I just hurt myself...

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Please pray for me. I’ve been out of the hospital for a little over a week now, but I’m really not any better than I was when I went in. I’m dealing with recurrent depression, anxiety, and ptsd. Long history of various abuse. I have self injured since I was a child and its one thing that keeps me from suicide. But I know I should find other ways to cope. Its just so hard. Like trying to find a door in an endless hallway. I feel so awful and so very far from God. I feel dead inside, feeling this way and wanting so much to have the sacraments to help me. I just started RCIA last week. I hope my illness will not keep me from it this time. I need the Church and the Eucharist. I need to find light in this darkness.
Yeah sure, I’ll pray. I’m really suffering a lot from depression at the moment, too. Horrible. Want to die kind. People here are going to give you advice, thinking they are going to help. Kind hearted souls. Telling you to offer it up to God. If they only knew. SSRI’s change your perspective on life like a world war. A few years ago I asked a priest for annointing, but he flat out refused me. But another priest did it for me. Maybe, after you become Catholic, you can find a kindly priest who will annoint you.

Please don’t take this the wrong way: but don’t aim for the Eucharist to heal your depression. I’ve been doing that for years now. Countless hours before the Blessed Sacrament, pouring my heart out, barreling on the door, nagging the Judge, but nothing but more pain. I’d say I’m glad to know someone else is in Hell, but I can’t say that; I truly hope you find the peace and good feelings for which you pray.

Just keep praying, if you can only mutter, “Lord Jesus Christ.”
Peace be with you. Please know that you are not alone in your suffering. I pray that the Lord will lift this heavy cross from your shoulders and that you will find strength in letting Him. I will keep you in my prayers. Do not despair.

I will be praying. My girlfriend self-injures, so I understand (as well as I can) what you are going through. :gopray:
I am praying for you. You don’t have to wait for RCIA to turn your heart over to Christ - do it now. Then as soon as you can get the Church’s preparation to receive the Eucharist, you will know how to accept God and His infinite love. We who suffer will eventually come to see how much God loves us. His love surpasses human understanding.

The unspeakable pain and suffering of depression have been suffered by many saints and sinners alike. God loves us all.

Keep saying, “Jesus, I trust in you.” Then do.

May the peace of Christ be with you.
I sort of know how you feel. For many years I was a self mutilator. I cut on and off for 6 or 7 years. I haven’t cut in a while (last time was february) and hope I never will again. It’s a very hard thing to stop. It might have started as a way to vent hurt and anger, but it wound up being an addiction for me, or bording on one.
I know how it can be to feel abandoned by God, and to feel sucked up in complete darkness.
You should get help though. If you are not comfortable in talking to a doctor at this point at least talk to a Priest. Thats how I over came my problems, talking to my Priest.
Praying that the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the fount of all mercy will shower you with mercy and light.
We want to let you know that help is available.

You may wish to call for help in your area. Here are some resources that may prove helpful:

Web address: suicidehotlines.com/
Phone: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

Or: hopeline.com/

(The National Hopeline Network offers help for people suffering from depression and may be able to point you to further resources in your community.)

If you need pastoral support, Catholic answers to moral questions, or the prayers of our staff, please feel free to call Catholic Answers. We are open Monday thru Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM Pacific time. The phone number is 619-387-7200.
While I am praying for you, practically I found much comfort in my own case from praying for the relief of the holy souls. Remember they are in pain too and much of our pain offered for their relief not only sanctifies our lives but helps us to go out of ourselves. Finally sometimes simple things such as sleeping more and cutting out(or down) coffee can assist you.
God bless
Please pray for me. I’ve been out of the hospital for a little over a week now, but I’m really not any better than I was when I went in. I’m dealing with recurrent depression, anxiety, and ptsd. Long history of various abuse. I have self injured since I was a child and its one thing that keeps me from suicide. But I know I should find other ways to cope. Its just so hard. Like trying to find a door in an endless hallway. I feel so awful and so very far from God. I feel dead inside, feeling this way and wanting so much to have the sacraments to help me. I just started RCIA last week. I hope my illness will not keep me from it this time. I need the Church and the Eucharist. I need to find light in this darkness.
A smart Priest once told me about the “dark night”. He said it is like being inside then going outside after a fresh snow. It is so bright at first you can’t see. He is so close, His light is blinding, but He is there. Don’t lose hope, talk to Him. In my prayer, Tim
Hang in there. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety. Lately I alomost had to be hospitalized. Praying to God and taking the Eucharist helps me. But you need to talk to someone in addition to a psychiatrist or a psychologist. I would recommend a spritual director who can help you through some of your issues from a Ctholic viewpoint. I will pray for you.🙂
Thank you all very very much!

You all have given me more hope and belief that I can heal from this and trust in God.
Follow-up is occurring offline.

Thanks to those who offered help and prayer.

Individuals in danger of harm, whether from others or from themselves, should immediately seek professional help, either from the police or professional counseling services respectively.

It is a forum policy not to allow discussions aimed at a particular individual in such circumstances because this is not an appropriate venue for resolving such problems.

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