I’ll try to make this quick, but I’m not good at that. I just sat down to confession a few hours ago after stations of the cross at my Traditional Roman Rite parish. I’ve been confessing to this particular priest for about a year now, and I know from the counsel he gives and his homilies that he is a good priest and a good man-his love for Christ and His Blessed Mother are unmistakable, and he constantly exhorts us to live holy lives for His sake, to seek to do our Our Lord’s will at all times and avoid sin.
That being said, he is not my regular spiritual director, though he does hear my confessions most of the time. My regular spiritual director is back in my home diocese in another state, a long way away (I’m at college). My home diocese is quite orthodox, just like the parish I’m at now. As for him, I would say absolutely the same thing- holy through and through, and a real man, as well. He gives sound advice, and you can just tell that he loves being a priest of Jesus Christ and administering the sacraments to the faithful, especially hearing confessions and offering up the Sacrifice. I stay in regular contact over the phone with him, mainly for the advice since you can’t confess over a cellphone. Despite the fact that we’re separated by distance most of the time, he is my priest, my spiritual director, and that’s not going to change. He has my trust.
For about two years now he has known of and adamantly supported me in what I believe to be my vocation, at least for 4 years immediately following my college graduation: to serve as an active-duty officer in the United States Marine Corps, hopefully in an infantry or armored unit. He has also known that in addition to this, I have for some time felt very seriously that I may have a vocation to the priesthood. We both agree, for a variety of factors (some of which may indicate that I don’t in fact have a priestly vocation), that it would be best to serve in the Marines first, and go from there, to enter seminary afterward if I still believe I have a vocation.
After today’s confession at my local traditional parish, though, the priest here in my college town asked me if I had plans for my life after college. So I told him what I’ve told you. He flat out stated that he thought this thinking was wrong, and that I should seriously consider seminary now, make a visit over Easter to the Institue of Christ the King and possibly apply to seminary right after college. He said that four years in the Marines could “destroy” my vocation, that it might be “lost” afterward. I respect and appreciate his advice and I told him so, but I also told him, of course, that I found it very hard to reconcile with what I’ve come to believe about God’s plan for my life. I just don’t see how it could “destroy” a priestly vocation, if I have one.
This has me confused, and to be honest somewhat scared. Now I’m starting to re-think things and I’m not as sure about continuing in this Marine officer program, though I’d definitely like to.
More than anything, I need your prayers for discernment, and if you have any insights you wish to share, perhaps from similar personal experiences, please don’t hesitate. Thanks.
That being said, he is not my regular spiritual director, though he does hear my confessions most of the time. My regular spiritual director is back in my home diocese in another state, a long way away (I’m at college). My home diocese is quite orthodox, just like the parish I’m at now. As for him, I would say absolutely the same thing- holy through and through, and a real man, as well. He gives sound advice, and you can just tell that he loves being a priest of Jesus Christ and administering the sacraments to the faithful, especially hearing confessions and offering up the Sacrifice. I stay in regular contact over the phone with him, mainly for the advice since you can’t confess over a cellphone. Despite the fact that we’re separated by distance most of the time, he is my priest, my spiritual director, and that’s not going to change. He has my trust.
For about two years now he has known of and adamantly supported me in what I believe to be my vocation, at least for 4 years immediately following my college graduation: to serve as an active-duty officer in the United States Marine Corps, hopefully in an infantry or armored unit. He has also known that in addition to this, I have for some time felt very seriously that I may have a vocation to the priesthood. We both agree, for a variety of factors (some of which may indicate that I don’t in fact have a priestly vocation), that it would be best to serve in the Marines first, and go from there, to enter seminary afterward if I still believe I have a vocation.
After today’s confession at my local traditional parish, though, the priest here in my college town asked me if I had plans for my life after college. So I told him what I’ve told you. He flat out stated that he thought this thinking was wrong, and that I should seriously consider seminary now, make a visit over Easter to the Institue of Christ the King and possibly apply to seminary right after college. He said that four years in the Marines could “destroy” my vocation, that it might be “lost” afterward. I respect and appreciate his advice and I told him so, but I also told him, of course, that I found it very hard to reconcile with what I’ve come to believe about God’s plan for my life. I just don’t see how it could “destroy” a priestly vocation, if I have one.
This has me confused, and to be honest somewhat scared. Now I’m starting to re-think things and I’m not as sure about continuing in this Marine officer program, though I’d definitely like to.
More than anything, I need your prayers for discernment, and if you have any insights you wish to share, perhaps from similar personal experiences, please don’t hesitate. Thanks.