Carpenter, I am satisfied that your beloved Scooby will be waiting for you in Heaven.
Scripture tells us there will be trees in the New Heavens and New Earth, with their leaves “for the healing of the nations.” (Rev. 22:2). Now, do you think God would give eternal life to plants – to weeds – and then deny life to all the dear creatures? Is that consistent with the way God acts?
I’ve heard people say there are no dogs in Heaven, based on their translation of Rev. 22:15. That’s an ancient slang term. “Dogs” in the original means no sinners. (It was a specific sin.) It has nothing to do with puppies. So don’t let your heart worry about it. In Heaven there will be no sin. There’s a difference.
It is true that animals lack our intellect and therefore can neither repent nor comprehend a need to repent. But then, animals never rebelled against God in the first place. As Romans 8:19-22 reminds us, they only suffer because they too are waiting for deliverance from the sins humans brought into the world. If they were waiting for their extinction, then they wouldn’t be waiting for “deliverance,” and Romans wouldn’t have said they were looking forward to it. When God says He will redeem all creation, why not believe it? “Creation shall be delivered.” Pretty straightforward!
Many, many times, Scripture tells us that God uses animals to teach us.
BIrds are in there.
Animals are in there.
Many animals are in there. Only human arrogance assumes that God doesn’t have a purpose for animals. They give God glory. Why would they ever stop?
When your heart is heavy, think of the purity of your Scooby’s love. Pure love is holy, and pleasing to God.