I have to give a testimony. Eeek!

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Hey all,

So this past Wednesday I discovered that I have to give a testimony in front of a bunch of Middle schoolers… next Friday. I have one week to figure out what I’m going to say to these kids.

I honestly don’t feel comfortable with this. My faith’s been pretty rocky over the past couple years. Before that I pushed faith away because I felt like it was being forced down my throat. And that pretty much sums up my faith journey. I can’t talk about when the change of heart came into play- my 9 year old sister is going to be at this retreat, and she really doesn’t need to know all the garbage her big sis has gotten herself into.

btw- I’m 17.5. Incase that matters. haha.

Talking about how God has worked in my life isn’t an option- I’ve never really concretely felt Him move in my life.

I could talk about service. I have a pretty long history of aiding/teaching ccd classes, vacation bible schools, planning children’s retreats, workcamps, etc.

But I don’t know if the kids would get anything out of that, and I don’t want to sound at all like I’m glorifying what service I have done! <<thats one of my main concerns. And not being hypocritical. Mostly I just want someone to get something out my my standing up there and blabbing for 5 minutes.

Ack! I’m feel stuck. I HAVE to give this testimony. No one else was even close to willing to step up, so I kinda felt obligated. Its not like a huge thing, it’ll just be maybe 15 kids grades 5-8 & some highschoolers who are consulers. But its still 15 kids.

Any advice? 🤷
Stick with what you are strong in. If it is service then tell the kids what they can do to help others, how they can act (not being a bully, or gosiping about other kids, or making fun of kids that are different, etc). If this is a Catholic or other Christian school, try to tie this in with the teachings of Jesus. Read through Matthew and Luke to help you prepare. Jot down some of the teachings and sayings of Jesus, to tie into your talk of service to others. Maybe it will revive your own faith a little. Sometimes we get caught up with Church doctrines, theology, rules, etc and we forget to read what Jesus said in the Gospels. Good luck, you will do fine!!
You just gave some kind of testimony here and it was not bad at all 😉 personally, I would love to talk to such a little group and to my own sister. And I would arrange it into a little dialog with her 🙂 Maybe you can work on it together? It may be fun and really fruitful for all!
Of course you don’t her to bring all of the dirt in. Such a young group does not need it from you. Show them your work for Jesus. If you have an experience in kids’ services, it is great! Use your five minutes to encourage them to work for others, to voluntary for some parish work or whatever! You can make it!
I agree with Simon. From what you ahve told us, you’re on the right track. You definately don’t want to get into the details prior to your change of heart. First of all, that is personal to you and kids that age will only remember that aspect of your talk. I’ve givem many witness to all ages and you don’t want to “brag” so to speak about your past. If you sister wants to talk to you privately afterward at some point, you can decide what you want to tell her.

You can allude that you were away from God at one point in your life and focus on your conversion experience. Do you have one moment that stands out as a turning point? I like to call it the “get it” moment, or a “Road to Damascus” moment a la St. Paul, or Peter when the Lord asks “Who do you say that I am, Simon, son of Jonah?” Myself, I’ve had several momemts of God trying to get my attention. You say that your faith has been “preety rocky.” This may be God’s way of speaking to you to bring you closer.

You don’t have to be a theologian to talk to kids, just honest. They can see through bs. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your words and you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

I’m praying for you. God Bless.
I think it would be very cool if you brought in some of your favorite saints. You could tell their stories and relate it to your life. You could even do this with scripture.

For example, if I were giving a witness, I might tell the story of Martha and Mary. Then, I would relate how I often get tempted to be busy with things. I would say that I even get mad at people in my family when they don’t help me with all my business. Then, I’d say that this story reminds me that it’s important to spend time “sitting at the feet of Jesus.” And, because of that, I am careful every day to spend a five minutes just thinking about Jesus.

With any talk, I’d suggest:

an attention getting opening. I suggest memorizing this

Three main points that you want to emphasize.

