Bben, as you’re beginning spiritual direction, I think it probably a good idea to give some advice that I once received about it, derived largely from the work of Jean Grou and St Francis de Sales.
A good spiritual director can be very hard to find. However, a director might also say that a good penitent is very hard to find as well. You certainly have a right to look for specific qualities in your director, but you also have the obligation to cultivate in yourself certain qualities conducive to the goal which you hope to achieve.
The direction must be based only on supernatural ideas, directed only toward the greater glory of God and your own holiness, in order to be effective. If you burden your director with worldly concerns, you will get only worldly results. Thus, it’s a good idea to keep a few rules in mind.
First, only meet your director when you need to and speak only about things relating to God.
Second, always maintain a spirit of respect and seriousness in your conversations. As the Lord’s interests are the subject of discussion, He is truly present in the midst of your meetings. Never lose sight of that fact.
Third, be an open book to your director, always speaking your mind freely and openly. Withholding information from him will not benefit you. Remember that if you are benefiting from his direction, Satan might try to undermine your confidence in the director. Thus, I you doubt him or suspect him of anything, clear the air as soon as you can.
Fourth, as you are completely truthful and confident toward your director, you must also be completely obedient to him. Obey even when it is painful, even when it seems to offend your taste. Your will cannot be allowed to resist him, nor can you allow yourself to form any judgment against him, for these are evidently not the works of God.
Fifth, always see God in your director. Understand that God has brought you to him, and that God can take you away from him if it be to your soul’s welfare. Trust that God Himself can supply all of your needs.
Last, have faith in God’s supernatural Providence in leading the souls that give themselves over to Him completely. That is truly the faith by which the just live.
As you reveal your soul completely to your director, it is only fitting that you confess to him as well, for that complete revelation of your soul would include your sins as well. And always remember the final goal of any direction: spiritual perfection.
I hope this helps. God bless.