I really need your advice!

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I have a decision to make and I need some help here. I sent in a letter to one of the few truly Catholic publications just simply asking for their advice and any Church documents that they may know of to help us get a really bad heretical newspaper from being sold inside the church to parishioners. Anyway, the email to them included the details of how I approached the bishop and he said that it wasn’t his job to ban newspapers and parishioners need to learn for themselves how to discern bad articles (which BTW, included pro-choice, pro-same sex union, pro women ordination etc, etc…). I was not happy with his answer and thought that surely there must be some documents which state this kind of literature can’t be sold on church property. Well, they want to publish my email and said they will not print my name or location or the bishop’s name.

I don’t know if it would help people to read my letter or not. They will be printing the answer in their as well which will probably include Church documents, etc…

Why are you uncomfortable with this?

If all your facts are straight, you should be gratified that you are speaking out and dedicated Catholic journalists are taking you seriously.

I believe that your experience and questions can benefit many Catholics who are seeking the Truth.
Elizabeth B.:
Why are you uncomfortable with this?

If all your facts are straight, you should be gratified that you are speaking out and dedicated Catholic journalists are taking you seriously.

I believe that your experience and questions can benefit many Catholics who are seeking the Truth.
Do you know what? I usually don’t feel like such a CHICKEN! I just have to suck up my own stuff and do what is right. It is selfish of me to not want to help the Church. I know why…it’s because I’m hoping to work for the diocese one day and it may not happen if the bishop is mad at me so I try and choose my battles. One question I’ve thought of “Is this the hill I want to die on?”
debbie m.:
Do you know what? I usually don’t feel like such a CHICKEN! I just have to suck up my own stuff and do what is right. It is selfish of me to not want to help the Church. I know why…it’s because I’m hoping to work for the diocese one day and it may not happen if the bishop is mad at me so I try and choose my battles. One question I’ve thought of “Is this the hill I want to die on?”
You die on the hill the Lord puts in front of you. You go, girl!
debbie m.,

You wrote," Anyway, the email to them included the details of how I approached the bishop and he said that it wasn’t his job to ban newspapers and parishioners need to learn for themselves how to discern bad articles (which BTW, included pro-choice, pro-same sex union, pro women ordination etc, etc…). "

Did you hand that bishop a copy of that paper that had Pro-Gay, Pro-choice and Pro women ordination ?

His answer was throwing his sheep to the Wolves. I cannot imagine a bishop doing that. I must be living in the last century.
debbie m.,

You wrote," Anyway, the email to them included the details of how I approached the bishop and he said that it wasn’t his job to ban newspapers and parishioners need to learn for themselves how to discern bad articles (which BTW, included pro-choice, pro-same sex union, pro women ordination etc, etc…). "

Did you hand that bishop a copy of that paper that had Pro-Gay, Pro-choice and Pro women ordination ?

His answer was throwing his sheep to the Wolves. I cannot imagine a bishop doing that. I must be living in the last century.
Yes, I gave him 3 different editions to show the consistant dissent. I even highlighted the really bad articles to save him time. He said he read them and admitted the paper is “garbage” and that he won’t read the paper anymore.

Stop going to your Bishop. I have found most of them useless in everyday matters. Go to your Parish Priest and tell him you find the papers offensice and why and ask that they stop selling them on the church property. If he does nothing, take it to the Parish board and do the same thing. Also, question why a paper like that is being sold at the church and who is receiving the profit from the sales. If all else fails, then go to your Bishop armed with the responses you revieved form the Priest and the Board.

Good Luck and keep us posted.
Go for it! If they withhold your name then you have little to worry about. BTW, I think you should go out of your way to distribute good Catholic tapes,CD’s, and literature for free at your church. It’s available…

Now go and do battle with the devil…
Saint Michael Prayer**
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
debbie m.:
Do you know what? I usually don’t feel like such a CHICKEN! I just have to suck up my own stuff and do what is right. It is selfish of me to not want to help the Church. I know why…it’s because I’m hoping to work for the diocese one day and it may not happen if the bishop is mad at me so I try and choose my battles. One question I’ve thought of “Is this the hill I want to die on?”
I had a similiar reaction when I composed a letter of stinging critique of a very prominent Monsignor in my diocese and cc to the Cardinal regarding his openly dissent counsel given to myself and my wife behind closed doors. I composed this letter on the prompting of an orthodox priest for the sake of accountability to the Cardinal for the archdiocese. I had no idea how this would affect my future prospects with the church in my area. But I did it more out of obediance. I felt relieved that I had done my duty for Christ and His Church when I dropped the letter into the mail box.
Go for it!! You’ll feel like a soldier for Christ.
Oh, I forgot to mention the reason I went to the bishop is because many friends at other parishes said their parish sells them too, I kid you not. And I confirmed this by calling various parishes, 9 out of 13 sell it. BTW, this is in Canada.

