I need help with a decision

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Iam torn between picking Saint Bernadette, or Saint Veronica
as my patron saint at confirmantion. Decisions… decisions…
I will ask the Holy Ghost for guidance. ( Saint Veronica is
the one who wiped the face of Christ with the cloth ) Each saint
has qualities that really appeal to me, and Iam very very
devoted to the Passion of Christ, and I’ve always liked Veronica
since I was a teenager, but, Bernadette also appeals to me
because her circumstances growing up were very similar
to mine, being desperately poor, and so on. What to do?
Pray and you could always do what they do in the church for parish council etc. Put the names in a chalice, or what ever you have that is religious pray to the Holy Spirit and pick. They are both wonderful saints. Read more on their lives see if you find anything common in your life birthdays etc. I know when they picked my sisters name they studied the saints lives and looked for similarities in her life.
Whatever you choose, you can’t go wrong! Pray on it! And congratulations on your upcoming Confirmation!
What is wrong with picking both? Saint Veronica Bernadette?

I don’t there there is a law that you can only pick just one. And even so, you can still be devoted to more than one saint.
What is wrong with picking both? Saint Veronica Bernadette?

I don’t there there is a law that you can only pick just one. And even so, you can still be devoted to more than one saint.
I have done alot of reading on Bernadette, I have alot of religious
items of Lourdes, but none of Veronica. I prayed to the Holy Ghost
last night to help guide me in my decision. I still haven’t been able
to decide 🙂
My daughter chose St Bernadette.
She is also one of the incorruptibles.
Hello Marilena…First congratulations indeed on your coming Confirmation!

Next I think Bernadette Veronice is a beautiful name for your Confirmation and then you can have both Saints as your patrons.

Aside from that, you seem to know quite a bit about St. Bernadette but perhaps not so much about St. Veronica…here are two links on St. Veronica that may assist you…



Keep praying to The Holy Spirit, He will make things clear to you for sure.

Regards - Barb:)
Nothing wrong with a double name. Lots of respectable people have two names. John Paul had a double regnal name (as did his successor). My confirmation name is a double name (it’s my screen name on here). Lots of respectable people…😛

Congratulations on your upcoming confirmation. You will know which to choose when the time comes. As for me, if I wasn’t already named after our blessed mother I would have chosen her. Pray about it…you will know the right way to go with it!
I’m trying not to giggle as you are advised to go for the double name since all I’m seeing in my mind’s eye is

B ernadette
V eronica
M arilena

Subtle!!! LOL.

When my daughter was confirmed, she selected Bernadette. As it happens, both had asthma. The daughter’s birthday, in fact, coincides with the memorial day for Bernadette, so I chuckled over her choice.
However, upon her decision, I came to find out that night that four generations of us had all chosen the same name of our own free will. Now THAT’S weird.

If you have artistic tendencies, you might want to pick Veronica.
Bernadette worked in the infirmary, so do you have medical employment or desire to do so? Bernadette also did embroidery.
Just a bit of trivia to assist in the decision-making process…
I wish I had an artistic nature! As well, embroidery. Buttt… I don’t.
😦 There are a few more saints I checked out, I like Saint Veronica
Guilani, Saint Francis, ( can a woman pick a male saint? ) There
are so many many different saints! 🙂 I like Bernadette because she was very poor, and in ill health like me. We were both desperately poor, and both sick. But that’s not the only reason I like her, I like her because she was funny, and blunt 🙂 Qualities Iam told I have in abundance ( hubby tells me that 🙂 ) I like Veronica because she was there at the time of Christ’s crucifiction, and she showed deep compassion for Christ while He carried his cross to Calvary. Iam very much devoted to His Passion, and Iam also devoted to the Holy Face, the Precious Blood. But then again, there is Saint Francis. He suffered joyfully the Stigmata, and he, like me, loves animals! I wish I could pick all 3! I will have a talk with my priest and see what he has to say about it. Father will likely be able to give me good advice. 🙂 He always does:)
It may well be that we have the wrong impression of St Veronica. It may just be an old legend.
An exerpt from the story reads- Many critics have questioned the name “Veronica,” which seems to be a lexical deformation of the Greek and Latin words “vera icona” (“real icon” or “authentic image”), used in the Middle Ages to mean Christ’s miraculous images.

From - catholic-forum.com/saints/stv02001.htm
It may be true, but may just be legend and myth.
Is she not written about in the Acts of Pilate? If she is indeed a myth, why then do we have the veil at St. Peter’s? Also, if she is
a myth, then one should not pick her as a patron saint correct?

I’m not saying she is a myth. But there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to say it may be so. It was many centuries before the veil was opened to reveal the whole body of our Lord, not just the face- The shroud of Turin. There is no Acts of Pilate. Do you mean Acts of the Apostles?
Is she not written about in the Acts of Pilate? If she is indeed a myth, why then do we have the veil at St. Peter’s? Also, if she is
a myth, then one should not pick her as a patron saint correct?
That might be the case, and one can only guess that Veronica
existed at all? Who knows? One then should decide if it is logical
to pick her as a saint if her existence is in question?
I was wondering the same. Some said Veronica was the woman with the “issue of blood” (hemorrhage).

But if she did not even exist–her name was picked up as a fusion of vera and ikon (“true image”)–how can the Church raise her to sainthood? Doesn’t there need to be some historical record of her existence?
That might be the case, and one can only guess that Veronica
existed at all? Who knows? One then should decide if it is logical
to pick her as a saint if her existence is in question?
For years we have been praying the stations of the cross on Fridays during lent. Traditionally, the sixth station is called, “Veronica wipes Jesus’ face.” I do not believe the church would have entered this into a devotion such as this if it were untrue.

It seems to me, Marilena, that if you are devoted to the image of Jesus, more than that of Bernadette’s life, there would be no problem taking her name. St. Therese also added this to her name in religion, for the same reason. *St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. *

Take a peek at the thread about the image of Christ in this section of the forum, and see if these two images speak to your heart, devotionally, especially the one I posted today.

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