Hey everyone, I’ve been pulled to the priesthood when I was younger but now I don’t know exactly what I want to do in life. I think I am being called to live out a vocation, and I’m unsure what kind. I’ve been thinking about being a priest, being a monk, or being a friar.
One reason I’m unsure about the priesthood is keeping the seal of confession. I don’t want to sin against God and betray a repentant person! I think it’s because I’ve been reading about the lives of some of the saints. Reading about St. Francis of Assisi, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St. Anthony of Padua make me want to become a Franciscan. I really wanted to teach the youth and spread the Truth. I know I should talk to a parish priest about this and that I should pray more, any guidance would be helpful. My parents don’t want me to take on a vocation
.Talking to them about it won’t help, I assure you. I’m still gonna take up a religious life, I’m pretty sure. Please pray for my family! Thank you and God bless you!
One reason I’m unsure about the priesthood is keeping the seal of confession. I don’t want to sin against God and betray a repentant person! I think it’s because I’ve been reading about the lives of some of the saints. Reading about St. Francis of Assisi, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St. Anthony of Padua make me want to become a Franciscan. I really wanted to teach the youth and spread the Truth. I know I should talk to a parish priest about this and that I should pray more, any guidance would be helpful. My parents don’t want me to take on a vocation