I need an answer, hopefully from you!

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Hi there! I know the church’s stance on abortion. But many people, including Catholics think it is ok to kill a baby if the baby is a product of incest, rape or if the mother is in danger of dying…what options does the mother have in these cases? People think if they let these particular babies live it wouldnt be fair to them. What is there reasoning for abortion in these cases? please help me understand!
The first canard is one any honest, unideological ob/gyn will tell us: It is never medically necessary to abort a child.

That is, other medical procedures can be done, even to the point of heroic effort, whereby the child’s death may not be the first cause of the action.

If the child dies as the result of a secondary cause, ie. being removed and then dying in an incubator because it is clearly too young to survive on its own then that is morally licit.

But, what has happened in the last few decades is the weird belief that a “search and destroy” mission must be undertaken.

Yes, in some situations, like ectopic pregnancies, a baby has little if any chance of survival. But the Church teaches us, based on the scriptural and traditional teaching that human life is sacred and that innocent human life must never be taken, that (procured) abortion is an immoral act.

If a woman were sedated and aborted against her will or spontaneously miscarried, these would not be conscious acts.

In addition, any who help someone procure an abortion commit a sin as well.

When my girlfriend was a lapsed Catholic she performed abortions as a med student and resident. She had, automatially excommunicated herself.

Later, when she repented and wanted back into the Church she went to see a priest who accepted her sincere confession.

Short answer to second question: Children who are the result of rape or incest are not guilty of any crime.

Abortion is never morally licit under any circumstance. www.catholic.com has a good article on this.

The canonical penalties for procuring or helping others procure abortion, counselling abortion and promoting it are in the code of canon law.

I am sorry I don’t know all the specific canons.
peace, G
Dear crzyage3, Jesus says #5 don’t kill, no footnote exceptions. Mother’s put baby first. Emotions of child of rape can be bad memory of father, child looking like father, thinking killing baby will get rid of the hurt.However, the child belongs to God and abortion just adds deep hurt that surfaces later in life.Truth always surfaces.Rachel’s Vineyard, a ministry for parents who have aborted their child may answer your questions better .To kill one’s own child is to rip out part of one’s heart.After all the child is 50% you genetically.I never had an abortion but know people who have and they are never at peace until they are healed.Most of them acted out of fear and ignorance.Did you ever kill a little animal with your car? To kill a human, your own child must be a zillion times worse. My heart goes out to women who made this horrible choice. S.
Thank you so much! I’ll check it out. You just brought something to my mind…if a women has an ectopic pregnancy than what does a doctor do?
Dear Crazyage3, I forgot about ectopic pregnacy. The mother would die as far as I know medically, there would be no room for the embryonic fluid,placenta etc. to develop and it would be sure death for the mother, no chance of child survival. With God’s grace a person can carry a child of rape to term, keep the child with acceptance and love or place the child for adoption.God always opens a way.An afterthought:With God all is possible, but I never heard of a successful ectopic pregnancy to term. Said enough.
I wonder if they could move the embryo over or something…i mean couldnt they try to save the baby?
I read on another thread that the Catholic choice for an ectopic pregnacy is as follows. The doctor removes the part of the fallopian tube that the child is in. It does end the life of the child, but that is not the intent, and therefore acceptable. The doctor must do this to save the life of the mother. The unintended effect, is the death of the child.

There is unfortunately no way medically to save the child of an ectopic pregnancy at this time.
Removal of a fallopian tube or part of a fallopian tube in cases of ectopic pregnancy is not considered an abortion. The tube is removed to prevent it’s rupture. The embryo dies as an unintended side effect. If one were to try to suck the embryo out of the tube, that would be an abortion, but it is never handled that way. Unfortunately, there is at present no procedure that would allow the embryo to be safely removed from the tube and implanted into the uterus.
Hi there! I know the church’s stance on abortion. But many people, including Catholics think it is ok to kill a baby if the baby is a product of incest, rape or if the mother is in danger of dying…what options does the mother have in these cases? People think if they let these particular babies live it wouldnt be fair to them. What is there reasoning for abortion in these cases? please help me understand!
Hi! 🙂

Are there any other crimes besides rape/incest where we kill the child for the crime of the father? No. With good reason. It’s wrong.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Nancy i totally agree with you! why is it that some Catholics/Christians think that it is justified if someone is raped? it isnt fair to the baby at all. If you saw your baby in heaven would you say to him/her i didnt give you a chance at life b/c i was raped . i would never want to say that , ever. Then i hear other Catholics who are against abortion but thinks a woman has a choice . I guess their reasoning is tthat back when abortion was illegal woman would go to butchers. So just because the woman decides to kill her baby we should make her “murder site” safe, comfortable, and okay for her? I dont get it? As you can see i’m very passionate about this. God really put this on my heart to protect the innocent. adrienne
I wonder if they could move the embryo over or something…i mean couldnt they try to save the baby?
What must be remembered is what is actually forbidden by the Church; DELIBERATE killing. The reason that the Church forbids abortion in all circumstances is that abortion is NEVER the only option; that is only a myth pushed on the masses by the pro-abortion crowd.

While the Church teaches the mandatory respect for life, she also acknowleges that there are situation when life cannot be saved. Even in these cases, however, life cannot be deliberately taken. In the case where the mother’s life is truly in danger (for example, the case you cite above or sever HELLP syndrome) the options are to try and treat the condition (like attempting to move the embryo) or deliver the child. If the child is not developed enough to survive outside of the womb, he can still be baptized and given palliative care so that he does not suffer.

Now, there are some who are repulsed at this suggestion. However, it is more repulsive to have the child torn limb from limb while still alive - with no sedative as if he was not even alive!!!
Just as a note… The rape incest argument is often used to try to show that the pro-lifeer is somehow insensitive or unjust, so be aware of that, crazyage3.

Also, abortions resulting from rape or incest are a TINY fraction of the number of abortions comitted each year. Don’t let the pro-choicer derail you with “Well what about rape and incest, huh?”.

Build your argument step by step, say “Well, let’s focus first on the overwhelming majority of cases first, establish some principles there, and then move on to the special cases.”
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