The fact that they believe in something means they are in a religion, as we naturally define the word. I’ve heard many non-Catholics say this and often wonder what they’re trying to even say.
It’s some slang they pick up from their non-denom friends and pastors. One must remeber the non-denom Jesus movement exploded in the 1970’s and in a weird way the picked up the anti-religion sentiment and language that another rival group used at the time. It was the New Age group they detest religion as well of course the New agers as little more honest as they make up thier own personal religion so it really isn’t much of a religion.
Christianity on the other hand is very dogmatic wether evangelicals deny this or not.
The early church created creeds suchs as the apostolic creed, Nicene Creed, Athanathius Creed etc had ecunemical councils from Nicea to Vatican and this is biblically based see Acts 15. THe Bible itself is a dogmatic religious text. Someone had to dogmatically define these books amongst many other competing books as the Word of God.
The apsotolic church always viewed the rejected of such essentials found in such things were in error. Yes primarily religion is the search and relationship between God and the indiviudal. The early church made it clear this relationship was thought the person of Jesus Christ and belief in the one holy catholic apostolic church was an essential part of this. As the church was viewed as Christ body on earth.
What is funny if it is true that you don’t need religion ask an evangelical about one of their pet doctrines and if you coudl reject for example justification by faith alone and they will condemn you to hell, Of course you have to accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior in their own dogmatic way or your going to hell. Well isn;t that hypocritical why not accept Jesus the catholic way? If all you need is a relationship with Jesus denominations shouldn’t matter neither churches nor dogma you just need Jesus right? OF course they will dance around that as they really don’t beleive in this moniker.
What I think they really mean when they say this is that they equate the traditions of the catholic church with tradition. Which is of course a false dichotoamcy as the creeds even they would agree with and the Bible which came from the catholic church all products of catholic tradition.
YOu can’t have a private religion. Christ gave us a church and unless he’s a liar its around here somewhere on earth and the apostolic churches are the only ones claiming to be his church so the catholic church is a better bet than any of these non-denom types.