I need to vent and I probably need some help

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Ok, I’m a rambler so bear with me. 😃
There is this guy I know. We went to college together. He is actually one of my husband’s fraternity brothers. Which is kind of odd, since in their creed they promise to be men of God. I found out about a year ago that he is an athiest.Which is why I find it odd that he would promise to be a man of God. Like, he believes in nothing. You are born, you die, you turn into worm food. Period.
Fine, whatever. That’s his cup of tea.
Anyway, he has started posting really harsh things on Facebook talking bad about religion. It doesn’t matter what you believe, he thinks you are nuts. I have been keeping my mouth shut and have stopped my fingers from typing for a while now. Until tonight.
He posts a thing basically saying that no intellectual person can believe in a religion. Well, he did it that time. I just couldn’t stop myself. I made a list of Catholic Scientist and what they discovered. I also told him he could thank Pope Gregory XIII for the calendar we use today. I wasn’t rude. I had to delete and retype a few times, just to be sure. 🙂
What do I do now? I don’t want to convert him. Which probably sounds really mean, but he just doesn’t seem like the type who would convert. I mean, hello, he said all of us are stupid. I would apperciate it if he could come to an understanding that what he sees in religion isn’t what is true. Ahhh! So FRUSTRATING! 🙂
Pray for him. Nothing is impossible for God.

The Catholic church has been a huge contributor to science, there is no denying that. I mean, even Stephen Hawking works in an organization which I believe advices the popes on things of science.
Though I cannot really help you, I feel you. I pretty much grin and bear whatever offensive things they post.
Overall, you did keep your cool I can relate with having to bite my tongue. Typing out a response…retyping it, and my thoughts going in a hundred directions. But finally, you just have to rest with the really consoling thought that you are right… and God help them… God help us, too. (I mean, we’re not so puffed up with self-righteousness that we can’t use a little help every now and then, right?) Anyway, I do end up doing what I can, expressing it… and yes, saying a prayer, God help us. At some point I just let it go. God can take care of it, after all. But here’s what I find to be a little amusing argument vs atheism. Pascal’s wager…


I’ve been fascinated by Anselm’s Ontological argument for God’s existence, but I think I’ve settled for Aquinas’ argument along the lines of why things are, versus not, why is there existence rather than nonexistence? But I guess the best argument is to be found in love and hope. Life is so meaningless without love and hope, and this is beyond a play of definitions and cultural constructs. The meaningfulness of love (that genuine experience of love) is too real to deny. I guess I’m rambling on. … tis I believe. Thank God I believe!
I made a list of Catholic Scientist and what they discovered. I also told him he could thank Pope Gregory XIII for the calendar we use today. I wasn’t rude. I had to delete and retype a few times, just to be sure. 🙂
What do I do now? I don’t want to convert him. Which probably sounds really mean, but he just doesn’t seem like the type who would convert. I mean, hello, he said all of us are stupid. I would apperciate it if he could come to an understanding that what he sees in religion isn’t what is true. Ahhh! So FRUSTRATING! 🙂
Sounds like you handled it quite well. You will never prove to him that what he believes about religion is not true. You may convince him that what he believes about people of faith needs reconsidering. Atheists, no matter what they claim, when they attack religion and religious people, are simply hoping against hope someone will “prove” they are wrong. Don’t fight him on faith. Just pray for him.

(BTW, atheists who are comfortable in their atheism never feel the need to attack religion or religious people, in my experience.)
Sounds like you handled it quite well. You will never prove to him that what he believes about religion is not true. You may convince him that what he believes about people of faith needs reconsidering. Atheists, no matter what they claim, when they attack religion and religious people, are simply hoping against hope someone will “prove” they are wrong. Don’t fight him on faith. Just pray for him.

(BTW, atheists who are comfortable in their atheism never feel the need to attack religion or religious people, in my experience.)
their is a certain wisdom or knowledge to be learned from this issue, People in a fit of denial of God connected to todays deemed system of higher learning.
is a reality of today…

and it seems to hold merit that what is supose to be Truth in Education has hit a huge superstion of ignorance that to sustain itself must deny God of all Truth to sustain what is a a huge denial of truth of superstition of education…

When its said that God who is uncomprehendable created the Heavens and Earth, and God alone is life itself, and that is all Truth, those that want to be able to explain it all themselves come to real cross road of are they right or God?

