Hello, I am a 16 year old Catholic whose parents generally do not practice the faith outside of normal stuff like baptisms, confirmations, etc and I have personally wanting to go to Mass and participate in things like Confession for a long time so I do not know how to even enter a church. Also, I have really thought for a long time about joining a seminary and eventually becoming a Priest. I searched for some of these questions online and couldn’t find the answer to them. Here are some questions I have,
- This may be a stupid question but, How do I join a Church and go to a Mass, do I just walk in or do I generally have to talk to someone to join a church or something?
- How would I be able to even be able to confess my sins to a Priest before I even join said Mass if I haven’t joined that church before?
- How would I get my parents to allow me to go to a church as they are against the idea of me going or should I just go on my own?
- Would me not having been able to go to Mass affect me being able to join a seminary after I graduate?
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