Last night I had a dream in which I was visited by St. Dominic, or who I at least infer to be St. Dominic. He was in the Dominican habit, had a tonsure, came with a dog, (in fact, my dog) and spoke in Castilian. I can speak Spanish, so what I remember him saying to me was that I was to found an order of youth called the Young Servants of Christ the King (Sirvientes Jóvenes de Cristo Rey).
He took me to a table and laid out a piece of paper, on which he drew the habit, which was a purple robe with a red scapular (rounded at the ends) tied over the robe with a white cincture. The robe of the men’s habit was hooded, and the women’s habit had a white underveil and a red veil. Both the men’s and women’s habits had habit rosaries, with black, wooden beads and a pewter budded cross. St. Dominic said that little chains were also to be worn on the right wrist and left ankle.
I was told that the order was to attract young Catholics, allowing them to enter into the secular world and proselytize while remaining faithful and part of a religious community.
That is about all I can remember, but there is a part of me saying that more of a discussion went on. I was thinking about it for a while, and I was sure someone on here would know where to go with this!
Last night I had a dream in which I was visited by St. Dominic, or who I at least infer to be St. Dominic. He was in the Dominican habit, had a tonsure, came with a dog, (in fact, my dog) and spoke in Castilian. I can speak Spanish, so what I remember him saying to me was that I was to found an order of youth called the Young Servants of Christ the King (Sirvientes Jóvenes de Cristo Rey).
He took me to a table and laid out a piece of paper, on which he drew the habit, which was a purple robe with a red scapular (rounded at the ends) tied over the robe with a white cincture. The robe of the men’s habit was hooded, and the women’s habit had a white underveil and a red veil. Both the men’s and women’s habits had habit rosaries, with black, wooden beads and a pewter budded cross. St. Dominic said that little chains were also to be worn on the right wrist and left ankle.
I was told that the order was to attract young Catholics, allowing them to enter into the secular world and proselytize while remaining faithful and part of a religious community.
That is about all I can remember, but there is a part of me saying that more of a discussion went on. I was thinking about it for a while, and I was sure someone on here would know where to go with this!