I can’t give you a definite answer because I don’t have her side (which is a matter of respecting her rights, not just factual correctness of the determination) or all facts and because those directly affected, like you, tend not to be perfect witnesses or judges of situations — there is basically always going to be some cognitive distortion if one has something at stake or some emotional investment in the outcome of the discussion/analysis. So I can’t guarantee that you didn’t act too hastily, for example.
That said, in my opinion there is a chance you did right given the information you had. However, there will be a score of caveats to follow.
First, the behavioural signs you described resemble a woman who is anxious to run away. Those women, however lovely and holy people they might be, are generally not viable partners for a romantic relationship. Not unless there is simply an issue they need to discuss or work out; that, I know nothing about in your specific case.
Next, women from certain cultures and upbringings may be extremely shy about beeing seen with a man in public without a third party (a chaperone) or staying alone with a man. That leads basically to ‘moral issues’ that you mentioned, or simply to something aking to stage fright or awkwardness. Remember that women, just like men, feel the ‘burden of performance’ in social situations. One-on-one with a member of the opposite sex is still social (even interactions with spouses, parents, children, etc. are still social).
Whimpering, groaning and covering her face does look like she’s spending a lot of time and energy fighting struggles in her head and heart that may or may not involve you. Either way, having a relationship in the circumstances doesn’t look like a smart idea (for either of you).
Also moral conflicts tend to exhibit themselves that way, especially if they produce a lot of emotional tension, such as e.g. conflicting loyalties or, of course, any other reason for feeling like one may be committing a grave wrong.
It’s also possible that she may have sensed some reservation in you about her and become agitated but paralysed to act as a result — some people react that way, and people generally sense such reservations even if they can’t p(name removed by moderator)oint the exact thing. They just feel something’s there.
If you don’t have the peace of mind, the best course of action, pretty much regardless of the reasons for the lack of peace of mind and solely because of its existence, is to not have a relationship, especially if the acquaintance is fresh and new, not quite advanced and not prone to leaving much heartbreak if interrupted.