I have had it!!!!

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I am about to explode! I am so frustrated with all the garbage that keeps getting piled on me. And it’s not one thing after another, it’s one thing on top of another. The straw that broke the camels back today was trying to get my oil changed. They can’t change it because I have a gas leak. URG!!! My brakes are also going. So many money issues, personal things I am trying to change, issues with my health, issues with my son, my health insurance just changed(AGAIN) and the price has increased. There’s so much going on my head is spinning and I don’t know where to start or what to start with first. There’s one bad habit that I have that, if I were to change it, it would be a tremondous help, but I’m stuck there, too.

I believe that it was St. Theresa who said to God, "Lord, if this is how you treat Your friends, it’s no wonder You have so few of them. That’s how I feel. I’ve been praying to change that bad habit(disorganization), but I’m getting nowhere, maybe because I’m disorganized about praying, too.

I feel like giving up.
Believe it or not, I understand how you feel. I have not had exactly the same experience, but I have been there before and I am approaching that point again.

It’s too much. It’s the feeling of drowing in all these issues and not seeing the end of it.

The last time this happened to me, I began going to adoration, and when the whole thing hit the climax, although I was crushed, I was able to keep my eyes on Jesus.

I began carrying a crucifix…just the crucifix, not the entire rosary. The whole rosary was just another straw, something else I had to do…but I could look at Jesus on the crucifix and I drew strength there.

I recently attended a seminar at my parish, and had a guided discussion about a DVD, 3 paths to holiness, by a very orthodox and dynamic priest.

One of the most compelling images was Jesus on the cross…his hands were nailed so that he could not reach out and GRAB anything…he had already given all.

My dear, you are approaching crucifixion, so just grab a crucifix, look at Jesus, breathe…and realize that if he could do this for all of us, all by himself, you can get through your crisis united with his suffering. YOU still have the ability to reach out and grab…and what better thing to grab onto than Jesus?

I hope this idea is as helpful to you as it was to me.

God bless you! I have a holy hour today…I will pray for you!

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
–Reinhold Niebuhr

Being disorganized isn’t a bad habit, it’s just a skill you are missing in your life. You can learn to be organized by learning to set priorities and then keeping them. However you do it, find someone to help you learn how to prioritize and organized so you learn to do it for yourself and your frustration will vanish. And remember, you have been praying for an answer, well, here it is. God isn’t going to give you skills out of the blue, although it would be great if he did. It’s up to you, to us all, to learn to do the things we need to in order to make our lives less stressful.
Have you heard of the Fly Lady? She helps you organize your life in little baby steps. Join her e-mail group and she sends daily e-mails with little ways to help you organize your life.
I like you can get over whelmed, the Fly Lady has helped me alot!
JCPhoenix… what a wonderful way to look at things! I learned a few things from your posting!

stbruno… that is a gorgeous picture. I’m stuck in the desert of SoCal (thanks Army) and I don’t get to see blues and greens very much so that was such a pleasant picture. Very relaxing.

and the rest of you have offered some great advice. I second the advice on Fly Lady. It’s amazing some of the information given out there. It’s helped me alot.

Keep praying and as I try to tell myself… close your eyes, take a deep breath, say a prayer to Jesus, and be PROACTIVE not reactive to your disorganization. When you become proactive, you tend to get a grip on things better than to settle into a crying fit of feelings of failure (or at least it helps me to prevent feeling like that)

Good luck and God bless!
Boy I can relate to this one.

So many times in life there seems to be a big hole we just fall in.
With this struggle I learned breathing and simply and humbly asking God to help me get through one more second minute etc.
Until I could ask for a day at a time.
When my daughter sons and grand children all came back home at once to live when my house was finally empty with just my husband and me.
Total chaos broke out. It was a standing joke for him and I to do a one and a half gayner off the roof.
But then things slowly settled down.
I am a regular attender of adoration. It was my peace in my life.
Now I work all day and babysit all night. But I learned that making the most of every moment was really important. Sitting back laughing and realizing that life is not always easy. I have more time for my prayer life while the kids watch cartoons.
Sometimes I think it is God’s way of getting us to smell the roses.

In America especially, our lives zoom by and we don’t even take the time to look at the beauty of creation. Listen to the voice of a little child. Etc.
I learned so much just from experiencing such trauma.

Good luck I will be praying for you. 🙂

If it wasn’t for life being so difficult, it wouldn’t be interesting. It’s not your life you need to change, it’s your view of it.
It’s too much. It’s the feeling of drowing in all these issues and not seeing the end of it.

My dear, you are approaching crucifixion, so just grab a crucifix, look at Jesus, breathe…and realize that if he could do this for all of us, all by himself, you can get through your crisis united with his suffering. YOU still have the ability to reach out and grab…and what better thing to grab onto than Jesus?
You hit the nail on the head. I am approaching a crucifixion. Every time an issue in my life gets worse, (which is exactly what has happened here)God brings me to a change, and it is always a change for the better. I’ve got to remember that.

Thank you so much for your post. It hit me hard and woke me right up.
Have you heard of the Fly Lady? She helps you organize your life in little baby steps. Join her e-mail group and she sends daily e-mails with little ways to help you organize your life.
I like you can get over whelmed, the Fly Lady has helped me alot!
Yup, I have signed up for FlyLady. Several months ago as a matter of fact. It’s really a matter of following through with it-----see, things have gone from OK, to bad, to worse. Plus, life has dumped multiple crosses on me over the last several years, a few of which have resolved, some which are still ongoing, and some new ones. My head is spinning.

But, I did do something good for me a week ago. I bought an assistant brain, as I like to call it. I bought a little electronic organizer. With an alarm to go off when I need to do something. 😃 And on that note—I have alot to do today—housework, get my son working on his homework, Mass, grocery shopping, and take my son to the museum to see the “live” dinosaurs.
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