Much of what is taught as all knowing, more precisely of today of finance, economics,governmnent, and elimination of morality or elimination o f family or domination of others in wars, is all based on a great superstition of government is the god of the people, not God himself.

in simple words, todays great fictional educational system comes to be seen as a great defiance to logic in the face of God and what God calls all to…

or another way of saying it is, the Universal Catholic church was the founder essentially of the concept of education knowen as University. Based on sound mind of what God calls us to, which brings forth intergrity, clarity, and harmony… education means, exit from darkness.

and todays universities call themselves sciences of economics, finances, and social standards for people to live on, yet at the same time they teach a great superstition of ignorance, for which they charge for… that tells todays youth that socialism is ok, developement of tecnology to kill others and dominate others is ok, wars of revenge is ok, and to not have children and to murder them so thier is greater wealth for themselves is ok…

Universities do not teach wisdom that God calls for, but rather a denial of God, so they have to erase God from the peoples lives in order to sell the ignorant a great superstition, defiant to God.

Hospitals where originated as institutions of healing and compashion, to help people in their time of suffering and to bring them back…originated by religious to be servants to others in need.
Todays hospitals are institutions of not healing but institutions of, PROFIT, to make money and wealth for people in the service of providing services, seldom compashion or healing.
A great deal of what people consume leads to a terrible health habits, but its elimination would wipe out a huge profit potential for the health industry, and insurance industry

that would be a wisdom that conflicts with profits, that would make sense to teach, and be what God would call us to, our bodies are temples put nothing in it that brings harm…

dennial of God, is good for profits and wealth is what we are encountering, a denial of God sells.

Ponography, a serious addiction, but denial of God makes it all feel better to deny the reality…

the story is a lad who came upon an elderly man traveling who exibitted prayer and was told by the lad that it was a waiste of time to pray, for thier is no god… the lad contined that if he could meet with the ol man, he could prove that science shows their is no God.
the ol man merely smiled and continued to pray, as they traveled along…
at the end the elderly man passed the lad a card, nd exited. the lad read, Louis Pasteure, head of science university…

Universities have to deny God, because they deny the Truth of God that brings one, intergrity, clarity, and harmony… only the stupid and superstious will buy the ignorant of false truth.
I face the same issue a lot, and what works best is LOVE. Pope John paul 2:heart: my favorite quote : “My entire life I preached, and sometimes I spoke” (luv it!!)pray before responding. You did the right thing by having facts:heart: think of it as a blessing that the door was opened for you to share those facts for his spirit to hear. Now the changing of his heart is the work of the Holy Spirit. Stay calm. Your feelings are going to hurt. Its o.k. that is what gold goes thru “the fire” before its gold and it sounds like you have the heart of gold. Thanks for sharing…vent out with us…we have your back! Mother Teresa never tried to convince anyone, many converted because of her LOVE…❤️
BTW…I will sometimes post on my facebook a video on the issue. (Whatever it is), catholic answers have great videos and “catholics come home” videos or stories" athiest conversion stories" are amazing! It is probably too soon to push the issue now…but plant those seeds when the time is right, never in anger…no one knows if someone is…“never going to change”…thats not true…we know…with God…ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE:heart: pray the rosary 🙂
Sometimes it’s better to express your feelings sincerely, then if you’re rebuffed, move on and as Jesus said " Kick the dust from your feet,and move on". And keep him in your prayers.
Matt. 10:14
Mk. 6:11
Lk. 9:5
As others have said, I think you handled it quite well.

I might have also thanked him for insulting you - your husband - and any number of other facebook friends he might have who are also believers. But that is just me. 😃

All you can do is to charitably present the fallacy of his arguments as you note them and offer a prayer for him. After that, it is up to the Holy Spirit.
I often wonder why some people feel so angry that they feel the need to be so insulting…It seems that he is in some considerable pain about something. Maybe pray about that so that God might bring someone into his life that can soften and heal that pain.

Keep loving him as a child of God.

BTW…I will sometimes post on my facebook a video on the issue. (Whatever it is), catholic answers have great videos and “catholics come home” videos or stories" athiest conversion stories" are amazing! It is probably too soon to push the issue now…but plant those seeds when the time is right, never in anger…no one knows if someone is…“never going to change”…thats not true…we know…with God…ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE:heart: pray the rosary 🙂
I was actually considering deleting him after I wrote last night. I decided not to. I don’t want him to think that my feelings are hurt so I’m going to run away. For the past few weeks I have been reading quotes from Saints. I will continue to post those and I will take a look at videos. 🙂
I might have also thanked him for insulting you - your husband - and any number of other facebook friends he might have who are also believers. But that is just me. 😃
Right! We grew up in the Bible Belt, he is definitely in the minority! LOL.

So, he wrote me back. He started asking me questions. Not like, “hahaha I’m going to stump you”, but like, “No one had fully explained it to me so it doesn’t make sense.” So, I broke out my bible and catechism. I have to say, it is much easier to explain a Catholic point of view, rather than a protestant point of view. I’m glad I didn’t delete him. 🙂 yay!!!
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