I only have until December 31st to be banned

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The forum is closing. After multiple attempts and 6 years, the goal of my noble quest has alluded me and I fear I will have to go into self-exile to the Dagobah system, defeated. 🥺

Unless everybody flags me all at once right now. Remember: a single strand from a palm leaf can accomplish nothing, but when they are bound together into a rope, they become strong and mighty.

I have never used the spoiler button before
  • Earth
  • Wind
  • Water
  • Fire
  • I am Captain Planet
  • Wait, I am forgetting one.
  • Heart!
  • Does a hamburger count as a sandwich?
  • Cool! This poll is displayed in a pie chart.
  • Mmm… pie is delicious.
0 voters
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Well, since we are coming out of a solar minimum and the first sunspots are appearing, I’m thinking of a cabin in Montana perhaps. 😬
My mom’s house is sitting vacant in Missoula. She passed away last year and my brother and I inherited it. It seems like a nice escape, but I grew up in Missoula and I don’t want to go back.
Lucky. I grew up in Chicago, and never went or wanted to go back.
In 2020, we intended to adopt another child, but social workers and paperwork go slower with covid, so now it looks like it will be 2021.

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I was actually thinking of the show Captain Planet like 2 weeks ago and couldn’t remember the name and barely the concept of the show. But I remembered enough of it to search for a couple hours online and stumbled upon it again and then watched some youtube clips of it haha
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