I never get an answer from Protestants as to WHERE the original Church is that Christ founded

On the previously mentioned forum I used to go to (that was extremely anti-Catholic), I would ask people: Well, if the Catholic Church is not the true Church Christ founded, which one is?

No one ever answered that Q except this one Mormon who said something about how... This isn't verbatim but I vaguely recall him saying something about how the real Church.. what? Disappeared? That was the implication even though that word was not used, but anyhow, I guess the Church had some serious issues somewhere in history and virtually disappeared (or something) and only Joseph Smith was able to "resurrect" the thing! LOL Sorry about laughing but it's just amazing to me the things people come up with. I mean, well... Actually, now that I think about all this (more), I can see where someone would believe that the Church went underground for a time because that is basically what the Sedevacantist Catholics are saying in this modern era, that we've been w/o a pope since 1958. However, what did the Mormon "church" say about the period of time BEFORE 1958? Well, they're not interested in the Catholic Church before or after 1958, so there's that... But anyhow.. where was I?

I'll be back after I get recombobulated.. LOL

OK, I recombobulated more/less. In this day and age, no one is totally "combobulated" IMO but anyhow, apparently the mormons say that there was no good Church until the 1800th century (or was it the 19th?) when the world had the good fortune of welcoming the awesome Joseph Smith to save the Church!

Um... yeh. The only problem w/ that is that Jesus said His Church would not fail, that even the very gates of Hell could not prevail against it. And Jesus also said or implied that His Church would be visible.. "A city on a hill cannot be hid." - Maybe there are other psgs about the visibility of Christ's Church but I cannot think of them right now (though I've read the Bible, the DR version)
On the previously mentioned forum I used to go to (that was extremely anti-Catholic), I would ask people: Well, if the Catholic Church is not the true Church Christ founded, which one is?

No one ever answered that Q except this one Mormon who said something about how... This isn't verbatim but I vaguely recall him saying something about how the real Church.. what? Disappeared? That was the implication even though that word was not used, but anyhow, I guess the Church had some serious issues somewhere in history and virtually disappeared (or something) and only Joseph Smith was able to "resurrect" the thing! LOL Sorry about laughing but it's just amazing to me the things people come up with. I mean, well... Actually, now that I think about all this (more), I can see where someone would believe that the Church went underground for a time because that is basically what the Sedevacantist Catholics are saying in this modern era, that we've been w/o a pope since 1958. However, what did the Mormon "church" say about the period of time BEFORE 1958? Well, they're not interested in the Catholic Church before or after 1958, so there's that... But anyhow.. where was I?

I'll be back after I get recombobulated.. LOL

OK, I recombobulated more/less. In this day and age, no one is totally "combobulated" IMO but anyhow, apparently the mormons say that there was no good Church until the 1800th century (or was it the 19th?) when the world had the good fortune of welcoming the awesome Joseph Smith to save the Church!

Um... yeh. The only problem w/ that is that Jesus said His Church would not fail, that even the very gates of Hell could not prevail against it. And Jesus also said or implied that His Church would be visible.. "A city on a hill cannot be hid." - Maybe there are other psgs about the visibility of Christ's Church but I cannot think of them right now (though I've read the Bible, the DR version)

The LDS do maintain, with a straight face, that the New Testament-era Church was basically the same as the LDS are now, Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods, baptism for the dead, the whole nine yards.

As to Protestants (which the LDS are not), they typically maintain that the "church of Jesus Christ" is the body of all believers, regardless of denomination, and they do not confine it to any one sect.
The LDS do maintain, with a straight face, that the New Testament-era Church was basically the same as the LDS are now, Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods, baptism for the dead, the whole nine yards.

As to Protestants (which the LDS are not), they typically maintain that the "church of Jesus Christ" is the body of all believers, regardless of denomination, and they do not confine it to any one sect.
Why would the LDS not be protestant? Any so called "church" that is not Catholic is in the same camp as those who protested the Church way back when and continue to do so. Also, I don't recall Aaron or Melchizedek baptizing the dead.. so it looks like they are not even in conformity w/ the Old T in that regard (I'm shocked.. [sarcasm alert])
Why would the LDS not be protestant? Any so called "church" that is not Catholic is in the same camp as those who protested the Church way back when and continue to do so. Also, I don't recall Aaron or Melchizedek baptizing the dead.. so it looks like they are not even in conformity w/ the Old T in that regard (I'm shocked.. [sarcasm alert])
The term "Protestant" is used typically to describe any ecclesiastical body in the West that descends from the eponymous "reformation", even if it is several splits removed from the original bodies (Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, et al).

