I lost it again

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As some of you may know…I’m a recovering drug addict…actually, I’d like to say I’m fully recovered but then again, I don’t know the future.

As weird as this may sound, I’ve lost what devotion I had to God after I quit doing drugs. I no longer pray, I don’t go to church…it’s not that I no longer have a need for God but it just seems as if He’s not really there…it’s very hard to explain. This pretty much explains my absense from the board lately.

I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this and how you got over it…

As some of you may know…I’m a recovering drug addict…actually, I’d like to say I’m fully recovered but then again, I don’t know the future.

As weird as this may sound, I’ve lost what devotion I had to God after I quit doing drugs. I no longer pray, I don’t go to church…it’s not that I no longer have a need for God but it just seems as if He’s not really there…it’s very hard to explain. This pretty much explains my absense from the board lately.

I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this and how you got over it…

I was wondering where you had gone. Glad you are back.
Dry times? Been there. Now when this is happening ( and I am experiencing this currently) I make myself pray even though my head does not feel much like praying. I make myself go to an extra mass or Adoration and ask for the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

You overcome this with faith and prayer.
God Bless.
I am NOT a drug addict but I can understand how you feel in a way! It’s kinda like recovering from a serious sin and you don’t feel like praying or whatever quite yet…

But not going to church or not praying is going to make things worse! You NEED to start praying again and going to church! He’s waiting for you!!! You start praying and going to Church, I’ll guarantee you’ll feel in peace again!
These “Dry Times” are such an appropriate term to use in relation to the parable of the sower in the field. Some of the seeds fell on rocky ground, some in the thorns, some on the foot path, and some on fertile soil.

What happens during these “Dry Times” when we are not received the grace that God is showering down on us. Well if we are sown in the rocky ground or along the footpaths, then are roots dry up and we shrivel up (and our faith dies).

What happens during these “Dry Times” if we are planted in fertile soil. Then the roots that we have nourished over time will still be able to maintain us through these dry times. Then when we’ve reconciled ourselves back with God, we’ll be as strong as ever!

Sarcophagus, all I can say is have faith. Yes, we do experience dry times. But the fact that you are on this site, tells me that you are still searching.

One last thing, read the story about the woman who was hemhorraging and touched Jesus’ garment and was healed. Notice that many people touched Him but were not healed. The reason she was healed, was because she reached out with her faith and touched Him. That’s how God’s Graces are. He’s offering, just sometimes we have trouble receiving. I don’t know why, but is does happen to most all of us (me included).

Good Luck and come back often!

God Bless,

It is the “Dark Night of the Soul” that Saint John of the Cross talks about in his book of the same title. Very intresting read.
First - you have been on my mind in the past couple of days “wonder where that girl went…” so, been praying for ya!

Second, sometimes when I go without eating for too long I am sooo hungry, but nothing sounds good - in fact the thought of food makes me queasy. When that happens, I just MAKE myself eat, just a bite of bread or some crackers - and my appetite comes back.

Try that with Mass, just MAKE yourself to. With prayer, just pray the Rosary. That appetite will come back!
Thanks everyone! Wow, I didn’t know that anyone would remember me! I decided that I was going to go to the church tomorrow. I moved recently and I’m very close to one now, within walking distance. I’m just afraid it will not be open because I am unable to go to mass this weekend. I know it doesn’t suffice but it is the best I can do so far. Next week’s work schedule is much more catered to church.

I also began reading C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” to try to get myself back into thinking about God more. I plan to get more books like it when I go to the library tomorrow as well.

Praying is more difficult for me to do but I think, like you all said, if I just pray, eventually I’ll be able to do it with ease.

Thanks again
I also began reading C.S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” to try to get myself back into thinking about God more. I plan to get more books like it when I go to the library tomorrow as well.
I love that book!

Also, about the Church being open… go to www.masstimes.org and find the hours for that church (they have Canada on there).
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