Yeah i have an question about learning disablity since i suffers from this since i was a child and as you know i explained before i have ocd
i want to know if there s someone here whu also suffers from same problem?
Can enyone tell me how do you deal with it and what s best approach to learn scricptures bible with this problem because i have trouble here i learn but i easy for get fast i am not shure should i read then more but still again forget
Or maybe i could write on a paper scricpture since doesnt work then every time if i dont know when i need it i can read from paper then somehow it get into my head already to remember but still theres problems i just want to know whu here really understand that
forgot to add i have issues with understanding things when people talk and trouble in conversations because of that when i read something it takes me way more time that normal people whu learn it quicker
again lets be compasionate and understand each other pains before we answers as bible tell us that we should be gentle with others when we talk
i want to know if there s someone here whu also suffers from same problem?
Can enyone tell me how do you deal with it and what s best approach to learn scricptures bible with this problem because i have trouble here i learn but i easy for get fast i am not shure should i read then more but still again forget
Or maybe i could write on a paper scricpture since doesnt work then every time if i dont know when i need it i can read from paper then somehow it get into my head already to remember but still theres problems i just want to know whu here really understand that
forgot to add i have issues with understanding things when people talk and trouble in conversations because of that when i read something it takes me way more time that normal people whu learn it quicker
again lets be compasionate and understand each other pains before we answers as bible tell us that we should be gentle with others when we talk
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