i was saved about 5 years ago, but i feel like now…im not.
can someone help me?

My suggestion to you is to read the Book of Ephesians. Pray that the Lord will reveal to you who you are in Jesus Christ. You then will have no doubts about your salvation. God Bless.
Hey everyone…

i do not know if im saved…or not…can someone

help me… i thought i was saved about 5 years ago, but i feel like now…im not.

can someone help me?

The difference between Catholics and many protestants is the idea of salvation. The majority of protestants believe all one has to do is accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and you are saved for life. The Bible and the Catholic Church both disagree with protestants on this issue. Both the Bible and the Church require us to seek perfection. St. Paul thought of salvation as a lifelong race or sporting event, we must do the will of God and be virtuous, then after the struggle of life - the victory of heaven. Every good effort we make does not have its origin in us, but in God. All good comes from God and is a gift from Him.

Onto “Saved”…

Who are “the saved” today? Those living in a state of grace are the ones saved. The Indwelling Trinity has entered and made a home in their souls.

How does one enter into the state of grace? Upon the reception of Baptism, you are in the state of grace.

How does one lose the state of grace? Committing a mortal sin breaks your relationship with God. There are hundreds and perhaps thousands of ways to reject God and worship yourself or another false god. For example, committing adultery is a mortal sin and Jesus taught looking at another person with lust is committing adultery in your heart.

If I were you, I would read the Catechism, the Gospels, the Epistles, and other Catholic works covering Salvation and Sin.

How does one get back into the state of grace? First, God is the God of Truth and you must sincerely be sorry for your sins and be resolute to “sin no more”, as Jesus demanded of us. Then, go to Confession make your reconciliation with God. Before Jesus left, he set up his Church authority (Peter and the other Apostles), giving them authority to forgive sins, bind and loose in heaven…
**1 Corinthians Chapter 9
24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.
25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.
St. Paul is not preaching a one-time acceptance of Jesus “gets you saved”. He is preaching about self-control and living a life full of virtue and service to God and others to acquire salvation.
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