I feel so lazy, am I sinning?

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Since we started sheltering in place I feel so lazy. I wasn’t ever a super busy person, but I was ok with that. I don’t have a “type-A” or ambitious temperament. But now that I can’t leave the house much, I do less and what I do seems more difficult than usual. I mean I keep my house pretty clean, make dinner for my husband, visit with my kids when they’re around, pray/read holy books for about an hour. The rest of the time I just play games, read, look at Facebook, etc. I enjoy it, but it really seems like a waste from God’s perspective. What am I doing which will have eternal value? Is this ok? Is God displeased?
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Just anecdotally, your experience seems pretty common.

Were you active and motivated before the quarantine?

This pandemic has been a strange experience. People died, family members are grieving, there are health care workers and “front line” employees under a new and different stress…

But then other people were utterly untouched. I know people who didn’t know a single Covid19 patient at all.

So all this has made for a surreal experience, then the politicians have made a political football out of it, then the civil unrest, the partial reopening of businesses, etc.

Our brains aren’t wired for these rapid changes. We adjust, but often with weird quirks. Some folks I know got super-busy and accomplished all sorts of stuff around the house, other people sort of went into a daze.

So, I wouldn’t be too quick to call this sloth.
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Please know that you are not alone in this, a lot of us have probably experienced something like this. I have.

And here we go, a 2nd wave of cases is expected.
I think that this has become a common symptom in countries where there is lock down. I go for little walks but it’s not the same as go where you please. I’m on our shielded list so expected to stay out of the til 31 July(?). Wee all at sometime or another think if we had more time indoors all those little jobs would be done or books read. But it appears not to work out that way. Once given the chance we want out again. We humans are a fickle lot.
I think you can go at this a number of angles.

You have to have a good assessment of where you yourself are, know your body, your own relationship with God etc. Many potential factors.

Some of us are depressed. I know I have been. I think many in this quarantine have gotten either depressed or otherwise upset. Depression takes a toll, so it isn’t entirely your fault, if you indeed are depressed or at least upset. That has to be clear in the mind. I struggle with depression/inertia. Sometimes it is wise to fight against it, other times it is NECESSITATED that you be GENTLE with yourself. It isn’t one or the other. I know this from experience.

About distractions: they can be useful, serve a purpose (leisure time I firmly believe benefits the soul) but only you can really assess whether it is the best possible use of your time. But I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it. Not unless you think you are a saint? Even then, I wouldn’t unhealthily chastise yourself about it. The point is, you have to know how far along in your walk with God you are. I have given up alcohol, for higher spirituality. Another person may not have to give up so many things, and it may in fact be detrimental for him or her. I would also recommend praying about it.

Hope that helps.
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Thanks everyone for your compassionate (name removed by moderator)ut. ❤️
Since we started sheltering in place I feel so lazy. I wasn’t ever a super busy person, but I was ok with that. I don’t have a “type-A” or ambitious temperament. But now that I can’t leave the house much, I do less and what I do seems more difficult than usual. I mean I keep my house pretty clean, make dinner for my husband, visit with my kids when they’re around, pray/read holy books for about an hour. The rest of the time I just play games, read, look at Facebook, etc. I enjoy it, but it really seems like a waste from God’s perspective. What am I doing which will have eternal value? Is this ok? Is God displeased?
There is nothing wrong with the way you are spending your time. If you cook, clean, visit with your family, and read holy books, it sounds like you are spending your time very purposefully. I am not clear whether you are in the United States, but being “on full tilt at all times”, “maxing everything out”, seldom if ever taking time for reflection and mindfulness, is seen as normal by probably most Americans, and time spent any other way than “getting things done” and/or making money is seen as lazy and wasteful.

Even though it’s been questioned whether anyone in the United States ever actually held this heresy, “Americanism” was addressed by Leo XIII in his encyclical Testem benevolentiae. In a nutshell, Leo reminded the faithful that active virtues are not to be esteemed over passive virtues. A life spent in contemplation is something that Americans just don’t “get”.

It sounds like you have a good life, and I’d urge you to keep living it just as you are doing.
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As long as you do what is required, such as providing food, keeping your home safe, communication with family and friends, I think you are okay. We are all going through this and we all handle it differently. Don’t be hard on yourself.
If you have a lot of free time, I would advise you to read books. There are brilliant writers who might help you broaden your horizons and possibly will open for you new ideas and wise decisions in the future.
I am in the US and I didn’t know this! I will look that up. Thanks.
I experience similar laid back tendencies. Before, every weekend I would want to go out to some place and explore (new restaurant, a new movie, a new park …). My job has been very stressful since November of last year and even more so since the COVID-19 quarantine began. I struggle to make it through five days of work. I’m usually one of the last ones done with my work each day because I’m moving (I guess) more slower. When the weekend comes around, I sleep in bed till 10:00 am (although I usually don’t go to bed till 1:00 am)(that’s my quiet times when I read the Bible or watch religious or archeological documentaries). My body is in constant pain, more so after a days work. So when I get home, I eat and watch tv or go on the computer. I use to have goals now I have no drive whatsoever. I don’t know what happened; I can’t get the motor going.

I often think I am sinning also because I am on the computer or watching tv (I’m a visual person). I just don’t have any energy to do anything that physical (except taking walks).

Hope you can get out of your rut and enjoy new things once in a while but relaxing and being with your family is always a nice thing too. God bless.
I would start by saying nice job on recognizing your lack of “get something done” energy. I believe that is a huge step. Imagine how many people currently feel the same way but don’t recognize it. I wouldn’t beat yourself up to much at this point. We have all been put through the ringer with the lockdowns regardless of your belief in Covid. It has been mentally draining for sure.

Maybe try and get a good nights rest and try and make a list of random things that need to be done or you would like to do and start chipping away at it. It isn’t a race to finish the list just a subtle prompt if the lazyish feelings start to creep up.

Rest easy and take care.
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