I have a question with two videogames

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I I have a question if I can play fortnite because there some demonic skins like haze, malice, dominion and surfwitch for example.
the surfwitch skins has the satanic pentagram in her shirt and the dominion skin uses a spell that looks satanic, so I don´t know if I can still play fortnite

The other videogame is pokemon, there are three pokemon that have in their design the satanic pentagram the pokemons are alakazam, garchomp and tortunator.
Also in the english version of pokemon sword and shield there are two attacks called behemoth bash and behemoth blade but I think this is only in the english version because in my language (spanish) those attacks are called supreme slash and supreme rush.
I like to play those games but I dont know if it`s a sin to play them.
Its not a sin to play them because these games are not pushing a satanic agenda. these costumes and names are purely cosmetic. To me its equivalent to a halloween costume. images of the devil as a grotesque cloven hoofed red skinned freak is a mockery of the devil and his lofty pride.
thank you for the answer, that means that I can play those games without feeling that i´m doing something sinful right?
thank you for the answer, that means that I can play those games without feeling that i´m doing something sinful right?
Yes. However, like another person here here suggested you should develop your prayer life. Put God first every day and every night. I would recommend that you pray before playing. Give thanks to God that you have this leisure time.

If I were you I would imagine myself slaying demons while playing. Have fun! Pick the Angel costume if they have one.
thank you for all, your suggestions will help me a lot.
God bless you =)
My husband’s a gamer so I’m going to chime in here. Are you fighting these satanic characters or joining them? That could be a guide for you. I really think, though, that you should discuss this with your confessor. Us laypeople on here aren’t qualified to declare something to be a sin or not to be a sin. We can relay Church teaching, give our opinion, but that’s it. Please, ask your confessor to make sure.
well, in fortnite I obviously I don´t buy that kind of skins, I have other skins and I save for other kind of skins, and the people that plays with me also don´t have those skins, for example I have marvel skins (thor, groot, etc), my brother has dc skins (batman, aquaman).
Until now I haver never met an opponent or ally with that satanic skins, I think those skins are not popular in the community.

And in Pokémon, I collect all the pokémon , so I have in my collection the pokemon that I mentioned above, but I use other pokemon in my battles.

Thank you for your answer.

God Bless you =)
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I would still double check with a priest but my personal opinion (which means nothing) is that what you’re doing seems harmless. Again, I’m no authority. God bless.
I play division 1 and 2 - pretty violent game but they are all bad guys (AI) who will do damage likewise - I only play PVE not PVP . It is addictive as all games are. Don’t buy it.
Well, I like to play pvp but only with my friends, I don´t like to play alone or with random people, but there are some games where I have to play alone =(
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