I have been waiting for years for a job and I recently got a part time job. Then just two weeks into my job I finally get a email from another job that I wanted to work for but it is only for thirty days and more hours and pay.i don’t understand what this means. One minute I can’t get a job in a very long time and now I get a part time job and another job which is only for thirty days .what does this mean and what is God truying to tell me to do. I can’t quit my part time job for a job that will only last thirty days. But if I take the job I was waiting for and it does pay more and maybe there is a chance I will be asked back for a permanent position, but that is a long shot. It took me forever to land the part time job that is a gauranteed and I will get paid and I might get a full time position with the company. If I take the thirty day job, there is no gaurantee it will be extended to a full time position and I can’t go back to my other job. I just want to know what this means and what does God wans me to do with this situation. Thank you.