Men need respect the way women need love and affection.
Women love to get flowers and be romanced, and you’re more likely to get these things if you don’t treat your husband like he’s stupid. (This should be easy to understand–is a husband likely to receive physical intimacy if he treats his wife like she is unattractive and unloved?)
If you want your man to enjoy your company, remember that you are not his mother. He’s a grown man, and its not your job to correct him on insignificant things. (Most wives wouldn’t enjoy the company of a husband who acts like her father.)
Limit yourself to five complaints and demands a day. If you’re not counting, you’re over the limit. (most wives have little patients for complaining and demanding from their husbands, so this should also be easy to understand.)
Husbands make lousy girlfriends.
Don’t try to read his mind. I sometimes get in trouble because my wife thinks she read my mind, and franky, she read it wrong every time.
He can’t read yours. Many women have the romantic notion in their heads that “if he loves me, he’ll know what i’m thinking” and when he doesn’t, it is considered proof he doesn’t love her. It may happen in soap operas, but in real life no one can read minds.
Try to keep your feelings in check. Some wives I’ve talked to sometimes get offended at that, but as a married man who has grew up in a household with 3 women, I am certain of its importance. Women whose emotionality goes unchecked wreak havoc on those closest to them. (To make it more fair, no one argues that men need to keep their physicality in check. Men too easily can become violent or be sexually promiscuous if they don’t keep their physical drives in check. Men and women are different, and at times have different tendencies that they should watch. Emotionality hapens to
be women’s).
Try to resist correcting him. This is important just not for the respect factor, but for your own emotional well-being. First, you’ll be lessed stressed if you’re not trying to fix him. Second, and most importantly, it will increase emotional intimacy–if he knows he can talk to you without being pounced on, laughed at, mocked, etc., he’ll be more likely to share his feelings with you. that is something many women say they crave.
there are many good relationship articles and books and, and
I hope this “male perspective” made sense. Men think “respect” and women think “love.” I like trying to reverse it in terms of those languages. I think if many husbands would think about the reverse in terms of respect, and women would reverse it in terms of love, it is easier to understand.
Best wishes. I hope this helped a bit. Post more or PM me if there is anything more I can do.