With this age group, I’d emphasize prayer, going to confession (or fighting some temptation you have had in your life. One in my life in High School was gossip), and being brave in witnessing your faith. Whatever your points, just talk about how you’ve experienced that point.

Then, sum everything up and give them a resolution to work on.

A witness doesn’t have to cover every aspect of your life–just the ones that the Holy Spirit wants to share.

It’ll be fine. It’s also okay to make it a dialogue instead of a monologue. Kids like to interact.

Don’t read it. That’s boring. Write an outline.

I think it’s very cool that you are doing this!
I agree with the advice you’ve been given so far. Here are some of the questions I think you could answer to help shape your message:
My faith’s been pretty rocky over the past couple years. Before that I pushed faith away because I felt like it was being forced down my throat. And that pretty much sums up my faith journey.
Something has held you here. God has blessed with you with the grace not to let go of Him completely. So what is it? No matter what your motivation, you can share that with these kids. And remember, many of the saints started off worse than rocky, so you can draw on their examples to compare where you are in your faith journey.

Someone must have seen your grace to ask you to take on something like this, so maybe you could pray for a little while and ask God what He had in mind when you were chosen to give this testimony.
I can’t talk about when the change of heart came into play- my 9 year old sister is going to be at this retreat, and she really doesn’t need to know all the garbage her big sis has gotten herself into.
This is true. Can you describe where you are and where you are going, and why you are going there?
btw- I’m 17.5. Incase that matters. haha.
Talking about how God has worked in my life isn’t an option- I’ve never really concretely felt Him move in my life.
Have you ever felt him at all? I didn’t feel him “concretely” until I gave birth to a child at age 27. But, I knew He was there. Have you ever had an experience that made you say “Thank You, Lord”? Those count too. You don’t have to be a visionary to have experienced Him.
I could talk about service. I have a pretty long history of aiding/teaching ccd classes, vacation bible schools, planning children’s retreats, workcamps, etc.
Most definitely. Especially if you emphasize what you got out of the experience. How do you think God worked through you in those instances of service?

I highly recommend that you just set aside some time for reflection and ask the Holy Spirit to come be with you and bless the words that you speak. God is using you for something, and if you place it all in His hands, it can’t go wrong!

My suggestion is to start with telling them of a time in your life when you felt as though God abandoned you. Then tell about a time you were sure God existed. People relate more to the agnostic time which they know. Tell them what agnostic is. Tell them not to sweat their own life’s story.
Why do you ‘have’ to? If you are being bullied into it, tell the bully politely but firmly that you aren’t going to do it, they’ll have to find someone else.
Maybe liberals are smart so you could try intelligent speech?
Wow, thank-you so much everyone for your advice! I feel so much better about this after reading your responses. I put some thought into it and here’s the best I’ve come up with so far:

I was thinking of maybe talking about a couple different experiences I’d had at church-related events/catholic workcamps/ncyc/etc. Most of these kids haven’t been too, too involved in youth group activities and it may get them pumped up. Then I’ll finish it up with the story of a modern day saint, talking about how they’re normal people who just keep trying, were all called to be saints, by coming to this weekend they’re taking a step towards holiness (the weekend is sort of a junior work camp dealio)

