My concern is that you are not looking at it from your standpoint, not your mom’s. You are Catholic, I assume you would like a Catholic marriage or you would not be asking here on this forum, so obviously there is an issue.
No she does not HAVE TO BE confirmed but it sure would be a good thing. I dated a Catholic guy when I was a lukewarm, unconfirmed Catholic. I thought that if he asked me to marry him I did not want to be told by my husband how to be a better Catholic so I went to RCIA and got confirmed in my thirties. I have since met many men and women at RCIA who attend for similar reasons.
We never married (for other reasons) but I’m so glad I was confirmed. I might be wrong here but I notice that when the men aren’t very devout but the women are, there is a fighting chance at a good marriage, but when the women are not practicing but the men are, it can get a bit hay wired, especially with kids. I’m sure there are exceptions to that rule.
Anyway, what do you believe? How do YOU see marriage and family? What are you looking for? What is she looking for? Where do you agree AND disagree?
The pre-Cana counseling and the written question and answer sheets are helpful for looking at the realities of married life with anyone. The “quiz” does not have correct answers, it just opens up the good questions of getting along with someone you love.
Be bold and truthful about yourself. Be respectful of her faith life. Don’t force, just learn about her relationship with God. Don’t rush marriage; just learn about each other–how you think and behave. Be open to her or you saying, Sorry, it’s just not working out. Be open to the marriage working but she might mature in her faith differently. Be open to her loving you and wanting to share the faith with you. Good luck.