A few months ago I visited and toured Franciscan University of Steubenville’s campus. I even attended the daily mass in the chapel. I expected to see a lot of charismatic activity, but I was surprised, while at Mass, to see none of this. The Mass seemed little different from the one I attend at home.
I understand that Fr. Scanlon (I think that’s how it is spelled) transformed the school into a devout Roman Catholic institute with a heavy charismatic emphasis; but I’m wondering if, besides the youth conferences, which are still very much charismatic, this focus has changed for the college students themselves. I didn’t have enough time to talk with other students at length on this issue, but I do hope that individuals online, who have had personal experiences with Franciscan, or who know students who go or have gone to Franciscan, can give me a better picture of the present spiritual atmosphere in Steubenville.
I very much appreciate help in answering the following questions:
When I say criticism, I do not mean vituperative polemics, but simply criticizing a certain philosophy or theology based on reasonable observations and arguments. For example (and this is only theoretical; i do not hold to the following), arguing (from Scripture, Church Fathers, etc.) that not all abortion is murder because ensoulment does not occur until a discrete time following conception. If I were to even propose an argument such as this one (without strictly adhering to the argument, but simply advancing it as a scholastic possibility) would I receive contempt in return?
How about if I point out what I think may be weaknesses in certain Catholic theologians?
I understand that Fr. Scanlon (I think that’s how it is spelled) transformed the school into a devout Roman Catholic institute with a heavy charismatic emphasis; but I’m wondering if, besides the youth conferences, which are still very much charismatic, this focus has changed for the college students themselves. I didn’t have enough time to talk with other students at length on this issue, but I do hope that individuals online, who have had personal experiences with Franciscan, or who know students who go or have gone to Franciscan, can give me a better picture of the present spiritual atmosphere in Steubenville.
I very much appreciate help in answering the following questions:
- To what degree is the charismatic movement still central to student life at Franciscan University?
- Do most or all students support the charismatic movement on campus?
- Is there a sizable number of students who are either completely indifferent or opposed to the charismatc movement?
- Is there a sizable number of Eastern Catholics on campus?
- Is there a sizable number of Catholics who prefer traditional worship (such as TLM) over newer forms of worship?
- Are there many “intellectual” students at Franciscan. When I say “intellectual,” please do not think of snoody or snobby. I am simply curious if there are students who are insanely driven in their studies and who go above and beyond the call of duty in what they learn.
- Are there many introverts at Steubenville?
- Are serious individuals well-accepted by the student body, even if they are not “skippedy do da” (thinking of the atmosphere of the song; i don’t intend offense by this term) about their faith?
- Is criticism well-accpeted by students?
When I say criticism, I do not mean vituperative polemics, but simply criticizing a certain philosophy or theology based on reasonable observations and arguments. For example (and this is only theoretical; i do not hold to the following), arguing (from Scripture, Church Fathers, etc.) that not all abortion is murder because ensoulment does not occur until a discrete time following conception. If I were to even propose an argument such as this one (without strictly adhering to the argument, but simply advancing it as a scholastic possibility) would I receive contempt in return?
How about if I point out what I think may be weaknesses in certain Catholic theologians?
- Is the school very “clic’ish” (spelling)? In other words, do students tend to herd together (6+ people) a lot when recreating, or do friendships tend to include smaller groups of individuals (maybe 3,4, 5 individuals)?