I need your prayers.

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Guys and Gals,
   I have wanted to become Catholic for a year and my mom will not allow me to become Catholic till I am 18. I want to now!!! Anyone who really practices there Catholic faith knows why (Eucharist Shh!). Please Keep me in all your prayers. Also I've wanted a faithful Catholic male mentor. My father is a bad example of a man and he knows it. He tells me not to be like him when I am an Adult. Please pray God sends me one or even God has called you to be him.
Pax Christi!!!

Troy :o
LOL How much longer have you got to wait Troy? I hope God will send you a mentor to guide you.

Michael 🙂
Well, your salvation is much more important than your mom’s preferences. This would not be a case where you are bound to the 4th commandment. You would actually be dishonoring your mother by not becoming Catholic before she wants you too. Your heroic persistence would be a great example and cross for you, and it is the cross that will turn hearts. It would be heroic to go ahead and join the church against her wishes because that’s what a saint would do! 🙂 I am sure if you pray hard enough God would allow you to enter the church sooner. You must have holy boldness like the great saints!

Pax Christi
Guys and Gals,

I have wanted to become Catholic for a year and my mom will not allow me to become Catholic till I am 18. I want to now!!! Anyone who really practices there Catholic faith knows why (Eucharist Shh!). Please Keep me in all your prayers. Also I’ve wanted a faithful Catholic male mentor. My father is a bad example of a man and he knows it. He tells me not to be like him when I am an Adult. Please pray God sends me one or even God has called you to be him.

Pax Christi!!!

Troy :o
Troy, I commend you, and good luck.

I have to differ from the advise you have received suggesting you go against the wishes of your mother. I don’t know how old you are or the reasons your mother is against the Church, but I do know that your mother was given to you as your God Given Authority. Unless she is recommending that you actively do something against your faith and morals, you need to heed your mother.

In the meantime, I strongly recommend you continue to study the Faith of the Catholic Church, attend Mass if you can (with your mother’s permission) and watch EWTN or listen to Catholic Radio. During Mass communion (either there in person, or through TV or radio, or simply knowing when it’s taking place on Sunday) you can say the following prayer, as you wait in joyful hope for the day when you too can receive our Lord in the Eucharist.

My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.

God Bless you as you wait, in obedience to your mother.

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