Steven87 said:
1. Why would God ever create Dinosaurs if his main creation that was to inhabit the world were humans?
If by “main creation” you mean the most prevalent, Humans are not it. Insects outweigh the population of other animals a hundredfold. Mankind is rather the most elevated creature, and need not be the most proliferate.
We can reason that God created Dinosaurs for the same reason He created everything else: out of love, and as a means to convey His glory. Who is not in awe of His creation when we see a towering Brachiosaur skeleton, or look at the incredible diversity of the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods? More practically, much of the biological mass that existed 65 million years ago in the form of plants and animals (dinos included) has become petroleum, and I don’t need to explain how useful
that is to us humans.
- Did all people who died before Jesus was crucified go to hell because they didn’t have Jesus’s blood to absolve their sins,or have the oportunity to be forgiven?
They did not necessarily go to Hell. The Jewish concept of afterlife (Sheol) was simply an abode of the dead. There were hellish parts and good parts. In the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, we have a description of what the afterlife was like prior to Christ’s Resurrection:
:bible1: “When the poor man died, he was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried, and from the netherworld,
14 where he was in torment, he raised his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side.” Luke 16:22-23
When Christ died, He “descended to the dead” and preached the Good News there. Those who died in friendship with God by following the Old Covenant and sacrificing in the Jewish Temple received the same salvation available to Christians in the New Covenant.
- I hear that Evolution is almost a proven fact in the scientific world, but doesn’t this go against everything taught in the bible?
Darwinian Evolution specifically is not considered the impregnable fortress of reason it once was. New research into genetics suggest that the speed at which genetic mutation occurred throughout history makes it impossible to be solely the result of natural selection. Evolution, defined more generally as the change and advancement of beings over time, is not contrary to Scripture in the least. In Genesis we already have 2 different accounts of creation, which shows that they were not meant to be taken perfectly literally, but were meant to describe certain truths, namely that creation is from God and that there was a primordial event in human history that involved a rejection of God’s love and laws.
4 If I have doubts in God’s existence but am trying my best to find faith and praying but die in a state of doubt, will my soul be at risk?
It depends on what you mean by doubt. If you truly think when you die “I can’t believe that God truly exists” then your soul will be in jeopardy. However, occasional wonderings on how we know everything we believe is true is not doubt, but reflects a deeper need for understanding. Seeking Truth necessitates asking the question “How do we know this is true?”.