The first canard is one any honest, unideological ob/gyn will tell us: It is never medically necessary to abort a child.
That is, other medical procedures can be done, even to the point of heroic effort, whereby the child’s death may not be the first cause of the action.
If the child dies as the result of a secondary cause, ie. being removed and then dying in an incubator because it is clearly too young to survive on its own then that is morally licit.
But, what has happened in the last few decades is the weird belief that a “search and destroy” mission must be undertaken.
Yes, in some situations, like ectopic pregnancies, a baby has little if any chance of survival. But the Church teaches us, based on the scriptural and traditional teaching that human life is sacred and that innocent human life must never be taken, that (procured) abortion is an immoral act.
If a woman were sedated and aborted against her will or spontaneously miscarried, these would not be conscious acts.
In addition, any who help someone procure an abortion commit a sin as well.
When my girlfriend was a lapsed Catholic she performed abortions as a med student and resident. She had, automatially excommunicated herself.
Later, when she repented and wanted back into the Church she went to see a priest who accepted her sincere confession.
Short answer to second question: Children who are the result of rape or incest are not guilty of any crime.
Abortion is never morally licit under any circumstance. has a good article on this.
The canonical penalties for procuring or helping others procure abortion, counselling abortion and promoting it are in the code of canon law.
I am sorry I don’t know all the specific canons.
peace, G