I have an question about evangelism training

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Well yeah i have an question about evangelism even so i asked about it but didnt get the right answer but this time is time is about evangelism trainig i just found

(Billy graham s style gospel)

And there s much other sites which is called dare2share which created a style as abc ask admire admit

So my question right here is afther i readed about it can i be shure this is correct because it does mention very well things but if not you can shure correct me i am wrong i wont mind you can even add to it something what s missing

but real thing is whould this be an good idea i make this in my note so i use this for evangelism?

or you think this isnt good idea to use since not shure that s based on catholism really

Please tell me your toughs about it and be kind in answer

lets remember lets first read before answering
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It certainly is TRUTH that salvation and everlasting life is in the person of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the One and only true God. Pray to the Father in humble and obediant faith to lead all souls into heaven. That He grant repentence, faith, forgiveness of sins. Pray God’s will be realised on earth as in heaven. God bless you that you have a burden in your heart for lost souls who need His mercy. Pray and listen to His voice. Ask Him to glorify Himself in your life.
God be with you.
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Well yeah that s interesting indeed sorry for late reply
plus thanks for the answer but i actually asked is this safe to use as catholic since what i saw was actually protestant thing more than catholic but what bothers me

again can catholic use that and is it according to scricpture correct for evangelism?
This is certainly scriptural. I have used Billy Graham’s method myself. It is basically a Protestant view, but it works to bring people to Christ.
What Catholics would add is that they need to be baptized, and they need to begin to attend a Catholic church.
People who accept Christ as their savior tend to fall away if they don’t join a fellowship or church. Billy Graham learned this and made it part of his evangelization, to get converts into a local church.
So you could use this, and then encourage your friends to attend church and talk to a priest.
Sorry for late reply just came online and thank you for your answer and this is great idea
It’s hard to add to Vicki63’s excellent answer. I think the article has very useful methods for sharing the gospel, but I would stay away from wording that indicates a “once and done” assurance in salvation. I think this could contribute to the falling away Vicki63 refered to.

Connecting to a Catholic community and talking to a priest are critical to starting and maintaining a new life in Christ in the Catholic church. I would also add, if possible, that staying in regular, one-on-one contact with the person to answer questions and become a trusted friend can make a big difference.
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