My husband and I have been married for six years. After the third day of marriage he didn’t want to be intimate with me. He has used various excuses over the past six years. After about four months of marriage I started suspecting him of having an affair. As far as I know he hasn’t, but he does look at porn regularly and takes care of himself. After two years of counceling( that only I attended) he told me that he couldn’t take me not trusting him any more, he said that he was not in love with me and if it weren’t for our daughter and our unborn son (I was 7 months pregnant at the time) he wouldn’t be with me. I have been on anti-depressants for 5 months now. I havn’t been really happy for over six years. I am Catholic, so the decision to leave is an extremely difficult one, but I don’t want my children to grow up believing that this behavior is acceptable. My daughter, who is 3, already says “did daddy make you cry again mommy?” What do I do?