LDS has no roots in any of these, aside from using the King James Bible. It is a de novo restorationist religious movement founded upon the claims of Joseph Smith, and is hard to think of as even being Christian, let alone Protestant.
The term "Protestant" is used typically to describe any ecclesiastical body in the West that descends from the eponymous "reformation", even if it is several splits removed from the original bodies (Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, et al).

LDS has no roots in any of these, aside from using the King James Bible. It is a de novo restorationist religious movement founded upon the claims of Joseph Smith, and is hard to think of as even being Christian, let alone Protestant.
I sometimes don't think ANY "protestant" or whatever u call them is a Christian. I know that sounds harsh, but you don't know the problems I've had w/ them in the past.. or maybe you do since maybe you also have tried to reason w/ some of them? In any case, this is what I believe: Christ founded a Church and it is not one of the protestant ones. And after a person reaches a certain level of maturity walking with Christ or trying to.. that person is going to have an interest in the historical Church and thereby have an interest in Catholicism. So it's not like people cannot discover that the RCC is... at least a HUGE part of Church history, if they don't want to believe it is the true Church. And then the Holy Spirit will lead them and they will (sometimes) become Catholic. So what I'm saying is that there is no real excuse for someone not becoming a member of the Church Christ founded. Who does not ask him or herself what the True Church is, where it is... ? so that would be the beginning of this journey to the CC. The rude and nasty people at that forum I brought up some time ago were all Protestants. Only a few were atheists or agnostics or "other." I mean, you will know them by their fruits and they treated me like DIRT, so no one can blame me for wondering if Protestants are very "Christian."
On the previously mentioned forum I used to go to (that was extremely anti-Catholic), I would ask people: Well, if the Catholic Church is not the true Church Christ founded, which one is?

No one ever answered that Q except this one Mormon who said something about how... This isn't verbatim but I vaguely recall him saying something about how the real Church.. what? Disappeared?
They call it the Great Apostasy, when Christ's true teachings went into hiding for hundreds of years until the Truth was revealed. Not defending this at all, just explaining the teaching . . .

Rude and nasty people are unfortunately everywhere online. So are good ones.
They call it the Great Apostasy, when Christ's true teachings went into hiding for hundreds of years until the Truth was revealed. Not defending this at all, just explaining the teaching . . .

Rude and nasty people are unfortunately everywhere online. So are good ones.

Just to make sure I understand (asking a hypothetical LDS person here, not you), Our Lord founded His "church" with the same doctrines and beliefs, more or less, as the LDS have today, the various priesthoods and endowments, and, I'm assuming, polygamy, but very soon afterwards, so soon that no one could even chronicle when it took place, this "apostasy" took place, and lasted until the angel visited Joseph Smith and showed him where certain holy books, embossed in gold, were buried somewhere in upstate New York. (And then those books disappeared.)

They tell you to pray to know that it is true, and that you will get a "burning in the bosom" that will be proof of this.

I think I'll pass. I'm also not into religious leaders coming up with new doctrines and making changes because of some revelation they say they got. Thankfully Catholicism doesn't work like that.
The Sedevacantists say that the Great Apostacy happened in 1958, or at least most of them give that year and I concur. Some of them say that Pius Xii was murdered and I have a tendency to believe that also, even though there isn't the kind of evidence (or I haven't yet found it anyhow) that we have RE the murder of JP I. It is widely believed that "archbishop" Markinkus murdered the latter w/ the help of other Vatican apostates. And so the secret societies that had threatened to take over the church for centuries finally did. The bible talks about this great apostacy, and I don't know about anyone else but I can't see what could possibly be a greater Great Apostacy than what we have in the Vatican today --and have had since 1958.