First of all, you should not argue about facts. You should research them and present evidence, along with tentative conclusions you have drawn from the facts, which you should indicate you are willing to change if the facts change. Secondly you should not use right (or left)-wing terms of disparagement such as SJWs (I don’t think the final capital was intended?). ‘Social Justice’ after all is a concept popularised in the 20th century by the Catholic Church. Those who use the term are often opposed to initiatives supported by the Church such as care and compassion for refugees. Finally, you should actually do some research on the facts presented to you. On my understanding of the facts you are most certainly wrong on the FGM issue (to say nothing of MGM). Whether Christianity has done more harm than good is an opinion rather than a factual conclusion. But people who were and are Christians, often with the support of one or more Christian Churches, have certainly done a great deal of harm. Recent Popes have acknowledged this, and apologised - to their credit. I am very surprised that you have found someone who says we ‘should not judge other cultures’. Most people who others would uncharitably call SJWs would oppose Nazi culture, European feudal cultures, and the previously culturally-sanctioned practices of some cultures such as the burning of widows, the ritual sacrifice of children, and genocide, which was culturally sanctioned in the Old Testament. I think what they probably said, or intended to say, was ‘You should not judge other cultures directly by the standards of your own, but on the basis of principles you consider culturally transcendent, and are able to explain with logic and clarity’. SO I’d say plain wrong on one, confused on another, and fighting a straw man on the third (or straw person if your SJW twittermates prefer).