Stop going to your Bishop. I have found most of them useless in everyday matters. Go to your Parish Priest and tell him you find the papers offensice and why and ask that they stop selling them on the church property. If he does nothing, take it to the Parish board and do the same thing. Also, question why a paper like that is being sold at the church and who is receiving the profit from the sales. If all else fails, then go to your Bishop armed with the responses you revieved form the Priest and the Board.

Good Luck and keep us posted.
I posted above why I went to the bishop but usually I would also personally go to the parish priest. In this case though, it has been brought up at the parish before (I didn’t hear about it at the time) and the pastor said basically the same thing as the bishop. He said the we need to allow “both” extremes to have their voice heard. (meaning the liberals and orthodox)
debbie m.:
I posted above why I went to the bishop but usually I would also personally go to the parish priest. In this case though, it has been brought up at the parish before (I didn’t hear about it at the time) and the pastor said basically the same thing as the bishop. He said the we need to allow “both” extremes to have their voice heard. (meaning the liberals and orthodox)
Then take it to the board. If they will not listen then find another Parish. AND personally, I don’t do anything quietly. You even have the American Right to have your voice heard (as the priest said, I’d PICKET (but make sure you do it leagally and that you contact the local media at least 48 hours before hand).
What’s the paper?
It is called the “Catholic New Times” and it is published in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. The founder is a defected priest. They heavily support heretical groups like Call to Action, Voice of the Faithful, Rainbow Sash ?(I can’t remember the complete name it’s Rainbow something like that, etc…)

Here is their website link: they are usually smart enough to not post the really bad stuff online - but it is definitely in the printed version! They usually just appear to be one of the heavy social-justice group of people…which is just a cover because the articles can get quite nasty towards the Church, Our Holy Father, etc…

I just wonder if your Parish is receiving a percentage of the profit.

Also, I think you should let your email be published. Maybe that would let other Parishes know not to start selling the paper because it may rock the boat at their Parish.

If they believe in letting both sides be heard, can you put an insert in your bulletin with proof that the Bishop doesn’t approve of the paper and says it is full of positions that are contrary to Church Teaching?

Can you get a petition going in your Parish? I don’t know if this will influence your Priest or not, but perhaps a petition stating that until the paper is not sold at the Church, you will with hold donations to your parish and instead give your donation directly to your Archdiocese. Something like that or is that too strong of a message?
I just wonder if your Parish is receiving a percentage of the profit.

Also, I think you should let your email be published. Maybe that would let other Parishes know not to start selling the paper because it may rock the boat at their Parish.

If they believe in letting both sides be heard, can you put an insert in your bulletin with proof that the Bishop doesn’t approve of the paper and says it is full of positions that are contrary to Church Teaching?

Can you get a petition going in your Parish? I don’t know if this will influence your Priest or not, but perhaps a petition stating that until the paper is not sold at the Church, you will with hold donations to your parish and instead give your donation directly to your Archdiocese. Something like that or is that too strong of a message?
Thanks you for your great advice. 👍 I have decided to let Catholic Insight publish it! Although, I have asked them to not print my name, place of residence or the bishop’s name. I hope and pray that it will help others to become aware of what this newspaper is all about. If the bishop finds out (he would surely recognize the situation) then so be it…God has allowed it and I will deal with the consequences trusting in God’s justice.

About putting an insert in the bulletin, that’s a really good point. I doubt the pastor would let me do that but I can try. In regards to a petition I will consider that…I do wonder if it works. It’s never ideal to force someone’s hand since it most always leads to resentment, however, sometimes it’s the only way to protect others and our Faith.

God bless,
Debbie 🙂
And I don’t know if the parish profits from selling the paper at all…it wouldn’t surprise me. :rolleyes:
I forgot to mention, I have sent a few copies of the paper along with a letter explaining the happenings with my bishop to Cardinal Ratzinger in Rome. It usually takes a few months to hear back from them so in the mean time I will keep trying with the hopes that if I can’t get these heretical newspapers from being sold in our parish then Rome will force the issue.

God bless,
Church Militant:
Go for it! If they withhold your name then you have little to worry about. BTW, I think you should go out of your way to distribute good Catholic tapes,CD’s, and literature for free at your church. It’s available…

Now go and do battle with the devil…

Saint Michael Prayer
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Thanks for posting those good links. I am constantly on the lookout for some good Catholic publications that are faithfully Catholic.
debbie m.:
I forgot to mention, I have sent a few copies of the paper along with a letter explaining the happenings with my bishop to Cardinal Ratzinger in Rome. It usually takes a few months to hear back from them so in the mean time I will keep trying with the hopes that if I can’t get these heretical newspapers from being sold in our parish then Rome will force the issue.

God bless,

I commend you and your actions. We are called to be courageous - something that can only be done when we are faced with something fearful. If it weren’t hard, courage and fortitude would not be needed.

I thank God that He has blessed us with someone willing to stand up for His Truth.
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