I had this really vivid great dream

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Just wanted to share this. Okay, I just woke up, so I’ll tell this the best way I can remember it because it’s already getting fuzzy.

First, a little background story: last night at a sister parish, a Maronite priest was supposed to have come to give us a talk on the Maronite Rite, then he was going to offer a Mass in that rite. (It’s a half-hour drive from my home to this parish.) anyway, we went there and all of us were waiting, time kept going by, and no priest. So someone went outside to see if he could be spotted, but when she came back in, she said he’s just called and had been given directions to the wrong parish (Sacred Heart in another town.) So we were all a little disappointed, but we planned to reschedule. Everyone went home. when I got home, I put my little laminated image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus into my pillowcase (never did that before. I had just received it as a gift from my son but was having trouble finding a way to wear it on my person, so I placed it into my pillowcase instead.)

Okay, now the dream:

Basically, I was at Mass all night long! I was in this church – not a particularly beautiful church, but there were lots of different kinds of people there. There were rows and rows of people, so many that I really couldn’t see the altar or the priest. We were having Mass, just the regular Latin Rite Mass in English as you would expect to find at a typical church on a Saturday evening or a Sunday. There was nothing outstanding about it, except that we kept giving the response: “I will praise the Lord my God” (sung, you know, just like during the part of Mass where you give the response during the Psalm reading.) It was so real! At one point, I woke up, couldn’t believe I was having this dream, and when I touched my pillow, the Sacred Heart image was directly under my head. I felt so perfect and safe, like there was no worry in the whole world that could touch me at that moment. I cannot describe this in words. So I went back to sleep, but this dream picked right back up where it left off. So I got to spend all night at Mass! God be praised. 😃

Anyone else have a wonderful dream like this you want to share?
There are times when I woke up from a dream and wished I could get back to it!

It sounds like when you were awake, that you had what some philosophers call “a mystical experience.” It is almost impossible to describe in words, because it is so different than anything you ever discuss with people you don’t know of a common experience to use to describe it. For at least a time, you have a sense of unity with the whole universe; you’ve lost all sense of separation from God and others, and even from the physical world. It seems like everything that is happening and has happened is all perfectly and majestically synchronized, and that everything is in wonderful control. You suddenly understand the imagery, “peace is flowing like a river from within you” and wish everyone could feel the same way – but you don’t really wish anything because you know everything is right how it should be. You realize that everything is for the good of God, even things that others and even you previously thought of as “bad.”

Or I could be totally wrong. 😃

I have to tell you about a truly neat thing that happened to me once. A miracle! I read an editorial in a Catholic almanac that really upest me. In it the priest who wrote the article said how he was deeply disapointed how the church doesn’t allow priests to marry. He was implying that it one of the sins of the church, something of that nature. I was so angry by that editorial I went to bed. I said a rosary for him, hoping that God would open his eyes. That night in my dream I was walking down the stair case in my house and I got down to the bottom step when I saw a white light and it was really bright! It was at the tree next to the tree house. I ran out to see it, but I the door was locked. I ran to another door, and before I woke up. There was something other than me in the room that night. I was in tears and it was like being young again. I’ll never forget it either. One thing I should note is that the wedding I was playing at that weekend was changed from outdoors to indoors in church! They did the whole mass too! I was like wow.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Just wanted to share this. Okay, I just woke up, so I’ll tell this the best way I can remember it because it’s already getting fuzzy.

First, a little background story: last night at a sister parish, a Maronite priest was supposed to have come to give us a talk on the Maronite Rite, then he was going to offer a Mass in that rite. (It’s a half-hour drive from my home to this parish.) anyway, we went there and all of us were waiting, time kept going by, and no priest. So someone went outside to see if he could be spotted, but when she came back in, she said he’s just called and had been given directions to the wrong parish (Sacred Heart in another town.) So we were all a little disappointed, but we planned to reschedule. Everyone went home. when I got home, I put my little laminated image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus into my pillowcase (never did that before. I had just received it as a gift from my son but was having trouble finding a way to wear it on my person, so I placed it into my pillowcase instead.)

Okay, now the dream:

Basically, I was at Mass all night long! I was in this church – not a particularly beautiful church, but there were lots of different kinds of people there. There were rows and rows of people, so many that I really couldn’t see the altar or the priest. We were having Mass, just the regular Latin Rite Mass in English as you would expect to find at a typical church on a Saturday evening or a Sunday. There was nothing outstanding about it, except that we kept giving the response: “I will praise the Lord my God” (sung, you know, just like during the part of Mass where you give the response during the Psalm reading.) It was so real! At one point, I woke up, couldn’t believe I was having this dream, and when I touched my pillow, the Sacred Heart image was directly under my head. I felt so perfect and safe, like there was no worry in the whole world that could touch me at that moment. I cannot describe this in words. So I went back to sleep, but this dream picked right back up where it left off. So I got to spend all night at Mass! God be praised. 😃

Anyone else have a wonderful dream like this you want to share?
I hope you realise that this doesn’t fulfil your Sunday Mass obligation. 😃
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