I need a new job

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New member
I don’t know what will happen at my kangaroo court at work on Monday but I really want to change jobs. I can’t stand their viciousness anymore and a drop in hours to come.

I need to escape.

I wonder how much of my depression cones from there as I felt elated yesterday at the prospect of changing jobs?
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Being around toxic people definitely doesn’t help with depression, but generally it just is an exacerbating circumstance and not the underlying cause. Changing jobs could be good for you, it might make things easier in the short term, but you should still get treatment for your depression because depression is much more than just a bad reaction to a bad environment.
So do I. one which pays a lot of money with zero human contact and no stress. Am I expecting too much?
Feeling elated at new job prospects is promising Nelka :+1:t4:
Prayers you find some thing you really enjoy ,with good coworkers ,pay and conditions .
It’s a shame because I love my job but the cliques are awful, they remind me of those cheerleading films that are nasty to others but always come up smelling of roses.

If only Gid would tell me which path is best or which He would prefer me to take.
Whether it is trail from God or the devil, all are trails from God because He allows the Devil to test you. During difficult times like this it is the best time to practice humility and at the same time offer your sufferings to Jesus. This way, your sufferings becomes happiness. When they hurt you, love them more. For example, give them gifts.

I understand how you feel now. If you really cannot take the pressure you have the freewill to choose to walk away. This is your life after all.
I wonder how much of my depression cones from there as I felt elated yesterday at the prospect of changing jobs?
Certainly we have all suffered situational depression, and a toxic environment wears on the soul.

Our emotions can be letting us know that it is time to change venues. In the meantime, you can join your sufferings with those of Christ so that your soul can be purified/sanctified by being salt and light in your current situation.
How do I discern that?
Most employers have an Employee Assistance Program where you can see a provider to sort out how much belongs to the environment and how much is in your head.
It’s a shame because I love my job but the cliques are awful, they remind me of those cheerleading films that are nasty to others but always come up smelling of roses.

If only Gid would tell me which path is best or which He would prefer me to take.
God is concerned about the state of your soul, and that you manifest the fruits of the Spirit.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 26 Let us have no self-conceit, no provoking of one another, no envy of one another. Gal. 5

He wants you to walk by the Spirit, and crucify the desires of the flesh.
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Sr. Joseph, Patron of Workers, pray for Nelka. 🙏
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


At the risk of hypocrisy because of my own work anxieties, be open to God. He may very well be leading you to something better. It doesn’t sound like a good place to work. Any change to any status quo will be stressful, but you’ve got one of those biggies. I’ve googled stressful life events, and yours is up there in the top 10.
There are things to discern and things where God wants us to use our rational minds.

Will changing jobs separate you from God? Will it impact your journey to heaven? Will it harm you or your family? Is the job going to force you do do things that are illegal or immoral? If the answer is no, then your discernment is over.
It’s a shame because I love my job but the cliques are awful, they remind me of those cheerleading films that are nasty to others but always come up smelling of roses.
Every time you get human beings together, there will be friendships, alliances, “cliques”. We will not escape that this side of heaven. What is important is to learn as St Paul said “in any state I am, therewith to be content”.

The Litany of Humility is a powerful prayer.
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You’d think a lot of workplaces would be staffed by adults, but they’re really just overgrown high schoolers! 😛 I used to work in a place like that… you’d think that a library would be a quite haven of sanity, but not at all…! 😛

While you’re in it, the best you can do is to be above it. Don’t get involved, be polite to everyone, don’t try to be friends with anyone. Show up, do your job, and go home.

Figure out if your current workplace has any benefits that you can take advantage of. Some employers, for example, do tuition reimbursement. So if you need to get some additional training or education that will open doors for you, see if they have any programs that will benefit you before you cut them loose. Likewise, some employers have penalties if you take advantage of such benefits and then you leave within a certain amount of time… so see if you can move laterally within your company, but otherwise plan out your timeline so that you don’t get penalized for cutting them loose too soon.

You don’t want to just run away from, because there’s a good chance that no matter where you go, you’ll have a similar environment in your new workplace, just with different names and different faces. Because people are people. You want to have a solid plan, a goal, and a destination to work towards, so that even if you end up in another somewhat-toxic environment, you’ll be happy enough with your work (and your hours and your pay) to tolerate or ignore it.
You don’t want to just run away from, because there’s a good chance that no matter where you go, you’ll have a similar environment in your new workplace, just with different names and different faces.
Or as someone once said “wherever you go, there you are”.
I love this advice! My workplace for years has been a nightmare because they let this woman get away with everything and HR didn’t help, my old manager didn’t help neither did the new one. One day I asked my coworker a question and she walked away saying ‘not my problem’ another time i offered her candy and without turning her head she grunted NO, then she would always give me a nasty look and SO many other offensive things. She’s 70.
My husband told me just go to work, do your job, you’re not there to make friends.
If they are vicious like you say definitely change jobs. Just because it feels like a pang or conscience or message from God does not mean the new job will better in terms of worldly terms such as payment or material satisfaction. So be prepared for that when you will.
Expect the worst hope for the best…
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