I need some serious help with my sins, any advice?

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I have two problems going on and I would really like your perspective. It could change everything for me, because this is something I have been struggling with really badly
  1. I binge eat, carelessly and let myself go completely to that moment. I have made countless promises to God I would stop. I’ve prayed SO many times for forgiveness for eating unhealthily, binge eating, and not taking care of myself. Sometimes I’d pray multiple times in the same day and relapse. I’m badly addicted to binge eating. My gluttony is outrageous. I’ve prayed so many times for forgiveness. So many. And I’ve broke all my promises, all my prayers for forgiveness, and I wonder if God won’t forgive me anymore.
  2. I am having a lot of anger towards China and its people. Hatred, vileness, all on behalf of the “morality’ of that what they’re doing and have done is harmful to others. But my hatred and anger which is bad enough on its own has turned to prejudice and a desire for the country to be punished. How can I ease my heart from the pain inflicted by my own hatred and anger? And more importantly, how do I stop it?
For number 1, don’t forget that you do need food to live. Eating food is a natural desire and is good. Yes gluttony is a sin but don’t go too far with it (this is coming from someone who has suffered from anorexia in the past). Just eat normal, healthy portions, 3 meals a day. If you feel a desire to binge eat past that, always keep a rosary on you. Pray it if you feel temptation, and remember that it is sinful. Remember that all sins can be overcome with prayer, and remember that the Lord is infinitely compassionate and forgiving.

For number 2, simply remember that the average Chinese citizen are still people, and most are good people at that. It’s sad that they have a totalitarian government that makes them as a people look bad. Just remember their humanity; they’re just as human as you and me. Nothing wrong with wanting the Chinese government gone though 😉

Hope this helps!
Do the opposite of whatever the temptation is.

For temptations of lust, pray for all the people affected by the sexual revolution: children, those murdered in the womb, divorcees, the used and abused, people exposed to sinful things at an early age, all the people without models in their lives etc.

For temptations of anger, pray for the people that you are angry towards, whether you’re angry at them justly or unjustly. Even if you feel resentment boiling up while you’re in the middle of the prayer, pray anyway. Pray for them to find eternal happiness and joy.

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If you binge-eat, that’s a sign that somethings wrong. Get help—professional help, and checkout Overeaters Anonymous, a terrific 12-Step fellowship for people with eating disorders. Wish you well!
I’m badly addicted to binge eating.
This often gets the diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder. Please see a qualified therapist to rule this out or explore this possibility. Eating disorders are not a sin.
I am having a lot of anger towards China and its people.
Anger happens when we feel threatened or out of control. I agree with praying for them and with talking to your priest.
You might feel angry at the Chinese because there’s nothing you can do to help them. So pick something you can do for your community. Right now, it might be answer the phones for lonely people. If you have trouble changing, imagine how hard it is for the Chinese to change their ways.

They like eating food that they deem fresher. So they like buying a chicken at a market. Very strange, of course, because it’s much nicer to see a chicken in a package at the grocery store. The way they do markets contributes to viruses jumping from animals to people. They study very hard, as a people, but miss this point for some reason.
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