Dear Forum
I get a kick out of watching vocation videos like these…
And of course, Fishers of Men
I watched Fishers of Men and another Priestly Vocation video when I stayed for the overnight in Sacred Heart Major Seminary. I like to see myself doing that, being called forward by the bishop, scared silly at what I’ve gotten myself into
, Prostrating myself to Marry Holy Mother Church at the Litany of the Saints, Feel the hands of the Bishop on top of my head as He calls down the Holy Spirit, getting the Chasuble put onto me by my Vocation Director, and giving them all a hug as I burst into tears. I know, it may sound like childish dreams to you, but to me, Its what I feel is beckoning. Its what I feel inside of my heart and what I feel the LORD is calling me to do. HE is seperating my heart from the world, to unite it to HIM, and that is what I desire. To be united with HIM forever as a saint. Amen.
I get a kick out of watching vocation videos like these…
And of course, Fishers of Men
I watched Fishers of Men and another Priestly Vocation video when I stayed for the overnight in Sacred Heart Major Seminary. I like to see myself doing that, being called forward by the bishop, scared silly at what I’ve gotten myself into