My Dear Friends,
I haven’t posted on here in general for months now- I used to come here a lot and loved to post and read and be enriched in my faith. There are some very good and loving people here- Catholics and Non Catholics but I wanted to share something with you all.
I am working as a Pastoral Assistant for the Archdiocese of Southwark in the UK, I love this job and serving the Holy Church and her Priests. I myself have felt a calling to the Priesthood since I was but a young boy- I am now almost 21 and still feel the same call to be a Priest that I did on the day I first became an Altar Server when I was 13- I had felt it even before then…
I have been on a number of retreats, visits to the Seminary and spent a prolonged time with a Religious Community and visited others. I have thought long and hard about my Vocation- I have always known I was called,it was just finding out in which particular way and which Order God willed for me to join. This has been difficult for me because our Church has so many wonderful Orders and Congregations and also Seminaries and I had to really put my “calling” to the test so to speak and after many Rosaries, Holy Hours & Retreats I believe God has finally shown me where I am meant to be. I was given a 2nd Class relic of St. Magarguerite Bourgeoys (a Canadian Foundress) and I prayed to her and invoked her intercession in helping me find the right path for me in life and for her to direct me in the way God wishes me to serve him.
I wrote to the Mercedarian Fathers in Madrid, an ancient order founded in 1218 for the redemption and liberation of Christian Captives. The Order is Marian and was “literally” founded by Our Lady because she appeared to St. Peter Nolasco and asked him to found an order for the purpose of the Redemption of Christian Captives and to promote herself as Our Lady of Mercy- therefore he founded the Mercedarian Fathers. Today the Fathers are not literally freeing Christian slaves from Moorish chains but are freeing and liberating in other ways- they are Parish Priests & Prison Chaplains, they work in very difficult neighbourhoods and promote Mary as Our Holy Mother of Mercy. I am extremely devoted to Our Lady, therefore, I believe it is the perfect Order for me as I am also very keen on and taken with the Charism.
On the very feast day of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys I was contacted by the Mercedarian Father Provincial of Castilla in Spain and after making my application and providing references I have been invited for a trial period with the Order in March with a view to becoming a Postulant. I pray and hope that this visit is fruitful and may lead to my joining the Order.
Please would you be so kind as to pray for this intention and that it will all go well for me in this visit and in my future preparations.
I will be happy to write in more detail about the Order at another time…just hope they will have me!
I haven’t posted on here in general for months now- I used to come here a lot and loved to post and read and be enriched in my faith. There are some very good and loving people here- Catholics and Non Catholics but I wanted to share something with you all.
I am working as a Pastoral Assistant for the Archdiocese of Southwark in the UK, I love this job and serving the Holy Church and her Priests. I myself have felt a calling to the Priesthood since I was but a young boy- I am now almost 21 and still feel the same call to be a Priest that I did on the day I first became an Altar Server when I was 13- I had felt it even before then…
I have been on a number of retreats, visits to the Seminary and spent a prolonged time with a Religious Community and visited others. I have thought long and hard about my Vocation- I have always known I was called,it was just finding out in which particular way and which Order God willed for me to join. This has been difficult for me because our Church has so many wonderful Orders and Congregations and also Seminaries and I had to really put my “calling” to the test so to speak and after many Rosaries, Holy Hours & Retreats I believe God has finally shown me where I am meant to be. I was given a 2nd Class relic of St. Magarguerite Bourgeoys (a Canadian Foundress) and I prayed to her and invoked her intercession in helping me find the right path for me in life and for her to direct me in the way God wishes me to serve him.
I wrote to the Mercedarian Fathers in Madrid, an ancient order founded in 1218 for the redemption and liberation of Christian Captives. The Order is Marian and was “literally” founded by Our Lady because she appeared to St. Peter Nolasco and asked him to found an order for the purpose of the Redemption of Christian Captives and to promote herself as Our Lady of Mercy- therefore he founded the Mercedarian Fathers. Today the Fathers are not literally freeing Christian slaves from Moorish chains but are freeing and liberating in other ways- they are Parish Priests & Prison Chaplains, they work in very difficult neighbourhoods and promote Mary as Our Holy Mother of Mercy. I am extremely devoted to Our Lady, therefore, I believe it is the perfect Order for me as I am also very keen on and taken with the Charism.
On the very feast day of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys I was contacted by the Mercedarian Father Provincial of Castilla in Spain and after making my application and providing references I have been invited for a trial period with the Order in March with a view to becoming a Postulant. I pray and hope that this visit is fruitful and may lead to my joining the Order.
Please would you be so kind as to pray for this intention and that it will all go well for me in this visit and in my future preparations.
I will be happy to write in more detail about the Order at another time…just hope they will have me!