I really need someone to talk to

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It would be nice if I made a friend like, in another country. That way, if I’m ever up too late, they’ll still be up so I can talk to them for a bit.
Today I’m really mad at a certain pro-choice politician, who shall remain nameless. Anyways, I got worked up over it, to the point of it being unhealthy. I even sent an email to their office. Oh well, I have freedom of speech, and I didn’t threaten violence or anything. I did call him a heretic and an abortion lover though. This politician left the Catholic Church. Anyways…

I get pretty mad sometimes. I wish I had someone to calm me down. “Accept the things you can’t change” seems to be most of the things. I can’t change any of them. The world is just **************************************. There. Not possibly an actual curse word there. The world really is nothing but a valley of tears though. Its awful. Its awful here. Which country doesn’t murder lots of their children? Are there any nations on Earth that don’t murder their young? Makes me so mad.
I believe there are a few countries where abortion is completely outlawed, I think Malta is one of them. I was actually having this discussion with my mother earlier, about certain people of a political persuasion, being obsessed with death. I live in the United States, and it’s almost 4:30 in the morning, so I got to get to bed, but I don’t think I would have called someone a heretic, even if they are. I somehow think they know.
If you’re looking for someone to talk to I’ll always be here for ya, not sure about your time zone but I’m Australian.

-Kindest regards, James.
Another Australian here. I don’t watch the TV or listen to radio much, and sometimes I log out of Facebook and try to avoid the temptation to check any news online. If all else fails, five minutes of deep breathing will usually calm you down physiologically
Abortion is completely outlawed in my country (South Korea) unless if the fetus is determined to have passed away in the womb, or the mother 's health is going to kill the child.
I nor my mother had an experience with abortion, but my mother had a miscarriage so I have a little baby brother/sister in Heaven.
I had a dream about my younger one and asked if my mom knew the gender of my little one. She said she didn’t know because the baby was either too small or unidentifiable. But the dream showed that I was separated from this baby and it was a girl.
It would be amazing to have her with me. I’m sick with a disease and my brother is getting through a hard life right now due to his university path. But not only that…I wish that she didn’t pass away, but I know that she is with God now. My mom would do anything to save this child. She said she experienced a pain that is unimaginable and filled with grief.
So… I am more than happy to talk to you, my friend! Abortion is such as a sad topic- especially when my whole family lost a baby without will.
I get pretty mad sometimes. I wish I had someone to calm me down
So we may not always have a person to calm us down as such but we do have God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Our Lady, any Saint or saints you choose to ask for help and of course our own guardian angel who works with us non stop constantly.

In the material world you have a priest I assume, perhaps a deacon, fellow parishioners and all of us on CAF!

Lastly, perhaps you have a pet? But if not you may have a park or some greenery nearby to walk in. You may have birds flitting around or clouds to watch in the sky. You may even have a radio or stereo to listen to some calming music or an edifying favourite piece of scripture to read.

At least it’s righteous anger you’re describing. Perhaps you could channel your anger into helping in some way?

When we go to mass we say “peace be with you.” What a lovely thing to wish someone, so I’ll say…peace be with you and pray the Lord gives you that peace when you need it most.
Yea, its important to have communication with people , and also to pray for the sinners
Sorry if this is really obvious, but you could always talk to God.
There is a story about a man a priest went to see and the man said he’d had a lot of trouble praying u til he received the advice that prayer was just talking to God. So the man started praying like this: he sat next to an empty chair ,and pictured Christ in the cbair and talked with Him there.

You could try that when every one else is asleep.

Discussing these things with Jesus is the most powerful thing you can do, even more powerful than sending an email or going to a protest, because He is all-powerful. By talking with Him, you are increasing the amount of grace in the world.

Also, if you are in a position to do so, you can do some volunteer work to help women who are pregnant t so they will not feel like abortion is their only choice.
wish I had someone to calm me down.
This is not really something to put on a friend or a pen pal. Friendship is not therapy. Perhaps you need to talk to a counselor about your thoughts, your anger, your view of the world.

If you are a minor, or young adult,
talk to your parents about your feelings.
I disagree, friendship has been some of the best, most therapeutic experiences I’ve ever had. It ca also go the other way, too. When you say something like that, it comes across as saying '“don’t tell your friends about your problems”!
Definately, people can be a source of great pleasure and a source of great pain. Fortunately we have a great Father always ready to listen when things go wrong, and a great Mother to fix the cuts on our knees.

I’ve just come back from mass during which we all said “peace be with you.” And smiled sweet smiles to each other. A fraternity, a family united by our faith and good will. Wonderful.
‘Take away from our hearts, O Lord, all suspicion, anger, wrath, contention, and whatever may
injure charity and lessen brotherly love.’ - The Imitation of Christ
I already have a counselor. I saw him yesterday. So, that’s just great. Seeing someone for 1 hour a week doesn’t solve everything.
I’m not a minor or a young adult. I’m 26. I won’t be seeing my parents on Christmas. I haven’t spoken to them in quite some time. But you know, its a two way street. They don’t call me either. Takes two to tango.
Here’s another thing. I prayed a Rosary last night. And read a chapter of St. Benedict’s rule. I still managed to get really depressed a few hours later. So, I did pray yesterday. Here’s another cliche “No man is an island”. The Church teaches we need community. You can’t lead a fulfilling life just talking to Jesus and no one else.
I didn’t speak to one person yesterday. Nobody. I texted 3 of my friends, none of them answered.
Here’s another thing. Maybe people don’t ask for help because they get blamed. All I did was literally say “I really need someone to talk to”. And your response is really " This is not something to put on a friend or a pen pal?"

Really? I get worked up about abortion. I should keep that to myself? I guess I can look forward to talking about the weather with my friends then. Ridiculous thing to say.
I would suggest that you go to God in prayer and tell him how mad you get at x politician because he is pro-choice and how that anger’s you because you know that abortion is wrong. Ask God to show the politician the truth and ask him to bring him back to Him (God). Then you might ask God: “What can I do to change the view of the politicians and/or others who hold a pro-choice view?” Spend time silently listening waiting for God’s response to you!
. I won’t be seeing my parents on Christmas. I haven’t spoken to them in quite some time.
You need someone to talk to .

You need to talk to them , or at least make an attempt .
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