The three I was thinking of are…
  1. Talking about how much others appreciate service really means to others (I know that sounds cliche- whatevs) I’d tell the story of my Catholic Heart Work Camp resident this past year- she was such a sweetheart! Always talking to us, etc. She was so appreciative- last day of work she surprised us with EIGHT CARTIANS of ice-cream. Because she couldn’t remember what we had said our fav flavors are. She was such a joy to work for! I’d probably also encourage them to go to CHWC once they’re in 9th grade.
  2. This one doesn’t quite fit, so I may omit it (what do you think?) its kinda a cool story though: New Orleans. This past July. 9th ward. Working for Habitat for Humanity. Were down there all doing what you do when working with habitat in N.O. The house next door is totally destroyed. Completely rotted out. Empty. The doors and windows are gone, etc (I’d show pictures of the house on projector) we’re looking through it and all- then we glance up on the roof. Some of the shingles have been torn away in the shape of a cross. Talk about how no matter how horrible the stuff going on in our worlds may be- God’s always there. Nothing can happen without God’s permissive will.
  3. NCYC 2007. Around this time I was going through a pretty hard time in my life. It was the closing mass. Nationwide wide arena [Columbus Blue Jackets] filled with over 21,000 people! EIGHT bishops were there! Over a hundred priests, about that many decons, etc. We were sitting about ten rows from the top of the seats. Communion rolls around. It was amazing to be able to look around the arena and see over 20,000 different catholic teens, all coming from different backgrounds, each with their own sorrows and hurts and joys and everything. Were all the same in our sin. Joining together as one through the Blessed Sacrament. In an hour or so we were all going to go our separate ways, but next Sunday at mass the exact same thing would happen. We’d all, from our different corners of the world, be joined together as one through in Christ. Right as I was thinking about this, as if one cue, the choir started singing “One Bread, One Body”.
I’d finish go on to talk about how we all have things that we go through, but God’s always there calling us back to him, etc. even the saints went through tough times… “The saints are those who struggle right to the end of their lives, who always get up each time they stumble, each time they fall, and courageously embark on their way once more with humility, love, and hope. Be filled with hope, Jesus Christ is ALWAYS victorious.” ~JP2

Then I’d tell the story of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. Talk about how he was modern day saint, normal kid, practical joker, spent his fortune on the needy & visiting sick, contracted a disease that killed him at 24. etc. Say being a saint doesn’t have to be boring- Bl Pier Giorgio definatly wasn’t. “Lord save me from gloomy saints” ~St. Theresa of Avalia. Today they’re taking a step towards holiness.

Talk about how today they’re going to go our into the world and change a small part of it, even if its just raking lawns for elderly. They’re still making a difference “Though what we do may be but a drop in the ocean, the ocean would be less because of that missing drop”

end with this quote from JP2 “Remember: Christ is calling you, the Church needs you, the Pope believes in you, and he expects great things of you!”

The end.

I know I still need a good opening, to work on tying it together, etc. Aside form all that- is it bad? Should I cut anything out/change it/etc? Thanks to any of you who actually read all that. It came out longer than I expected. :juggle:
Why do you ‘have’ to? If you are being bullied into it, tell the bully politely but firmly that you aren’t going to do it, they’ll have to find someone else.
Few weeks ago I was kinda in a rush and not really thinking, and a committee member asked if I’d give a testimony. I said I would if they couldn’t get anyone else, but I’d really rather not to. (at the time I was thinking mostly of the fact that I don’t have much spare time to work on this) They asked everyone they could think of- no one else stepped foreword. Thus I have to. I don’t think its going to be as bad as I originally thought though!
From what I have read you have a good base for your presentation.
btw- I’m 17.5. Incase that matters. haha.
I teach the high school class at my church. Most of the students are 14 and 15 yrs old. Last month I invited a young woman who is 18 yrs old to talk to them about abortion (she is really involved with combating abortions). She was a little bit nervous about talking to the class, but once she settled in she was fine. Also, afterwards one of my students refered to her as “the lady”. So a couple of years difference is big at that age.

I will be interested to read how it all goes.

God bless
your testimony sounds awesome. I wish you could give it to my kids! I love it

God bless.
Thank you all SO MUCH for your help and advice!

all things considered I think it went pretty well! I could have gave it a few more run through before hand but o-well. It was fine.

I am so grateful for your help. God bless you all! =D
Thank you all SO MUCH for your help and advice!

all things considered I think it went pretty well! I could have gave it a few more run through before hand but o-well. It was fine.

I am so grateful for your help. God bless you all! =D
Excellent! I am glad it went well…

So when is the next one…?
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