I am a 33 year old man divorced almost 2 years. I am currently out of work ( though I am a published poet , making a little money that way) I want to go and finish my degree . I want to be something more.
Here is my dilemma , Divorce ruined me , Sent me to some kind of hell making me crazy traveling all over the country using pain pills , Drinking alot. I don’t know what really happened to me. I have been in and out of my little girls ( she is 5 tuesday) life for a year now. I am so poor and broke I have fallen behind on my support. My ex wants me to sign over my rights , Not because I am a bad father or abusive , I love my little girl. She wants me not to cause her pain any more. I mean my ex left me I did not leave the marriage. She wants me to be a distant memory for my child ,LEtting her decide wether she wants to know me. My daughter lives in Alabama and I in RHode Island It is 1000 miles away. I try to call her everyother day but I am not allowed to talk to her. I am dying inside , I feel guilty , I am loosing myself. THough I know I can’t give up. I have to make something of my life . I am very smart and have the know how. Though I feel if I do giver up my child She will hate me , If I am not around she will hate me. I don’t know what to do. She is my little tiny best friend , The biggest dose of love I will ever have. I have not seen her since January and I miss her so. Until I have enough money I cant visit , I need to catch up on support before I get in trouble. I have a plan for my life , But I want her in it. I don’t want my ex to take my little girl away. THough I feel she is winning and I suffer everyday…
Here is my dilemma , Divorce ruined me , Sent me to some kind of hell making me crazy traveling all over the country using pain pills , Drinking alot. I don’t know what really happened to me. I have been in and out of my little girls ( she is 5 tuesday) life for a year now. I am so poor and broke I have fallen behind on my support. My ex wants me to sign over my rights , Not because I am a bad father or abusive , I love my little girl. She wants me not to cause her pain any more. I mean my ex left me I did not leave the marriage. She wants me to be a distant memory for my child ,LEtting her decide wether she wants to know me. My daughter lives in Alabama and I in RHode Island It is 1000 miles away. I try to call her everyother day but I am not allowed to talk to her. I am dying inside , I feel guilty , I am loosing myself. THough I know I can’t give up. I have to make something of my life . I am very smart and have the know how. Though I feel if I do giver up my child She will hate me , If I am not around she will hate me. I don’t know what to do. She is my little tiny best friend , The biggest dose of love I will ever have. I have not seen her since January and I miss her so. Until I have enough money I cant visit , I need to catch up on support before I get in trouble. I have a plan for my life , But I want her in it. I don’t want my ex to take my little girl away. THough I feel she is winning and I suffer everyday…